Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3764: One-width girl painting

Therefore, Lin Fei's thanks to the gray-clothed old man is definitely from the sincerity.

"Lin Fei, you did a great job."

Tian Luo Jianzi also praised, looking at Lin Fei, full of appreciation.

"Huh, just a fluke."

Changle Fairy Boy was very upset, said coldly.

"There are so many geniuses in the world, such as the crucian carp who crosses the river. Only if you can continue to live, you can be regarded as a real genius.

Be careful when you are not even able to get out of the sword world. "

Ximen Changfeng said coldly, staring at Lin Fei without concealing his killing intent.

"Boy, you are not a creature in the sword world, you actually broke into the sword world, and you dare to climb Divine Sword Mountain, you are so brave.

Really regard the sword world as a land of no man. "

Elder Wei of the Flying Fairy Sword Sect also sneered.

At the same time, Elder Ouyang of the Tianyi Sword Sect stared at Lin Fei with dangerous eyes, with murderous flashes in his eyes.

Obviously, these four main gods were all killing Lin Fei.

"If the creatures in the sword world are as **** as you four old guys, then the sword world is indeed no one."

Lin Fei looked directly at the four main gods without any fear.

"Arrogant! Boy, facing the four main gods, you dare to speak like this, are you really afraid of death?"

Changle Fairy Boy screamed, an angry expression on his face.

"Huh, kid.

I know what you are thinking.

This is God Sword Mountain, we really can't do it to you temporarily.

It's just that, unless, you will stay here forever and never leave.

Once you leave Divine Sword Mountain, with your strength, we will kill you.

Don't think that Tianluo Jianzi can keep you.

He is just a mark of the soul now, and he cannot protect himself. "

Elder Ouyang said to Lin Fei in a mocking tone.

"Boy, just keep jumping.

While still alive.

Cherish the last years of your life.

Well, I would be happy to be able to kill a genius with my own hands. It was a wonderful experience. "

Elder Wei said with a sneer.

The four main gods had already made clear their attitudes to kill Lin Fei.

"A murderer will always be killed.

Maybe, in the future, I will kill you four old dogs. "

Lin Fei did not back down, **** for tat.

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, Lin Fei already had the strength to fight the main god.

Although, these four main gods are the main gods of the sword world.

The main **** of the highest world must have a much stronger combat power than the main **** of the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

However, Lin Fei was confident that as long as he was above the sword, and then continued to improve and break through, he would have confidence to fight the master **** of the sword world.

Besides, Lin Fei's physique is almost immortal.

Even if the main **** of the sword world wanted to kill Lin Fei, it was not so easy.

"Hmph, call you a genius, do you really think you are a character? It's ridiculous.

Poor boy, you are nothing but an ant in our eyes.

An ant, also delusional to open the sky, can kill us?

Haha, extremely ridiculous! "

Changle Fairy Kid laughed shrillly.

The other three main gods also stared at Lin Fei with mocking eyes.

"I really don't understand, you four old dogs, what is there to be proud of.

If I were in the same state as you, I would kill you four old dogs as if killing a chicken but a dog. "

Lin Fei shook his head, looking disgusted, and sighed.

"Forget it, I have no time to listen to four old dogs barking here.

Senior, I want to continue climbing. "

In the second half of the sentence, Lin Fei said to the gray-clothed old man.

After speaking, Lin Fei and Tianluo Jianzi stepped up and climbed up the mountain, not paying attention to the four main gods anymore.

"Huh! Boy, it's useless to talk hard.

You're dead! "

The four main gods, after listening to Lin Fei's words, suddenly couldn't refute them.

From the eyes of the four of them, it was natural to see that Lin Fei's realm, although only a middle-level god, true god.

But the actual combat power is close to the main god! If Lin Fei really breaks into the Lord God Realm in the future, one can imagine how terrifying the combat power is.

Perhaps, the four of them, in front of Lin Fei, were really vulnerable and as weak as ants.

"This son must die!"

Looking at Lin Fei's back, the killing intent in the hearts of the four main gods became even stronger.

"Go, let's follow.

Staring at this kid all the way, so that he can hardly fly! "

Changle Fairy Boy said.

"it is good."

The other three main gods also have this idea.

Although, on the Divine Sword Mountain, they could not use their hands to deal with Lin Fei.

However, it was okay to follow Lin Fei and stare at Lin Fei.

The gray-clothed old man glanced at the four main gods, although he felt very dissatisfied.

However, it cannot be stopped.

Because the Lord God is qualified to climb the Shenjian Mountain.

The sword spirit could not stop them either.

"Remember, on the Divine Sword Mountain, no hands are allowed.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude. "

The gray-clothed old man said to the four main gods, and then disappeared.

The attitude of the four main gods towards the gray-clothed old man was very upset.

However, Shenjian Mountain is the site of the sword spirit, and they dare not provoke any more.

The four main gods stepped up and quickly followed Lin Fei.

Lin Fei frowned when seeing the four main gods following behind him, feeling very disgusted.

"Forget it, Lin Fei, treat them as four flies.

If you want to follow, let them follow.

They are the main gods and are qualified to walk freely on the Shenjian Mountain.

Even the sword spirit will not stop them. "

Tian Luo Jianzi said.


Lin Fei was helpless.

"Hmph, Tianluo Jianzi, this time, it's hard to fly with your wings."

Changle Fairy hummed coldly.

Lin Fei and Tianluo Jianzi climbed all the way up.

About half an hour later.


Lin Fei and Tianluo Jianzi stopped at the same time.

On the mountain road ahead, an old man in a green robe sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and resting.

Lin Fei knew in his heart that he had encountered another sword spirit.

"I have seen seniors."

Lin Fei took the initiative to offer salute.


The green-robed old man slowly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Fei.

While speaking, the green-robed old man waved his sleeves, and an old scroll flew out and spread out in the void.

That is a young girl.

Chuo is slim and youthful.

She is a very beautiful girl who looks very lively and full of agility.

"There are many kinds of swordsmanship in this painting.

If you can find 10,000 kinds of swordsmanship from it, then you will pass this level. "

The green-robed old man said lightly.

"From this picture, find 10,000 swordsmanship!"

Lin Fei was a little surprised when he heard this.

It seems that this painting is nothing but a sketch of a beautiful girl.

Although the painting is quite vivid, but the brush strokes are not complicated, understatement, and simple lines.

Among them, there are more than 10,000 swordsmanship?

Lin Fei couldn't believe it.

However, Lin Fei knew that a sword spirit would not joke with himself.

"Ok, I see."

Lin Fei nodded.

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