Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3850: You are lying to me

"Hehe, well, go, you guys lead the way.

Now go to rescue the Lin Family's urgency first, and then go to destroy the Purple Cangjian Sect. "

Lin Fei laughed.

"Shall we lead the way, go now?

Is it just the three of us?

To rescue the Lin Family's distress, and then destroy the Purple Cangjian Sect? "

The two brothers and sisters of the Lin family were taken aback, staring at Lin Fei blankly.

I thought I heard it wrong.

"Of course not only the three of us will go."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"That's it! Young Master Lin, I was taken aback by you.

The Zi Cangjian sent a large number of people and powerful, and the three of us would definitely not be able to deal with it.

Young Master Lin, please quickly inform the forces behind you and send out people to fight the Purple Cangjian Sect together.

Young Master Lin, I guess, the power behind you must be very strong, and it should not be weaker than the Purple Cangjian faction.

Otherwise, Young Master Lin would not be confident, nor afraid of the Purple Cang Sword Sect.

Master Lin, you are the great savior of our Lin family.

As long as Young Master Lin can help our Lin family through the crisis, Yuefeng is willing to repay Young Master Lin in any way, even..., it is also possible. "

Speaking of this, Lin Yuefeng's pretty face suddenly showed a hint of shyness.

This expression, as long as it is a man, naturally understands.

"Sister Feng, you..." Lin Yuefeng's eldest brother stood aside, anxious.

"Ahem..., Miss Lin, my surname is Lin too, I only treat you as my sister."

Lin Fei was a bit speechless.

"Master Lin, let's talk about this later. The most important thing at the moment is to ask Master Lin to contact the forces behind you quickly and send people to help our Lin family through the crisis.

The headquarters of our Lin family has been surrounded for a few days.

I don't know, what's going on now. "

Lin Yuefeng urged.

"Miss Lin, there is no power behind me.

My power is here.

It's me, and these slaves. "

Lin Fei pointed at himself and the dozens of slaves behind him.


! "

The two brothers and sisters of the Lin family were stunned again.

"Behind you, there is not a powerful force comparable to that of the Purple Cangjian Sect?

Just you and these people from the Purple Cang Sword School? "

Lin Yuefeng shouted disappointedly.

In her subconscious, she has always believed that there must be a powerful force behind the mysterious young man in front of her.

Otherwise, it won't, keep saying that they will deal with the Purple Cangjian Sect.

Who knows, but got such an answer.

"Not bad."

Lin Fei smiled and nodded.

"You..., you..., it turns out that you have been lying to me!"

Lin Yuefeng furiously said, her delicate body trembling constantly.

"Sister Feng, I said earlier, this kid is not reliable.

Stop listening to his nonsense. "

Brother Lin Yuefeng also said angrily.

"How do you say it, Miss Lin, you still don't believe me."

Lin Fei frowned involuntarily.

"Liar, how do you make me believe you! The Purple Cangjian faction alone has thousands of high-ranking true gods, and three and a half-step master gods, disciples in the faction, close to 100 million! How do you deal with it?

Lin Yuefeng shouted angrily.

"I just want to help you Lin Family, you are so entangled.


I won't tell you more, then you will understand whether I am capable of dealing with the Purple Cang Sword Sect. "

Lin Fei shook his head helplessly.

Then, with a flick of the sleeves, a powerful sealing force was released, sealing the Lin family brothers and sisters.

"Lead the way! Otherwise, I'll be rude to you!"

Lin Fei shouted.

A terrifying coercion rolled over to the Lin family brothers and sisters.

It's as if hundreds of thousands of sacred mountains descended at the same time, causing this space to sink suddenly and let everything freeze.

The brothers and sisters of the Lin family, under the mighty energy pressure, squeezed towards themselves, as if their bodies were about to explode.

"I will lead the way, don't hurt my sister!"

Lin Yuefeng's eldest brother quickly shouted.


With a wave of Lin Fei, the bodies of the Lin family's brothers and sisters flew out involuntarily.

Lin Fei took a step and followed behind.

Dozens of slaves showed off one by one to follow Lin Fei.

Under the guidance of the Lin family's brothers and sisters, Lin Fei headed towards the Lin family's headquarters.

Heavenly Sword Plane, Pill Sword City! Danjian City is where the Lin Family's headquarters is located.

In the past, Danjian City was a lively and prosperous city with people coming and going.

However, in the past few days, Pill Sword City is filled with a smell of gunpowder smoke! Tensions! In the city, everyone is ready to fight to the death.

Outside the city, it has been besieged by the Purple Cangjian faction and heavy soldiers.

At a glance, the dense army, full of mountains and plains, can't see the end! Whether in or out of the city, there are billowing sword lights, rising to the sky, like a dragon and snake, crazily twisting and dancing.

at this time.

In Danjian City.

Lin Family Mansion! This Lin family mansion is like a city within a city.

The eaves and bucket arches, the red walls and green tiles, the courtyards are numerous, more than ten million.

In the meeting hall of the Lin family.

A large group of senior officials of the Lin family are among them, discussing countermeasures.

Sitting at the top was a middle-aged man with a fierce aura and a billowing sword spirit.

Judging from the breath he released, his strength was far more powerful than the average upper **** true god, and it was already close to half the strength of the main god.

However, now, he looked sad.

This person is Lin Tianhao, the contemporary head of the Lin family.

On the left and right sides of Lin Tianhao, there were hundreds of high-level figures from the Lin family.

Most of them are high-level gods, true gods, or middle-level gods.

This lineup is the strongest lineup of the Lin family.

In the hall, the atmosphere is very dull.

"Our young children of the Lin family, how many have escaped?"

Lin Tianhao frowned slightly and asked.

"Report to the Patriarch, in the past few days, we have tried our best to arrange for the young children of the clan to escape.

However, the purple Cangjian party's blockade of Pill Sword City was too tight.

There are probably only more than one hundred young children who can escape.

Moreover, I received news that more than a hundred young children who escaped, after leaving Pill Sword City, were still being chased by the Purple Cangjian Sect.

In short, the situation is a bit bad.

......" An old man in gray, with sword glow in his eyes, sharp and sharp, stood up and said.

After hearing the words of the grey-clothed old man, there was silence in the hall.

"Hey, could it be that our Lin family really couldn't escape this disaster?"

For a long time, an elder of the Lin family sighed softly.

"Wu'er, and Feng'er, what's going on? Any news from them?"

After a moment of silence, Lin Tianhao asked in a loud voice.

"Young Master and Miss, they managed to escape two days ago.

However, he would definitely be chased by the Purple Cangjian Sect.

For the time being, there is no news from them. "

The gray-clothed old man reported.

"Patriarch, what should we do next."

A middle-aged woman with lingering charm said in a loud voice.

Although she is a woman, her words and deeds reveal a taste of heroism.

"Do everything possible to send out the young children of the clan.

These young children are the blood of our Lin family and the hope of our Lin family's re-emergence in the future.

As for us old guys, just see walking.

The current strength of the Purple Cangjian Sect was far stronger than our Lin family.

Our Lin family is not an opponent at all.

Therefore, everyone must be mentally prepared.

Once the war officially begins, everyone should run away. Don't fall in love with the battle. Run as many as you can. "

Lin Tianhao sighed and said.

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