Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3788: Come one after another

"Ask for an explanation from the Tianpeng clan! Otherwise, everyone, together, destroy the Tianpeng clan!"

"The Tianpeng clan is innocent, let's fight this clan together!"

"Down with the Tianpeng clan!"

... Suddenly, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, a group of people, mighty, from all directions, toward the Tianpeng world group.

Moreover, as the news spread rapidly, more and more forces and creatures came and participated in a steady stream.

Therefore, when going to the Tianpeng clan, the number of souls that raised the teacher and asked the sins was like a snowball, which grew bigger and bigger.

Later, in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, every chaotic void could be seen, and a large number of creatures, vast and mighty, crossed the super void, and rushed towards the Tianpeng world group.

This news soon came back to three thousand worlds.

"There is a good show.

Okay, I will join in the fun too. "

Lin Fei received the news, thought about it, and muttered to herself.

So Lin Fei split up a clone, left the three thousand worlds, and quietly walked towards the Tianpeng world group.

This clone possesses divine soul energy, very weak.

Probably, it is equivalent to the strength of a **** realm master.

Therefore, it is not eye-catching at all.

Lin Fei's clone was mixed into the crowd.

One day later, he finally came to the chaotic void near the Tianpeng world group.

at this time.

In the surroundings of the Tianpeng world group, the chaotic void was densely packed with creatures.

The scene is very spectacular.

There are too many creatures, and the chaos void of hundreds of billions of miles is packed. Looking around, there is nothing to see except the densely packed creatures.

"It seems that the Tianpeng clan really caused the outrage of the entire boundless Chaos Sea."

Lin Fei shook his head and smiled.

People from the Tianpeng clan naturally knew about this situation a long time ago.

In fact, all the high-ranking members of the Tianpeng clan, as soon as they heard the wind, their faces turned blue in fright. After discussing them, they went to see Dijiang cautiously.

During this period of time, Dijiang stayed in the Peng Realm of the Tianpeng World Group.

The Peng Realm was originally the plane where the Tianpeng tribe high-level residents lived.

Now, it was occupied by Dijiang, which was tantamount to becoming a retreat for him alone.

"Senior Dijiang, we have something to see."

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan, leading the senior members of the clan, came outside the Peng Realm and carefully sent a sound transmission to the inside.

After a long time.

"what's up.

Say it. "

Di Jiang's voice came out from inside, seeming a little cold.

Therefore, the patriarch of the Tianpeng clan reported the current situation to Dijiang.

Including, there is no movement from the six superpowers, and countless forces are sending out people to come to the Tianpeng clan to ask for an explanation.

"Senior Dijiang, now, our Tianpeng world group has been heavily surrounded, and all forces are threatening to come in.

Our Tianpeng clan, no matter how powerful it is, we can't fight against so many siege at the same time.

Once they really come in, our Tianpeng clan will probably be annihilated.

Even Senior Dijiang, you have to be disturbed.

What should I do? "

The patriarch asked carefully.


The six super powers dared to ignore the words of our Emperor Jiang.

That being the case, I will go to the door one by one and make them regret it completely.

As for the other trivial little forces, that is, some ants.

No matter how large the number of ants are, they are still ants, and they can't beat any storms.

They want to besiege Tianpeng world group, let them come.

In fact, this is just what I want, let them all come in to visit me, and from then on, be my slave. "

Di Jiang's faint voice came from the Peng Realm.

"This..." For a while, the patriarch of the Tianpeng clan, as well as other senior officials, didn't know how to answer.

It seems that this Dijiang is confident.

It seems to have confirmed that the entire boundless Chaos Sea, all creatures, will surrender to him and become his slaves.

In every word he said, he regarded himself as a supreme emperor.

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan, and a group of high-level members, feel that such a conversation is simply impossible to proceed! The senior officials of the Tianpeng clan considered how to deal with the grim situation.

And what Di Jiang considered was to let all the creatures come to visit him and surrender him.

"Patriarch, now, what should we do?

......" The high-ranking members of the Tianpeng clan looked at the patriarch and secretly transmitted voices.

"What else can we do, we have no choice."

The patriarch shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"You also know the terrifying power of this Dijiang.

If, we do not obey him.

Then, he will definitely annihilate our Tianpeng clan.

So, let's see walking. "

The patriarch said.

The other senior members of the Tianpeng clan were silent for a while.

Yes, the current situation, fundamentally, is not about the choice of the Tianpeng clan.

The real thing is that there is a tiger in the front and a wolf in the back. The Tianpeng clan is caught in the middle.

"Let the order go on and let all the people be prepared.

Once the situation is not good, we prepare the whole family to flee.

Remember, as much as you can escape, try to preserve the blood of our Tianpeng clan. "

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan spoke to other high-level officials.


The other senior officials nodded.

"People of the Tianpeng clan, get out! Don't you Tianpeng clan want to rule the boundless sea of ​​chaos, we are all here, see how you rule!"

At this time, near the Tianpeng world group, a tall, thick-skinned man with tiger-shaped markings roared.

The billowing sound turned into a violent tsunami, rushing into the Tianpeng world group violently.

"It's the master of the Xuanhu clan here!"

Some creatures exclaimed excitedly.

It turned out that the big man came from the Xuanhu clan.

The Xuanhu clan is a big clan whose strength is similar to that of the Tianpeng clan, and in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, it is also famous.

"Haha, **** of the Tianpeng clan, your uncle, I'm here! Uncle, I want to see how you rule me!"

An obese man with a strong stature and a protruding nose shouted loudly, full of breath, shaking for hundreds of thousands of miles, and shaking.

"The master of the Celestial Clan is here too!"

Around, some creatures screamed, revealing the identity of the fat man.

"Hehe..., I heard that the Tianpeng clan is going to rule the boundless sea of ​​chaos, I came here to see if it is true."

A black robe floated and appeared in front of everyone, and there was a shrill and delicate voice, which was very ear-piercing.

Strangely, in that black robe, it seemed to be empty, and no creatures could be seen inside.

There is only a black robe floating in the void.

"The master of the Tianyin clan is here too! This clan is generally simple and simple, but it is a matter of the world.

Unexpectedly, it also came. "

Another creature cried out in surprise.

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