Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3857: Skyfire Fury Sword

"It may be that they suddenly thought I was good, so they gave up on the dark."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Boy, I advise you, it's best not to use any tricks, our Purple Cang Sword Sect is not something you can afford.

Behind me is the Changle Sword Sect.

If you are an enemy of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, you are also an enemy of the Changle Sword Sect. "

Elder Ouyang said in a threatening tone.

Now, Elder Ouyang is also very afraid of Lin Fei's combat power.

Lin Fei alone, against the entire army of the Purple Cang Sword faction, not only was undefeated, on the contrary, he had the upper hand.

Even Elder Ouyang couldn't be sure that he could achieve such a shocking record.

Therefore, Elder Ouyang is very afraid of Lin Fei now.

If it's not necessary, he doesn't really want to start with Lin Fei.

"Young man, I don't know, what is the feast between you and our Purple Cangjian Sect.

However, if you can stop here, shake hands and make peace with my Purple Cangjian Sect.

Well, I can forget the past.

Otherwise, you will bear the anger of my Purple Cang Sword Sect and Changle Sword Sect at the same time.

Young man, let alone you, I think, even in the entire sword world, there are not many people who dare to be enemies of the Purple Cang Sword Sect and the Changle Sword Sect at the same time. "

Elder Ouyang continued.


Are you threatening me? "

Lin Fei asked, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

With Lin Fei's strength and hole cards, a mere Purple Cangjian faction, but not qualified, made Lin Fei afraid and retreat.

"Young people, you must think twice before doing things! Don't just try to be strong.

Otherwise, when you regret it, it will be too late! "

Seeing Lin Fei's attitude, Elder Ouyang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

"Haha, old fellow, you don't have to scare me.

Being an enemy of the Purple Cangjian School, there is nothing I regret about it.

Even if you add another Changle Sword Sect, there is nothing great.

Stop talking nonsense and do it. "

Lin Fei smiled and walked towards Elder Ouyang step by step.

This elder Ouyang is a half-step master god, and it can be seen that he has a very high level above the sword.

Lin Fei didn't want to waste such a goal.

"Boy, you are too arrogant.

Don't rely on yourself to have a little ability, you don't know how to move forward.

Even if you don't think about yourself, you must also think about your forces.

Provoking the Purple Cang Sword Sect and the Changle Sword Sect will bring huge troubles and even disasters to your forces! "

Elder Ouyang shouted sharply.

"Old guy, don't chirp, do it.

Today, if you don't do it, it won't work. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Boy, don't deceive others too much!"

Elder Ouyang trembled with anger.

"Haha, old guy, nothing you say will work.

In short, you have to fight me. "

Lin Fei said.

"Roar...boy, you are so arrogant!"

Lin Fei's attitude made Elder Ouyang furious.

He is a half-step master god.

Even those main gods are more polite to him.

Now, a younger generation boy has never used such an attitude toward him.

For him, this is a treachery! "Boy, I killed you!"

Elder Ouyang couldn't help it at last and broke out completely.

He couldn't tolerate it, a junior boy of unknown origin, in front of him, treated him with such a contemptuous attitude! Under the rage, dense and fierce sword lights spewed out of his body.

The endless sword light, composed of the angry sword light tide and magma, swept up and roared.

Every sword light is extremely sharp, easily cutting the surrounding time and space into shreds.

"Arrogant boy, you are dead!"

In the midst of anger, Elder Ouyang urged his swordsmanship to the extreme, and even the potential of the whole person reached an extreme.

Chi Chi...Billions of sharp sword lights cut everything and destroy everything.

Around him, time and space began to collapse and collapsed.

"Well, that's kind of interesting."

Lin Fei smiled.

The masters of the Purple Cangjian Sect who had worked with Lin Fei before, Lin Fei felt that their strength was a bit weak.

The strength of this elder Ouyang is very good.

"Absorbing the sword aura and sword intent of this elder Ouyang, the harvest should be good."

Lin Fei was looking forward to it.

"Old guy, can you move faster, don't pretend, just shoot."

Lin Fei urged.

"Roar...boy, you are deceiving too much, I will break your body into pieces!"

Elder Ouyang roared with anger at Lin Fei's attitude.

In the face of the breath and coercion he released, the other party not only was not afraid, but also urged him to act quickly.

This attitude shows that the other party, completely, did not put him as the half-step master **** in his eyes! When did a half-step master **** become so disregarded?

"Boy, I won't kill you, I swear not to be a man!"

Elder Ouyang roared sharply.

"Come on then!"

Lin Fei was really impatient.

"Don't patronize and say, you do it!"

Lin Fei urged.

"Roar..." Elder Ouyang billowed with sword energy, like a towering mountain, rushing directly to Lin Fei, crushing a large piece of time and space with each step.

Extremely domineering, murderous! The appearance of gnashing his teeth, I can't wait to tear Lin Fei alive! "Boy, there has never been a younger man who dares to despise the old man so much! You are the first one, and I want you to die in a very painful way!"

The energy pressure of Elder Ouyang completely locked Lin Fei! The mighty sword aura and sword intent, like a frenzy of anger, flooded towards Lin Fei.

"Good! These sword aura and sword intent are of very good quality.

continue! "

The true meaning of the five swords in Lin Fei's body, and the world of swordsmanship, began to emit amazing suction, like a whale sucking the Yangtze River, madly absorbing the sword energy and sword intent that had attacked Lin Fei.

"Well, it is true that the higher the level of sword repair, the stronger the level of kendo.

This old guy's kendo level is really good.

The sword aura and sword intent that burst out are of superb quality! "

Lin Fei was very surprised, standing still, letting Elder Ouyang's sword aura and sword intent attack him.

For Lin Fei, the attacks of sword aura and sword intent were not very threatening.

Instead, it is very welcome! The more the better! "Boy, try my Skyfire Fury Sword! Go to hell!"

Elder Ouyang screamed, urging all the energy, and the whole person boiled and burned, and suddenly cut out a peerless sword light! This sword light, burning blazingly, is not only extremely sharp, but also possesses extremely terrifying heat.

Hundreds of billions of brilliant sword lights continue to flow into this burning sword light, let its momentum become more and more prosperous, burn the void and destroy time and space! Rumble...This sword light slowly slashed towards Lin Fei.

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