Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3733: Stegosaurus

"Is it so scary!"

Some of the later creatures were so frightened that they hurriedly opened up a distance from that door.

"It's worthy of the sword world, those sword auras seem to explain the most subtle swordsmanship in the world.

That predecessor was right, the sword world represented the most brilliant level of kendo in the world. "

The so-called layman looks at the excitement and the expert looks at the doorway. Lin Fei has already gained a very high level of attainments in kendo. At a glance, he can see that the sword aura above the doorway contains the mystery of kendo, which is only seen in his life.

At this moment, in this void, densely crowded creatures stood everywhere, watching the portal.

However, every creature tries to stay as far away as possible.

Swish...Above the two bronze gates, from time to time there were sharp sword auras, leaking out, and the surrounding void, like tofu, was cut into pieces.

Lin Fei stared at the two bronze gates for a moment.

Suddenly stepped up and walked over.


Who is this?

How dare to approach that portal, are you not afraid of death? "

The creatures onlookers in the distance screamed in a low voice.

Because Lin Fei used several laws of the origin of chaos to cover up his body, outsiders could not see Lin Fei's true body at all.

"Lin Fei, be careful."

The Chinese zodiac signs are secretly transmitted.

"It's okay."

Step by step, Lin Fei walked to the two bronze gates.

Swish...Suddenly, those two bronze gates, with sharp sword auras, began to riot, aimed at Lin Fei, and shot over.

Lin Fei opened his mouth and sprayed.

The dazzling flying sword was cut out.

The sharp flying sword dragged thousands and thousands of epee waves against the sword energy shot out of the two bronze gates.

"This person is so bold, he dare to provoke that portal."

The creatures onlookers in the distance all screamed.

"This guy is dead.

The sword world is not only a supreme world, but also, it is said that the sword world represents the highest level of kendo in the world. In fact, all kendos in the world are passed down from the sword world.

It is conceivable how terrifying the sword energy shot out of the sword world. "

Some people talked about it.

Just now.

Suddenly, the sword energy shot out of the two bronze gates all stopped in the void and stopped attacking forward.

The bright flying sword that Lin Fei cut out was also suspended in the void, opposite to those sword auras.

Then, in the shocking eyes of everyone, the sword energy that burst out of the two bronze gates began to become gentle, and it took the initiative to wind around the flying sword that Lin Feizhan had passed, seemingly familiar. .

"Sure enough."

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

In the Ice Palace, in the plane of ice and snow, the master of the sword world taught Lin Fei the real flying sword technique.

The master of the sword world was once one of the great powers that ruled the sword world. The swordsmanship inherited by him was naturally recognized by the sword world and would not be attacked.

Therefore, after Lin Fei demonstrated the flying sword technique, the two bronze gates recognized Lin Fei.

Next, among the shocked and puzzled eyes of everyone, Lin Fei walked closer to the two bronze gates step by step with his hands on his back, very leisurely.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness faced the two bronze gates, perceiving the past, and tried to perceive after entering the gate.

Vaguely, Lin Fei discovered that his divine consciousness seemed to have peeped into a corner of the sword world, and there was dazzling sword energy everywhere.

However, within the sword world, the specific situation is very vague and can't be seen clearly.

"Since this door doesn't exclude me, I will try to see if I can push the two bronze doors open."

Lin Fei thought to himself.

So Lin Fei stepped up and walked towards the two bronze gates.

After approaching, Lin Fei stretched out his hand and urged his physical strength. There were more than one hundred human worlds in his body, instantly boiling, and endless chaotic essence blessed on the body.

Lin Fei's palms were pressed on the two bronze gates, and the energy surging violently in his body poured out toward the two gates.

Boom... Suddenly, the mighty force impacted on the surface of the two bronze gates.

The two bronze gates were shaken slightly.

"Look! This guy is too tough. Not only is he not afraid of the sword aura on the portal, he also wants to break in forcibly! It's daring!"

Suddenly, some creatures screamed.

"Don't be so loud.

It seems that this person must be a terrifying master.

Most likely, he is a master god.

Do you dare to say such a thing, in case he has heard of it, after autumn, settle accounts.

Not only are you dead, but you also have to punish the Nine Clans! "

Beside, a creature reminded in a low voice.

hiss! When the other creatures around heard it, they were frightened.

"Yes, this person, most likely, is a master god!"

Many creatures secretly spread the word.

All eyes were on Lin Fei.

At this time, Lin Fei's palms were printed on the two bronze gates, and continued to exert force. The surging physical power was surging and poured out on the two bronze gates.

Ka... Suddenly, a soft, crisp sound came out between the two bronze doors.

A small gap was pushed open! "Look, that door was pushed open by a crack! Could it be that he can really open this door?"

All the onlookers are very nervous.

Just now.

Lin Fei's face suddenly changed.

Roar...Between the two bronze gates, a thick dragon-shaped sword gas rushed out and roared up to the sky.

This dragon-shaped sword aura, full of scales, exuding an ancient and barren aura, dominates the world and swallows everything.

Roar... the dragon-shaped sword aura, open his mouth and roar, sending out a devastating roar, shaking the surrounding space to pieces.

Two star-sized long eyes stared at Lin Fei, and in those eyes, there was endless sharp sword aura, which seemed to be the kingdom of two swords.

On the huge dragon body, every piece of scale armor seems to be carved with the principles of kendo! "What a terrible guy."

Lin Fei couldn't help being surprised secretly in his heart.

Lin Fei knew that the stegosaurus in front of him was manifested by the mighty power of the sword world.

Roar...The huge stegosaurus, twisting the body of a mountain-like dragon, slowly walked towards Lin Fei, pressing it over.

Among the two huge pairs of longan, a dangerous atmosphere exudes.

Lin Fei was very jealous, but in his heart he also wanted to try how strong this stegosaurus was.

"Lin Fei be careful, this guy is manifested by the mighty power of a supreme world, and his strength is extraordinary."

The twelve zodiac signs were secretly transmitted to Lin Fei and exhorted.

Roar...Finally, that stegosaurus attacked Lin Fei, two huge and sharp dragon claws, tearing through the sky, carrying a monstrous sword aura, rushed towards Lin Fei.

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