Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3740: Enter the sword world

At this moment.

Lin Fei was doing his best to feed through the solid space barriers with difficulty.

The barriers are strong and frighteningly strong.

Lin Fei felt an ancient, distant and vast artistic conception.

Endless mysterious runes related to sword intent wandered past Lin Fei, releasing terrifying coercion.

Fortunately, on Lin Fei's body surface, the breath of the old man Jian and five apprentices was enveloped, and most of the coercion was eliminated.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Lin Fei to cross in.

at last.

I don't know how long it took.

Lin Fei's eyes lit up and stood still.

I found that there was a magnificent world before my eyes! "I finally entered the sword world!"

Lin Fei couldn't help shouting in his heart.

This is a terrifyingly large space.

There are thousands of planes, and each plane exudes the ancient aura of the years.

Every plane is like an old antique that has been treasured for a long time.

This is a world full of kendo civilization.

The highest world is really extraordinary! I saw that the space barriers of those planes were extremely strong, shining with the color of sacred glass.

In each plane, there is a lot of chaotic essence, which is terribly rich! For ordinary people in the world, coming here to take a breath will definitely be physically strong and live longer! Between heaven and earth, there are still colorful falling flowers, raining flowers, moistening things silently.

The space is filled with dense sword air everywhere, rolling and tumbling like an ocean, permeating a sharp and unparalleled mood.

In every plane, almost all the buildings are a bit like a sword in appearance.

The countless sword-shaped buildings seem to be sharp swords with handles standing on the ground, and people's scalp is numb, and the heart is cold.

At the same time, this world is still full of a noble aura, golden divine light intertwined in the void, dazzling, illuminating every inch of space.

Chi Chi Chi Chi... a series of sharp sword auras, cutting horizontally and horizontally like a horse, any sword aura has the invincibility to destroy and cut everything.

Moreover, these sword auras also have an invisible cutting power on the soul body.

"So ancient, so profound sword intent!"

Lin Fei silently felt the sharp sword aura hidden in the world in this world, and couldn't help sighing.

In the space, the laws of kendo that have manifested as small swords contain countless understandings, principles, and thefts in kendo.

If those sword repairs in the boundless sea of ​​chaos enter here and observe those sword auras, the level of kendo will definitely advance by leaps and bounds.

Entering the sword world, Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released from afar, and he felt this strange and advanced world.

In fact, in the Ice Sword plane, the middle-aged man had already passed the detailed information of the sword world to Lin Fei.

Therefore, although Lin Fei had never been in the sword world before.

However, he was already very familiar with the sword world.

Even Lin Fei knew the name and location of each of the thousands of planes in the sword world.


The sword world should be a very lively world.

Why is it deserted? "

Soon, Lin Fei discovered a strange thing.

Hardly saw any creatures.

In a huge world, thousands of planes, quietly suspended in the void, there is not even a single creature moving.

"It seems that in those planes, there is a breath of life.

Could it be that all the creatures stay in their own plane and don't move around?

The sword world in the past was not like that. "

Lin Fei felt very strange.

"Could it be that, in the sword world, has something happened?

Did all the creatures hide in their own plane? "

Lin Fei guessed in his heart.

With Lin Fei's thoughts moving, several laws of the origin of chaos covered the body surface, concealing the real body.

Then, he walked forward gingerly.

Soon after.

Lin Fei approached a plane.

Suddenly, a series of domineering sword auras continuously slashed out from this plane.

The surroundings of this plane are filled with endless domineering sword energy, it seems that this plane is protected.

Every sword aura is very terrifying, swallowing like a dragon, roaring, and splashing.

The space in front was almost occupied by a large number of sword energy.

As soon as the sword aura came near, these domineering sword auras attacked brazenly, colliding with the surrounding sword aura, and from time to time, a series of metal clashing sounds sounded.

Dangdang...In some places, the battle between sword qi and sword qi was fierce, like a large-scale war, fought inexorably.

"what on earth is this kind of happenings?

Here, it is obviously the sword world.

Why is there so much sword energy suddenly? "

The scene before him made Lin Fei completely dumbfounded.

Lin Fei took a detour.

Soon after, he came close to another plane.

Lin Fei discovered that there was dense sword energy around this plane, and there was no sword energy.


Lin Fei wandered around between planes.

Finally, Lin Fei had a summary.

In this space.

There are probably two-thirds of the plane, dominated by sword energy.

About one-third of the planes are dominated by sword energy.

"This is strange.

The sword world is the world of swords.

In the world of swords, it is the world of swords.

Why is there so much sword energy in the sword world? "

In the small world of the Ice Sword plane, the middle-aged man once told Lin Fei that in the highest world, besides the sword world, there is another called the sword world.

The world of swords is a civilized world of swords, and all the creatures in it are sword repairs.

For a long time, the sword world and the sword world have seldom communicated with each other.

"Could it be that the people from the sword world invaded the sword world?"

In Lin Fei's heart, secretly guessed.

"No matter, I don't want to be nosy, go straight to Shenjian Mountain, find the soul tablets of the old swordsman and the four apprentices, and then collect the tens of millions of world-famous swords that the old swordsman has collected in his lifetime, and then feel the old swordsman. The sword intent left behind.

After finishing, leave the sword world early.

I'd better rush back before Tiansangzi returns.

Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous. "

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

After making up his mind, Lin Fei headed towards the plane where the Divine Sword Mountain was located.

After a while.

Lin Fei stood outside a plane called Divine Sword Realm.

The sword world is the center of the sword world.

The most powerful plane.

In the past, the old man Jian and five apprentices lived in the Divine Sword Realm.

Lin Fei came outside the portal of the Divine Sword Realm. With a movement of thought, a series of sword auras erupted from his body, like swimming fish, swimming around his body.

Before coming in, the middle-aged man once told Lin Fei that after entering the sword world, he had better dress up as a sword repairman, so that he would be popular.

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