Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3721: Spread the law

Time passed slowly.

In the land of nothingness, on the gray continent, above the altar, Lin Fei sat cross-legged.

The Taoist priest slowly taught the Fa, reciting esoteric scriptures from his mouth, turning them into original runes, like a group of deep-sea fish, lingering on the altar, swimming back and forth.


In the land of nothingness.

"Where to escape!"

More than a dozen main gods are chasing down the old lord and the snake.

The land of nothingness is boundless, and there are weird starry sky everywhere, and many broken gray continents, and there are many mysterious places.

Snake Fang took the old Lingzhu, hiding in Tibet, fleeing everywhere.

In order to hunt down the patriarch of the nine-tailed monster fox clan, Snake Fang had entered the land of nothingness many times, so he had a certain understanding of this mysterious space.

More than a dozen main gods followed closely and vowed to kill the snake and the old ridge master.

This time, several superpowers cooperated and dispatched the main god, originally thinking that the Tiansangzi would be easily eliminated.

Unexpectedly, Tiansangzi disappeared.

Now, even the snake side and the old lord have not been eliminated.

These lord gods were very annoyed, and they pursued them one by one, vowing to kill the snake side and the old ling lord before they would give up.

The Chinese Zodiac found a hidden place, hid it, and waited for Lin Fei.

With the intrusion of this group of main gods, the originally silent land of nothingness began to lively.

In the depths of nothingness.

"It's the breath of the snake side, I can feel it! Could it be that he once again entered the land of nothingness and chased me down.

Hey, good come, I was about to go out, looking for him to settle accounts, unexpectedly, he took the initiative to send it to the door. "

A vague figure showed a sneer.

"Brother Snake, they are getting closer and closer.

How to do. "

At this time, more than a dozen main gods were getting closer and closer to the snake's side and the old ridge master, and the old ridge master couldn't help panicking.

"Don't worry, there is a very strange continent ahead. Even if our Lord God breaks in, we have to be careful.

As long as we enter that continent, it is very difficult for them to find us.

At that time, we can take the opportunity to escape. "

Snake Fang said.

In the past few days, the injuries of Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu have recovered a lot.

Now, the two of them can be regarded as holding together to keep warm, relying on each other.

As long as Tiansangzi does not return for a day, the two of them will be chased by all the main gods of the entire boundless Chaos Sea.

Taking refuge in Tiansangzi means that the two of them are already enemies of the entire boundless Chaos Sea.

"That's great, let's hurry up!"

The old lord was overjoyed when he heard what the snake said.

"Hmph, when Tiansangzi comes back, it's time for us to take revenge."

Old Ling Master said with a cold snort.

"The best thing is that Tiansangzi will fight them fiercely, and both lose out.

At that time, the boundless sea of ​​chaos will belong to the two of us. "

Snake Fang said suddenly.


Brother Snake, you..." The Old Ling Master couldn't help being shocked when he heard Snake Fang's words.

"Brother Qian, don't tell me, you really [pencil novel] surrendered Tiansangzi."

Snake Fang said.

"That's right, Brother Snake, with our status, how could it be possible to be willing to be someone else's lackey.

I surrendered to Tiansangzi, first, because his strength was terrible, and second, because he promised that he would definitely find a way to improve my strength.

Brother Snake, you also know that if the cultivation level has reached our level, it is extremely difficult to improve the strength. Perhaps, we will not be able to improve even a little bit after thousands of years of retreat and practice.

Therefore, I promised Tiansangzi to help him rule the boundless Chaos Sea.

Brother Snake, I guess, the reason for your submission to Tiansangzi should be similar to mine. "

Old Lingzhu said.

"Not bad.

The reason why I submit to Tiansangzi is the same as you, Brother Qian.

So, from now on, the two of us, the most important thing, is to find a place to hide first.

When Tiansangzi returns, he will fight them both.

In the end, the two of us reap the benefits of the fisherman. "

Snake Fang said.

"Okay! Just follow Brother Snake's words."

The old Ling master nodded.

While speaking, a gray broken continent appeared in the starry sky ahead.

"That's the continent.

It is very strange, not only unable to fly, but also terribly suppressing the perception of God's consciousness.

As long as we enter this continent, it is very difficult for them to find us. "

Snake Fang took the old ridge master, unfolded his starting method, and tried his best to rush into the broken gray continent ahead.

Shoo... Behind, more than a dozen main gods followed closely and rushed into the gray continent.


"No, this continent cannot fly."

A main **** screamed.

"I have to perceive the distance of 100,000 kilometers!"

The other main **** exclaimed.

"They seem to be missing! I can't perceive them anymore!"

Over a dozen main gods, all of them were shocked.

Unexpectedly, with their realm, they were actually suppressed so much by the strange laws of this continent.

"Haha, they really can't perceive us!"

In the broken gray continent, Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu laughed.

at this time.

A place of nothingness, another location.

Above the altar.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, concentrating on comprehending the teaching of the Taoist priest.

Time passed day by day.

at this time.

Beyond the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

In a special space.

A cliff that is as high as billions of meters and towering into the clouds.

A huge bird's nest, volleyed horizontally in the middle of the cliff, like a huge platform, cast a large shadow.

In the bird's nest, there are two huge eggs.

One of the eggs was trembling constantly, releasing a thick black mist.

The black mist overwhelmed the entire bird's nest.

In the eggshell, violent energy leaked out from time to time.

Moreover, there is a triumphant laughter, passing through from time to time.

"Haha, unexpectedly, I managed to get the body of the Sky Swallowing Beast.

With this body, my strength is at least ten times stronger! Moreover, the Sky Swallowing Beast is the primitive Chaos Beast with the most abnormal physique in the sea of ​​absolute space.

With the body of the Sky-Swallowing Beast, from now on, it is extremely difficult for others to kill me! "

A gloomy, extremely vicious voice came out.

This voice is exactly the voice of Tiansangzi.

"The boundless sea of ​​chaos, wait.

I will return soon.

The entire boundless sea of ​​chaos will fall into my hands.

I will rule, this chaotic space! At that time, all the resources in this chaotic space will be under my control, and I will not only be able to heal the injury.

It can also make the strength advance by leaps and bounds! "

Tiansangzi's laughter has a taste of triumph.

Rumble... Suddenly, the black mist that spewed out of the egg became more and more in number, and a terrible pressure that frightened the world spread out.

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