Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3713: War Old Ridge Lord


Lin Fei took the initiative to kill, and his fighting spirit was boiling.

For Lin Fei, the battle with a main **** was definitely a rare opportunity for training.

The main god's combat awareness, the use of combat skills, and the use of rules have all reached the highest level in the world. Lin Feizheng can take this opportunity to learn from the main god.

During this period of time, Lin Fei was ready to find an opportunity to break through to the upper **** true god.

It is precisely a high-level battle that is most needed to carry out the training.

Boom! The old ridge master was too powerful, and with every move, this chaotic void was torn apart, and the endless space burst into big explosions.

As the Lord God, he possessed incredible mana, and his combat power was too terrifying. Lin Fei could not take advantage of him in front of him.

puff! Lin Fei's chest, blood splattered, was punched through a blood hole, and the heart in the body could also be seen, shocking.

However, Lin Fei's physical quality was stronger than that of the Lord God.

Every time I was injured, I recovered instantly.

"Boy, it's really unusual for you to cultivate your body to such a perverted point.

However, it is useless, you are still not the main god.

In front of us master gods, you still don't look enough.

Even when we were young, we were not much worse than you. "

The Old Ridge Lord said quietly, while performing a terrible offensive, he forced Lin Fei to step back.

Lin Fei tried his best to fight.

Lin Fei did not answer the words of the old Lingzhu, because there was indeed some truth. Although his combat power was good, there was still a certain gap compared with the main god.

Moreover, each of these main gods in the boundless sea of ​​primordial chaos, when they were young, was a stunningly talented generation, a young genius who belonged to their era and suppressed the world.

Soon after the battle, Lin Fei suffered several serious injuries and was covered in blood.

However, fortunately, Lin Fei relied on his almost immortal abnormal body to carry it down, fighting desperately while repairing his own injuries.

puff! Lin Fei blasted out with a fist, the origin of the stars blooming with his fist, and blasted towards the old lord, like a galaxy, rolled out.

At the same time, Lin Fei hardly defended his body, leaving the opponent to attack.

puff! Jiuling's combat consciousness and combat experience were so old that Lin Fei's body was shattered and torn apart with one palm.

However, half of Lin Fei's remnant body still waved his fists and continued to blast forward, hitting the head of the old Lingzhu between the lightning and the stone.

Huh! On the side of Jiuling's head, Lin Fei's fist rubbed his left ear and hit him.

Old Lingzhu's left ear, with a piece of scalp, exploded on the spot, splashing blood.

Old Lingzhu couldn't help but snorted, his face was very ugly, half of his head was bloody.

He is a master god, fighting against a younger generation boy, unexpectedly win the prize.

This is a great shame.

The other main gods also have complicated eyes.

Although Lin Fei's combat power is extraordinary, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, he has made a name for himself.

However, in the minds of these main gods, Lin Fei felt that Lin Fei was always one level lower than them, and could not be compared with them.

However, now, Lin Fei, in front of everyone, injured the old Lingzhu, the old master god.

Although it was only a minor injury, it was of great significance.

Being able to wound a main **** meant that Lin Fei began to have a certain threat to the main god.


With a loud shout, the old ridge master rushed out nine dragons between his eyebrows and slaughtered Lin Fei.

These nine giant dragons are all condensed by terrifying spirit energy, each of which has terrible combat power, and specifically attacks the spirit.

"Good job!"

Lin Fei was not afraid at all, shouting, and greeted him head-on.

If it was another energy attack, Lin Fei might have to avoid three points.

However, Lin Fei was the least afraid of a spirit attack.

Because Lin Fei's divine consciousness and divine soul energy were not inferior to the main divine.

Boom...In Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, the star of divine consciousness, rotating at high speed, rolling divine consciousness, condensed into nine primitive giant cauldrons, rushed out of the sea of ​​knowledge and blasted towards the nine dragons.

The soul tree, soul heart, and soul dragon, chaos ice lotus, and the four great soul treasures all released the pressure of the soul together, producing an overwhelming hurricane of soul pressure, which swept forward.

In the battle of divine consciousness, Lin Fei did not flinch at the slightest, and was on par with Jiulingfang.

Boom...In this battle, the chaos void continued to crack, the space was dim, everything was shattered, and everything was to be destroyed, like the end of the world.

Of course, due to the fighting speed of the two people, they were too fast, and they fought dozens of moves in an instant.

In fact, time is nothing more than a moment, just a matter of flicks.

During the battle, Lin Fei was forced to retreat continuously and was constantly injured. His body was **** and very embarrassed.

However, everyone who witnessed this battle didn't even ridicule.

A true middle-ranked god, a junior kid, can have such a result, it is already very against the sky! boom! Finally, after the battle for a while, Lin Fei was smashed by the palm of the old Lingzhu's body. Four pieces of the soul of the soul protected Lin Fei's soul body, performing the secret technique of reincarnation, and disappeared instantly.

"Lin Fei, we will help you!"

The Chinese zodiac appeared beside Lin Fei at the same time, shouting loudly.

In fact, they arrived earlier.

However, Lin Fei told them not to do anything for the time being, Lin Fei wanted to feel the battle with the Lord God.

Until now, Lin Fei was in danger, and the Chinese zodiac showed up.

"Hmph, old Lingzhu, you can't escape."

The other main gods finally set off and gathered around.

Lin Fei recovered his body in the shortest amount of time. With a cold look, Lin Fei glanced at a dozen or so main gods around him.

Just now, when he and Jiuling were taking the initiative, the dozen or so main gods deliberately slowed down one by one, and they still didn't come over.

Obviously, I just want to let myself and the old Lingzhu fight you to death.

It can be seen that these main gods actually hope that something will happen to Lin Fei.

In Lin Fei's heart, there was another layer of guard against these main gods.

"Old Lingzhu, you can't escape.

Still obediently die. "

A main **** said in a loud voice.

Old Lingzhu was a little desperate.

He knew that it was difficult for him to escape.

Just now, he planned to escape from Lin Fei's direction.

Unexpectedly, Lin Fei abruptly dragged him down and prevented him from breaking through.

Boom... More than a dozen main gods, at the same time, made all kinds of the most terrifying and powerful attacks in the world, like a tide, and blasted them to the old lord.

Although Old Lingzhu was the main **** with boundless mana, but under the siege of so many powerhouses of the same level, it soon became unable to support it and began to lose ground.

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