Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3708: Main deity rally

However, the two bronze gates did not tremble at all.

"No way."

Lin Fei shook his head.

This portal is terribly stable.

Lin Fei could feel that he couldn't break this door open.

"forget it.

A portal to the highest world can be broken open wherever it is so easy.

Isn't that a mess. "

Tianguo said.


Let's watch the changes.

I feel that if so many portals of the Supreme World are suddenly revealed, there must be a major change.

Perhaps, in the near future, we will know what has happened. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

Next, Lin Fei returned to the plane of falling immortal.

Lin Fei did not go to Ren Xiaotian.

Because Lin Fei didn't know how to explain to Ren Xiaotian.

I promised Ren Xiaotian that he would definitely get Ren Shanshan back. Now, Ren Shanshan may have entered the highest world.

Lin Fei entered the secret room and meditated.

"My strength is still not strong enough.

When encountering the main god, he is still bound and unable to win. "

Only the Lord God is the real master in the boundless Chaos Sea.

So, I must become stronger. "

Lin Fei said to himself.

Next, Lin Fei practiced in retreat.

Now, Lin Fei's realm is the middle **** true god.

The next level is to hit the upper **** true god.

In fact, Lin Fei felt that his own accumulation of practice and perception of the rules were enough.

Especially last time, against the Lord God of Battlefield Mansion, Lin Fei gained a great deal.

I would like to ask, in the world, who can be like Lin Fei, who is not the master **** realm, but can fight the war master god.

Lin Fei saw a new world during the battle with the Lord of the Landlord.

Lin Fei is weak against strong, fighting consciousness against the sky, making rapid progress.

This kind of progress no longer refers only to secret arts and combat skills, but to experience, life, will, courage, determination and many other aspects, so that the battle is sublimated to the extreme, surpassing the arts and methods! This is a huge improvement on the psychological level! For the real strong man in the world, this is the most important and precious! Originally, Lin Fei hadn't had a chance, so soon, he touched the opportunity of breakthrough.

The battle with the Lord God made Lin Fei practice and took a big step forward.

Rumble! Soon after Lin Fei retreats, thunder robbery ushered in.

"I can't avoid catastrophe in the plane of falling immortals.

My Thunder Tribulation, too powerful, will destroy the plane of Falling Immortal. "

Lin Fei stepped out of the secret room, into a void near a three-thousand-sized world, and began to avoid disaster.

Lin Feipan was sitting in the chaotic void.

Billowing thunder, above Lin Fei's head, surging surging, lightning flashes, like the end of the world.

after one day.

Lei Jie passed.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand to use the clever laws of time and space, and abruptly opened up a small space in the chaotic void.

Lin Fei simply entered this small space and meditated.

Next, Lin Fei ushered in several thunder disasters one after another.

this day.

Lin Fei is meditating in a small space.


Lin Fei's heart moved, and his palm turned.

A sound transmission jade slip appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Please come and discuss together the countermeasures against Tiansangzi."

A voice came from the sound transmission jade slip.

And, there is a space coordinate.

This piece of sound transmission jade slip was the last time a mysterious **** gave Lin Fei an agreement to deal with Tiansangzi together.

Now, finally comes the information.

Lin Fei thought for a while, ended her retreat and returned to a world of three thousand sizes.

Lin Fei told the zodiac signs.

"Lin Fei, I don't think you should go.

This is equivalent to dancing with the wolf.

Each of the main gods in the boundless sea of ​​chaos is full of malice towards you.

In case, when they take the opportunity to do something to you, it will be in trouble. "

Tiger persuaded.

"I also understand this.

However, if the mulberry is not eliminated, it will always be a great scourge to our three thousand worlds and allied forces.

Tiansangzi is too weird, and the strength has improved too fast, which is disturbing.

I suspect that he came from outside the law.

Last time, he said that his own injury had only recovered in half.

If this is true, waiting for him to truly return to his peak state, then there will be no one in the boundless Chaos Sea who can deal with him.

Therefore, if we can work together to get rid of Tiansangzi, it is also a good thing. "

Lin Fei replied.

"I also suspect that the real Tiansangzi has long ceased to exist.

Now this Tiansangzi, most likely, is a terrifying old monster. "

Tianguo nodded and said.

"In this way, he should not be a creature from the boundless sea of ​​chaos, but from the sea of ​​absolute space."

The goat guessed.

Absolute space sea! Lin Fei was a little surprised.

Not long ago, both Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac had entered the sea of ​​absolute space.

"It is possible that the land outside the law originally came from the sea of ​​absolute space."

Colorful Rooster also nodded in agreement.

"How about this.

Lin Fei, we will go with you.

With us, it is not so easy for those main gods to deal with you. "

Tianguo said.

"it is good."

Lin Fei nodded.

Therefore, Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac set off, leaving the three-thousand-size world, and heading for the space coordinate in the sound transmission jade slip together.

After a long time.

"We have arrived."

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac came to a very remote and desolate void.

Looking around, there was no one.

Just when Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac released their divine consciousness and looked everywhere.

Ahead, somewhere.

The space suddenly rippled gently.

Then, in that space, an abandoned continent slowly emerged from the void.

On the mainland, more than a dozen terrifying figures stood upright.

All are the main gods! "Lin Fei, here it is."

One of the terrifying figures said to Lin Fei in a loud voice.

Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac landed on the mainland.


Among them, a figure shrouded in inexplicable laws shot out two compelling gazes, staring at Lin Fei and humming coldly.

"Want to fight again?

I am happy to accompany you! "

Lin Fei answered with a sneer.

Lin Fei recognized at a glance that this figure was the Lord God of the Land Palace who fought against him last time.

Lin Fei felt the law of death emanating from him.

"At a young age, so rampant, really ignorant people are fearless."

The Palace Lord God's eyes were fierce, and the laws of death continued to extend in the surrounding void, billowing black mist and surging surging.

"Forget it, two.

At present, our common enemy is Tiansangzi.

I hope that the two can temporarily put aside their grievances and join forces to deal with Tiansangzi. "

Another main god, who was enveloped by the law of obscurity, spoke out to persuade him.


The main **** of the underworld snorted and stopped talking.

Lin Fei smiled coldly and stopped talking.

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