Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3750: Plain sword light

Then, Lin Fei left the real sword world and headed for the next interface with the sword temple.

In the sword world, all the interfaces where the ten great sword shrines were located were occupied by the army of the sword world.

After a while.

"Master, ahead is Yuejian Star.

Among the moon sword stars, there is also a sword shrine. "

Of the eight sword repair slaves that Lin Fei conquered, one of them pointed to a bright planet in the void ahead and said to Lin Fei.

The star in front of me is at least one hundred times the size of the earth! The hob gas burst out from above the stars, forming a terrifying ocean of sword gas, surging frantically.

In the void around the planet, there are many patrolling figures, guarding this planet closely.

"Okay, let's go in."

Lin Fei nodded.

The Star World is easier to enter than the interface.

Because an interface is a closed space, shaped like a box, surrounded by space barriers.

If you want to enter and exit an interface, you generally have to go through the interface portal.

As for a planet, there is no door to say, it is completely open, as long as it avoids the patrolling people and directly descends, it will do.

Lin Fei used the reincarnation secret technique to hide his true body and land directly on the moon sword and stars.

Above the stars, there are knife-shaped buildings everywhere, and the endless domineering sword aura, flooding the surface of the stars, is extremely frightening.

When the power of divine consciousness was released, Lin Fei immediately discovered that there was a sword-shaped building towering into the clouds at the corner of the star.

This sword-shaped building is surrounded by many sword-shaped buildings, which is very eye-catching.

Lin Fei knew that the sword-shaped building was definitely a sword shrine.

So, Lin Fei started to move, and in an instant, he approached the sword shrine.

This sword shrine was also suppressed by a formation.

This formation is composed of domineering sword energy, interweaving, and it is very powerful.

However, Lin Fei could not be stopped.

Lin Fei used the secret technique of reincarnation, coupled with the law of time and space, and in a moment, he forced through the formation and entered the sword temple.

I saw that inside the sword shrine was enshrined a sword repairman with a slender figure like a bamboo pole. On the body, the sword spirit was so bright that it was dazzling.

"Senior, excuse me."

Lin Fei did not waste time, saluted the sword repairman, sat down cross-legged, and began to understand the sword.

Seven days later.

Lin Fei stood up.

In the eyes, the sword glow surged, as if it turned into a world of swords.

Above the body surface, the sword energy was dazzling, and it sneered around, but it did not cause any damage to the surrounding space.

On the contrary, it is perfectly integrated into the surrounding space, as if it has become a part of the space.

that's it.

Lin Fei continued to walk into the sword shrines and felt the way of swordsmanship.

Gradually, Lin Fei discovered that his kendo had undergone a certain change.

In the past, Lin Fei's swordsmanship was sharp, aggressive, and aggressive.

Now, Lin Fei's kendo began to become natural and rounded.

Cut out with a sword, plain as a cloud, implying heaven.

Send and receive freely, naturally as you wish.

In the past, Lin Fei slashed out with a single sword, with all his heart, energy and energy, going all out and concentrated.

This kind of kendo is dazzling and brilliant.

Now, Lin Fei cut out with a sword, naturally relaxed, like an antelope hanging horns, naturally, without a trace.

This kind of kendo, the wind and the waves are calm, as plain as water.

However, it seems that it has become dull.

In fact, the power is more terrifying, and it is even more difficult to resist! at last.

Lin Fei came to the last sword shrine.

In this sword shrine, an ordinary-looking old man is enshrined.

This old man didn't have a sword on his body, and there was no sharp and bright sword aura on his body.

That's it, standing there plainly.

"What a great sword repair!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being amazed when he first saw the old man.

I only felt that faintly, there were invisible sword auras aimed at his soul body.

It seems that as long as the old man's mind moves, these invisible sword auras will attack.

"What a great kendo.

This kind of kendo has similarities with Xinjian! Even, it is a heart sword! However, for a while, I couldn't really capture his true meaning of kendo.

Because, this old man's kendo, naturally, it seems that there is no trace at all.

Reached the realm of no trace. "

Lin Fei entered the sword temple, felt for a moment, and couldn't help being surprised secretly.

"The kendo masters enshrined in the ten sword shrines are definitely the highest kendo level of the old man in front of me!"

Lin Fei secretly judged in his heart.

Lin Fei sat down cross-legged and began to feel.

Two days later.

"The kendo of this senior is really related to the heart sword! Moreover, it is a very clever heart sword! It just so happens that it can be mutually confirmed with the heart sword I cultivated."

Lin Fei showed a surprised expression.

the following few days.

Lin Fei sits cross-legged quietly and feels quietly.

Seven days later.

Lin Fei suddenly let out a long roar and stood up.

at this time.

Above Lin Fei's body, there was no sword energy leaking out.

A pair of eyes are as plain as water.

In the past two months, Lin Fei has been in the ten sword shrines and realized one by one.

The heart of kendo has made a qualitative leap.

"Swords like this are more powerful."

Lin Fei muttered to himself, stretching out his sword finger and swiping forward slightly.

laugh! A sword light shot out from the sword fingers.

This sword light seemed plain, without dazzling sword light, and no heavy sword waves.

A flat, small sword light, without hurries, moved towards the space ahead.

Wherever it goes, everything, space, time, energy, laws, air, ... all are as fragile as tofu, all divided into two, split in half.

laugh! This plain sword light rushed out of the sword temple, easily broke through the formation outside the sword temple, and slashed out towards the outside world.

Huh! The sword light flicked across, cutting the ground into two halves of peaks, and the two sides in the middle were cut, smooth as a mirror.

boom! Jianguang passed a rolling river and cut off the huge river on the spot.

So that this huge river can no longer be connected together, and the upstream is diverted.

Pupu...This plain sword light, wherever it passed, cut countless knife-shaped buildings in half.

boom! A tall knife-shaped palace was swept by this plain sword light and exploded on the spot.


In short, the plain sword light that Lin Fei chopped out at will caused huge chaos to the interface where the sword temple was located.

"An enemy invaded!"

"It's Jian Xiu! Damn Jian Xiu!"

...In this interface, all the sword repairers were shocked, yelling and making a sensation.

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