Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3696: Save people

At the same time, almost thousands of huge mountain peaks were set aside.

In this way, the topography of the entire Moon Yin Valley was completely destroyed.

The green ghost, with Qing Luo and the four of them, was hurried on the road. Suddenly, dozens of shining golden mountains rose from the ground and surrounded it.

These dozens of golden mountains formed a solid formation, sealing its path to death.

This is a powerful Feng Shui array.

There were also thick earth dragons, burrowing out from under the ground, and slaughtered this powerful ghost.

This cyan ghost made a sharp ghost howl, and struck desperately towards the surrounding golden mountains.

However, those golden mountains were very stable, and for a while, this cyan ghost could not crack it.


The green ghost was frightened and angry, and a pair of ghost claws were unstoppable, tearing the dragons to pieces.


Lin Fei's face was pale, Ah Zi rolled up his sleeves, and ran in the direction of the green ghost.

"court death!

I actually made my Moon Yin Valley like this! "

In the depths of Yueyin Valley, that terrifying existence, seeing the entire Yueyin Valley, a number of peaks, set aside the ground, destroying the original topography and landforms so badly that it couldn't help being furious.

"Boy, if I don't kill you, I will not give up!

Give it all to me, tear that kid up to me! "

This terrible existence shouted sharply.


In the Moon Yin Valley, more than a dozen cyan rays of light rose into the sky, toward Lin Fei, and surrounded it.

These are a dozen cyan ghosts!

Each one has the strength equivalent to the upper **** true god!

"Animal, let them go right away, or you will be crushed!"

Lin Fei used the secret technique of reincarnation, coupled with the supernatural power of shrinking to an inch, how fast is the speed, just a blink of an eye, he arrived at his destination.


Lin Fei made a move without saying a word.

The overwhelming sharp sword light, like a vast ocean of swords, fell from the sky, submerging the cyan ghost in it.


Heart Sword attacked frantically, and in an instant, at least, it hit that cyan ghost hundreds of thousands of times!

The green ghost felt a great danger.

Its strength is the upper **** true god, the same as Lin Fei's clone.

It's just that Lin Fei's understanding of combat, the secret techniques he cultivated, and his understanding of various laws are much stronger than it.

However, what surprised Lin Fei was that the Heart Sword he used, even though it kept hitting the ghost of this green ghost, could not cause much damage.

Only on the ghost body, leaving some shallow marks!

"how is this possible!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

The ghost body of this cyan ghost is really terrifyingly hard.

call out!

Lin Fei used the Secret Technique of Reincarnation, combined with the reincarnation card of the Ten Thousand Realms, combined with the great magical powers that shrank to an inch, his body skills were extremely weird.

And that cyan ghost was busy resisting Tiantian Jiangong, He Xin Jian, but he didn't notice that Lin Fei was already standing beside him.


Lin Fei displayed the Heart Sword, a steady stream, slashing on the left ghost claws of the green ghost.

The ghost claw on the left carries a large black net.

The four Qingluo were caught in the net.

The speed of the Heart Sword is so fast, it can cut that ghost claw millions of times in one second!


Finally, this ghost claw, cut off by all wrists, fell down.

Lin Fei rolled up his sleeves, rolled up the **** net, and quickly backed away.

"Finally rescued people!"

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.


The cyan ghost, rising to the sky and howling, was extremely angry.

The severed ghost claw flew back directly, automatically connected, and it was intact.

The green ghost, stretched out his hand.

On the **** net, the law runes flickered, and on each rune, a dark grimace appeared, howling and howling, extremely ear-piercing.

In the big net, Qing Luo and the three shark girls all showed pain.

The dense runes of ghost faces attacked the four of them.

"Huh, the mere law of ghosts, dare to be presumptuous in front of me!"

Lin Fei looked at the big net in his hand and smiled coldly.


The endless chaotic origin laws burst out of Lin Fei's body, turned into the vast ocean of laws, and drowned toward the **** net.

Lin Fei's chaotic origin law has reached a very high level.

In particular, the several Chaos Origin Laws cultivated before, all have reached the realm of great success!

In just an instant, that **** net was completely destroyed by the powerful law power released by Lin Fei.

Qingluo and the three shark girls escaped.

"Sister Qingluo, we are out!"

The three shark girls shouted in surprise at the same time.

"Let's run away!"

Qing Luo said.

Within that **** net, it is actually a world of its own.

Before the four of Qingluo were trapped in it, they didn't even know what was happening outside.

Therefore, after suddenly realizing that they had escaped from that terrible big net, Qing Luo and the three shark girls, the first reaction was to run away immediately.

"Ahem..., there is no need to run away with me here."

At this time, a familiar voice sounded and reached the ears of the four Qing Luo.

Then, Lin Fei stood in front and looked at the four of Qingluo with a smile.

"Lin Fei!"

The four Qingluo were extremely pleasantly surprised, and at the same time, they were a little confused.

"Lin Fei, is it really you!"

Qing Luo asked.

"Of course it is me, otherwise, who else would it be."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Lin Fei, it's really you!"

Qing Luo felt Lin Fei and determined that the person standing in front of him was really Lin Fei.

For her husband, she naturally has a way to discern and argue.

"Lin Fei, you can find it here!"

Qingluo and the three shark girls rushed to Lin Fei's side at the same time, completely relaxed in their hearts.

They knew that when Lin Fei arrived, it meant that they were no longer in danger.

They all have a strong sense of trust in Lin Fei.

Because this is the man they admire, an omnipotent man!

"Sisters, don't worry, you are all right."

Azi stepped forward, comforting one by one.


The green ghost, seeing Lin Fei successfully rescued the four Qing Luo from his hands, was extremely angry, screamed, and the ghost mist surged into the sky.


At this time, suddenly, a dozen green ghost lights came quickly.

A dozen green ghosts surrounded Lin Fei, Azi, and Qing Luo.

"Hmph, can you do anything to me just with you beasts!"

Lin Fei lowered his face and said coldly, with endless killing intent.

Qingluo and the three shark girls almost had an accident, causing Lin Fei to have a strong killing intent. Lin Fei had decided in his heart that he would completely erase this Moon Valley!

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