Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3812: Kendo World

The true meaning of the five swords, and Lin Fei's body and soul, are completely integrated, regardless of each other, equal to a part of Lin Fei's body.

At this moment, Lin Fei's body was like a sword, and the sword's intent was retracted and retracted to the point where he wanted.

With a single thought, the sword intent can reach the sky, shaking the heavens and all realms.

In a single thought, there can be no sword intent, like an ordinary mortal who has never practiced swords, without any sword intent leaked.

At the same time, Lin Fei discovered that within his body, faintly, it seemed that a space dominated by swords was about to be born.

This space is purely composed of sword intent, and contains various sword civilizations, sword beliefs, sword history... "Young people, swordsmanship, reaching the highest state, not only can be destroyed, but can also be born.

In your body, a world dominated by swords will slowly be born.

As your kendo level gets higher and higher, this world will slowly develop until it becomes a real world.

This world, you can call it, the sword world. "

The yellow robe old man said.

"Sword Realm..." Lin Fei was surprised when he sensed the vaguely born space in his body.

"Sword Realm, could it be..." Suddenly, Lin Fei's eyes flashed brightly, as if thinking of something extremely shocking.

"Hehe, young man, you know what you want to say.

Do you want to ask whether the supreme world we are now in, the sword world, was born like this. "

The old man in yellow robe smiled.


Lin Fei nodded.

"Not bad.

Young man, you guessed right.

The supreme world we are now in, the sword world, is actually a world born from the body of a sword repairman. "

The old man in yellow robe nodded and said.


! "

Lin Fei got the affirmative answer, shocked to the extreme.

The sword world, this supreme world, was born from the body of a sword repairman.

"Senior, is that Jian Xiu a Chaos God?"

Lin Fei asked.

To be able to create a supreme world, it seems that only Chaos God can do it.

"Haha, yes, that senior sword repairman, indeed, is a chaos god.

The creation of the chaos **** is not a myth, but a real thing. "

The old man in red robe smiled.

"I've heard a saying before.

The supreme world is actually a place for chaotic gods to practice in retreat. "

Lin Fei said.

"There is no conflict.

The Supreme World is often created by the Chaos God, and the Chaos God will often practice retreat in the world created by him. "

The old man in yellow robe smiled.

"Yeah, too."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Lin Fei, from now on, you can inhale the sword energy, sword intent, and old brain you encounter into the space that is about to be born in your body, and become the nourishment for its development.

Put it this way, there are two ways to make the world of kendo in your body grow.

The first way is to improve your kendo level and nourish the world of kendo.

The second way is to absorb the sword energy and sword intent from the outside world.

The world of kendo, once developed and expanded, has great benefits.

You can, think of the world of kendo as a dantian, a dantian that specializes in holding kendo energy.

The same moves, simultaneous swordsmanship, cut out with one sword, some sword repairs, stone and gold, some sword repairs, cut mountains and rivers, some sword repairs, cut heaven and earth, and some sword repairs, which can be broken by sword Plane, cut the chaotic years.

This is because sword repairs of different realms have different kendo energy. "

The yellow robe old man said.

"um, yes."

Lin Fei nodded.

With Lin Fei's current level of kendo, he began to understand a lot of knowledge about kendo.

"Well, in the future, I will consciously absorb the sword energy and intent of the outside world to strengthen the world of swordsmanship in my body."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Also, you now have the five true meanings of kendo. Later, when you use the sword, attach these true meanings of the five kendos to your sword moves. At the very least, the power can be increased by more than a thousand times!"

The yellow robe old man said.

"Is it so awesome!"

Lin Fei was overjoyed.

"Not bad.

Therefore, the true meaning of kendo is a supreme treasure for every sword repairman. "

The old man in yellow robe smiled.

"Young man, you can try now to absorb some of the sword intent and sword energy of Shenjian Mountain.

Everyone, there are no comments. "

The red robe old man suddenly said.


Absorb some in an appropriate amount, and it will have no real impact on Shenjian Mountain. "

The other four sword spirits all nodded in agreement.

boom! A force of time and space transmission descended from the sky and enveloped Lin Fei.

next moment.

Lin Fei found that he had left the previous secret room and appeared on the top of Shenjian Mountain.

The five sword spirits all stood beside Lin Fei.

"Five seniors, I'm starting."

Lin Fei said.


Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the five true meanings of swordsmanship in his body were activated at the same time, shining brightly, and the world of swordsmanship in his body was about to take shape.

Rumble...On the Divine Sword Mountain, around Lin Fei, a series of sword aura and sword intent were drawn and started to walk towards Lin Fei.

Shoo...Sword aura, a steady stream, entered Lin Fei's body.

The sky full of sword intent also penetrated into Lin Fei's body.

Rumble...This piece of void trembles slightly.

A large amount of sword intent and sword aura were continuously sucked into Lin Fei's body.

In the end, it was absorbed by the true meaning of the five kendos, or the world of kendo that was about to take shape.

During this process, Lin Fei clearly felt that the kendo energy in his body was constantly increasing.

that's it.

Lin Fei probably absorbed three hours.

During these three hours, all the sword intent and sword energy within a radius of tens of miles around Lin Fei absorbed light.

You know, Shenjian Mountain is the core of the sword world and the holy land for sword repair in the world.

The sword intent and sword energy on the Shenjian Mountain are of high quality and are the best in the world! Of course, the Excalibur Mountain is too tall and the area is too wide. The range of dozens of miles is like a drop in the bucket for the entire Excalibur Mountain.

Therefore, Lin Fei absorbed these sword intent and sword energy, and it had no effect on Shenjian Mountain.

"How about it, do you feel that your kendo energy is a lot stronger."

The yellow-robed old man asked with a smile.


Lin Fei nodded, thinking.

Sword lights burst out from the body. The quality of these sword lights was terrifying. It was like a burst of golden light, the scorching sun was masculine, and the spirits did not invade.

Shoo...the dazzling sword light, the lethality is very terrifying, and everything around, including energy, law, time, and space, constantly evaporates and turns into a sky of smoke.

"My kendo level has soared in a straight line! Now, with kendo, I can fight, even defeat, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, those master gods with average combat power!"

A strong confidence surged in Lin Fei's heart.

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