Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3730: The situation is grim

Lin Fei took advantage of this opportunity to unfold his body and retreat continuously.

With the rapid development of the law of reincarnation, the law of time, and the law of space, Lin Fei's body speed has reached an incredible level.

In an instant, he retreated the range of the river.

What surprised Lin Fei was that when he exited the river, the green-haired zombies and the giant green-haired corpse actually stopped chasing them.

"It seems that the main task of these zombies is to protect this river."

Lin Fei thoughtfully said in his heart.

"Lin Fei, the power of this giant corpse is estimated to be comparable to that of Tiansangzi.

It is much stronger than ordinary main gods. "

The Chinese Zodiac rushed up and surrounded Lin Fei, said the Tianguo Swallowing Dog.

"Not bad.

This zombie is a bit terrifying in strength. "

Lin Fei nodded gently.

"Lin Fei, what happened to the giant corpse just now, calling you the remnants of the old road of reincarnation?"

Da Hei Niu asked Lin Fei curiously.

"I don't know, the old road of reincarnation, this is the first time I have heard of this kind of saying."

Lin Fei shook his head and replied.

Roar...At this moment, tens of thousands of ferocious green-haired zombies were suspended above the huge river, staring at Lin Fei murderously, and constantly roaring.

The pitch-black altar was ups and downs, and the corpses were foggy.

The green-haired giant corpse stared at the weird corpse's eyes, sprayed out two green eyes, and locked Lin Fei.

"Go, let's retreat first."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

Haven't figured out what's going on yet, Lin Fei didn't want to fight these zombies for no reason.

So, Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac showed their shape and left.

Soon, he left this gray continent.

"Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu, even if they are still alive, are badly injured, and they are not enough to cause trouble.

Let's leave this emptiness first. "

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

During this period of time, Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac have already explored this emptiness, most of the space, except for the strange gray continents and the old gravel roads. Something out.

Therefore, Lin Fei and the Chinese zodiac left the land of nothingness.

In the Sky Demon Valley.

Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac came out of the void and stood in the void of the Sky Demon Valley.

I saw that the entire Sky Demon Valley had already been devastated.

Many planes were beaten to half, just like a bird's nest, broken in half, leaving only half suspended there.

Endless creatures were slaughtered and died violently.

In the entire Sky Demon Valley, in almost every inch of space, there were piles of flesh, blood and bones floating in the air, and the blood was flowing.

Countless broken souls, soul imprints, grieving ghosts, wandering, crying.

Not only did many powerful men who practice martial arts died tragically, but also endless ordinary creatures were killed.

In short, the entire Sky Demon Valley seems to have become a **** full of resentful ghosts! Don't ask, it must be a good thing done by the dozen or so main gods before.

In their eyes, the Sky Demon Valley belongs to the power of Tiansangzi, so it hurt the killer.

"Those guys, really hate!"

All the Chinese zodiac signs exclaimed.

"The lives of ordinary creatures are nothing in the eyes of those old guys."

Lin Fei's eyes also flashed with cold light.

"Boundless Chaos Sea, being ruled by such a group of murderous old guys, it is really sad to think about it."

Colorful rooster exclaimed.

"Not bad.

The world of boundless Chaos Sea should be changed. "

Lin Fei nodded.

"Let's go back first."

Lin Fei said.

"it is good."

The Chinese zodiac signs are nodding.

Then, the Chinese Zodiac and Lin Fei worked together to construct a long-distance teleportation space-time channel, and teleported back to the three thousand worlds.

After a while, he returned to the world of three thousand sizes.

"Master, in the next period of time, there will be terrible changes in the boundless sea of ​​chaos."

Lin Fei immediately told Yang Song about the situation.

Mainly, it is about Tiansangzi.

The Snake Fang and Old Lingzhu said that Tiansangzi went to an unfamiliar space that did not belong to the boundless sea of ​​chaos to heal.

Once the Tiansangzi is healed from his injury, on the day of return, the boundless sea of ​​chaos will immediately set off a **** storm! Lin Fei had a hunch that Tian Sangzi who returned again must be terrifying.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the monster race, the demons, the underworld, the temple of the corpse, and the Western Holy See, these superpowers have formed a unified alliance and must join forces to deal with the sky sangzi.

Only Lin Fei's alliance army and three thousand worlds are weak.

Therefore, Lin Fei was a little worried.

"In this way, the situation is indeed very serious."

Yang Song frowned after listening.

"From now on, I will guard strictly.

Hope, this great feng shui array can resist the Tiansangzi after returning. "

Yang Song said.

"However, we had better plan our retreat in advance.

In case, when the time comes, three thousand big and small worlds can't hold it, how should we respond? "

Yang Song said to Lin Fei.

"Not bad.

Master, let me think about it first. "

Lin Fei said.


Lin Fei, you are the core of three thousand worlds, and the responsibility on your shoulders is very important.

You must pay attention to safety. "

Yang Song said to Lin Fei.

"Master, I will be careful."

Lin Fei nodded.

Then, Lin Fei came to the portal of the Celestial Realm.

The portal of the heaven and human world is hidden in a space, and ordinary creatures cannot see it.

However, based on Lin Fei's current cultivation base, it is naturally clear at a glance.

For Lin Fei, the laws of time and space that have hidden effects are like imaginary.

"Boy, you are back."

The Chaos World Tree appeared beside Lin Fei.

"This portal, is there any change recently."

Lin Fei asked.


Everything is calm. "

Chaos World Tree shook his head and replied.

"I will try it again."

Lin Fei looked at the portal ahead and said.

Last time, Lin Fei and the Chinese Zodiac tried to attack this portal.

However, there was no effect.

Now, Lin Fei's strength is advancing by leaps and bounds, and it is not what it used to be. I want to try again, can I force this door open.

boom! Lin Fei showed the Induction of the Last Week, unleashing physical power, like a prehistoric beast, shaking the surrounding space and shaking.

At the same time, the physique of the Chaos Heaven and Earth, the physique of the Tianjin people, was also activated.

"Six Ways of Reincarnation!"

Lin Fei gave a soft drink.

Six reincarnation channels emerged at the same time.

"Drive me!"

With a violent shout, Lin Fei threw out his right fist, continuously zooming in, like a sacred mountain, violently ramming into the front door.

The six reincarnation passages, accompanied by the fist, followed the fist, and rammed the door together.

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