Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3802: Imperial Army Expedition

"Master Dijiang, dominate the world forever!"

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are such wild calls everywhere.

Teams of imperial troops are walking in the world.

Except for the imperial army, any other forces and ethnic groups no longer exist.

Because, with the exception of the six superpowers, all world groups, ethnic groups, and various forces have all become slaves of Emperor Jiang and become part of the Imperial Army.

If he refused to submit to the imperial army, he was either destroyed or fleeing far away, and he dared not show his face anymore.

Therefore, the current boundless Chaos Sea, completely, has become the world of Dijiang.

Among the Tianpeng world group.

"Master Dijiang, dominate the world forever!"

Countless strong men knelt down around Dijiang, shouting loudly.

Dijiang sits on a magnificent high platform.

Around the high platform, there are nine shining dragons carved with gods, the dragon head is high and mighty.

This is the throne of Dijiang, the patriarch of the Tianpeng clan. It collects all kinds of rare treasures from all over the world, drives skilled craftsmen, and refines it. It represents the majesty of Dijiang.


It is a very glorious thing that you are fortunate to be slaves to our Emperor Jiang.

Rest assured, as long as you are loyal and loyal, follow me and be an obedient dog, I will not treat you badly. "

Di Jiang said lightly, the majestic voice, like the voice of the **** of heaven, within the Tianpeng world group, rumbling and resounding, shocked all the creatures, and the soul body shook.

"Master Dijiang, please rest assured, we will definitely become the most loyal and obedient dog around Master Dijiang!"

All the strong people answered in unison.

Of course, most powerhouses are unwilling to say such lowly words.

Just ask, who wants to be someone else’s dog?

However, in front of Dijiang, they must show how lowly they must be, so that they can win Dijiang's favor, survive safely, and gain Dijiang's belief.

During this period of time, these creatures who followed Di Jiang already had a preliminary understanding of Di Jiang's character.

I like absolute control, like being a slave to him, and absolutely obedient.

At the same time, indifferent, cruel, very indifferent to life, a little dissatisfied, will violently kill.

During this period of time, I don't know how many strong people, for some very trivial reasons, angered Dijiang a little, and was killed by him on the spot.

Even a few ethnic groups that surrendered to Dijiang, because they did not behave enough to be low-pitched, lowly and obedient enough, were exterminated by Dijiang! "Master Dijiang, now, the boundless sea of ​​chaos is basically the world of our imperial army.

Wherever our imperial army went, the world bowed its head.

Lord Dijiang, you are a well-deserved ruler of the boundless sea of ​​chaos. "

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan, kneeling before Dijiang, said cautiously.

"Well, are you sure, am I really the ruler of the boundless sea of ​​chaos now?"

Di Jiang glanced lightly at the head of the Tianpeng clan.

Suddenly, the patriarch of the Tianpeng clan, his whole body was shocked by an electric shock, and was thrown back by a powerful energy, vomiting blood repeatedly in his mouth.

"Lord Dijiang, spare your life, spare your life! The slave is wrong.

The minion said something wrong! "

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan was so frightened, he quickly climbed onto the ground, kowtowing, and begging.

The other strong men knelt on the ground one by one, not daring to move.

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan is the most respected celebrity around Dijiang.

Actually, because of a word, he was treated like this by Dijiang.

Where can other strong men dare to speak?


So what is wrong with you. "

Di Jiang looked at the patriarch of the Tianpeng clan indifferently and indifferently.

"I was wrong..., I was wrong....

Ah, I understand what Lord Dijiang meant.

Now, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, there are still the so-called six superpowers who are bold enough to come forward, surrender to Lord Dijiang and serve as a slave to Lord Dijiang.

This is a heinous sin, and the sin is unforgivable. Please order from Lord Dijiang, and I will immediately lead our imperial army to fight against the six superpowers! "

The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan finally remembered this and knew why Dijiang was upset.

That's because, until now, the six superpowers have not had any movement.

[Biqugeso] Even, Dijiang sent out messengers to deliver imperial decree to the six superpowers. Some were killed and some were injured.

Di Jiang was angry because of this.

It just so happened that the patriarch of the Tianpeng clan became Dijiang's discourager.

"Well, the six superpowers are indeed going to be crusaded."

Di Jiang's expression softened a bit, and he nodded and said.


The patriarch of the Tianpeng clan couldn't help feeling in his heart, secretly thanking him, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Lord Dijiang, please give an order, our emperor army, immediately crusade against the six superpowers!"

The other strong men also acted by chance and shouted in unison.

"Well, that's good.

That being the case, immediately ignite the army and go to conquer the six superpowers.

I want them to understand and let the world's creatures understand that in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, apart from my Emperor Jiang, there is no power worthy of the title of super power.

Only me, Dijiang, I am a super power! "

Above the tall throne, the voice of Dijiang rang loudly.

"Master Dijiang, dominate the world forever!"

In the Tianpeng clan world group, there were again bursts of wild cries, shaking the sky for hundreds of billions of miles.

Under Dijiang's extreme lust, these creatures seemed to have abandoned their dignity and face, shouting slogans.

After half a day.

A large number of imperial troops set off in a mighty force.

In the middle of the army, a magnificent high seat was lifted by hundreds of gods and moved forward at the same time.

Hundreds of gods carry the bridge! This kind of treatment, I am afraid, only Dijiang can think of it.

In the boundless, boundless chaotic sea, groups of soldiers were marching, their battles gleaming, and their armors were cold.

The number of this imperial army is astonishing, almost gathering the elites of most forces in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and every soldier is very powerful, and they all exude a chilling air.

Rumble... This huge imperial army, without hurries, marched towards the void ahead.

Exudes a terrible atmosphere of war.

Under this breath that obscures the sky, everything is trembling, the forest light of armor, and the murderous intent of weapons, together, make the stars dim, and the sun and moon of countless planes are trembling.

"Master Dijiang, dominate the world forever!"

Every once in a while, among the army, rumbling slogans sounded, and almost the entire boundless Chaos Sea was shaken.

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