Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3865: The reaction of the Purple Cangjian faction

For the Purple Cangjian Sect, this is a big event! A shocking event! The high-level members of the Purple Cangjian Sect were all furious and crazy! Because, since the Purple Cang Sword Sect climbed the Changle Sword Sect, the position of the Purple Cang Sword Sect in the sword world has risen sharply.

It was originally a third- and fourth-rate force, and it has directly become a second-rate force.

The disciples of the Zi Cang Sword Sect went out, they were all very beautiful and respected everywhere.

Except for the four strongest forces, there is no force in the sword world to rush to kill the disciples of the Purple Cang Sword Sect! Not to mention, provoke the senior figures of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

But now, the Purple Cang Sword Sect sent a large army, that is, the Lin Family to crusade against the Pill Sword City, a family belonging to the third and fourth ranks. For the current strength of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, it is not worth mentioning.

However, such a consequence occurred.

Defeated! Elder Ouyang was also captured by a miss and became a prisoner! This is simply unacceptable serious consequences! It was like a slap in the face of the entire Purple Cangjian Sect! After a while, all the senior figures of the Purple Cangjian Sect gathered in the discussion hall of the headquarters, and the sentiment was exciting.

"What the **** happened! The little Lin family, is it possible to defeat my army of the Purple Cangjian Sect!?"

"It's the opposite, it's just the opposite!"

...In the meeting hall, the senior officials of the Purple Cangjian Sect were sitting high on the floor, questioning the defeated generals who had escaped from Pill Sword City.

"Head, dear elders, elders, deacons, please listen to our detailed report!"

The escaping troops of the Purple Cangjian Sect were surrounded by a large number of high-level officials for questioning. They were all frightened and spoke cautiously.

"Okay! Be quiet, everyone! Gao Wu, for you, what happened?

Why, our army of the Purple Cang Sword Sect will be defeated from Pill Sword City! Even Elder Ouyang was captured by a miss! "

A majestic middle-aged man sitting in the middle, surrounded by sword light like a deep sea, said openly.

This middle-aged man is the contemporary head of the Purple Cang Sword School.

The other senior figures stopped talking.

The disciple who was ordered by the master, Gao Wu began to talk about what happened in Pill Sword City.


He hasn't finished.

All the high-level members of the Purple Cangjian Sect were all exploded.

"You mean, a young boy who single-handedly defeated the entire army of our Purple Cangjian Sect?

! Even Elder Ouyang is not his opponent. Instead, he is controlled by him, for the sake of imprisonment! "

"Impossible! Gao Wu, do you know what you are talking about! How could something like this happen! A young boy actually defeated the army of our Purple Cangjian Sect!"

"Gao Wu, what are you talking nonsense!"

...The first reaction of the senior members of the Purple Cangjian Sect was that they didn't believe it, and questioned Gao Wu.

"Master, dear elders, elders, deacons, I also know that it is hard for you to believe this, it is indeed true.

No word of what I said is false! No matter how bold the disciple is, how can he dare to tell lies in front of you! "

Gao Wu paled with fright and knelt on the ground, shaking.

"Good! Gao Wu, don't talk yet.

Liu Qiang, come on! "

The head of the Purple Cang Sword School named another disciple with a more stable personality.

"Report head, what Gao Wu said... is all true..." Liu Qiang said tremblingly, kneeling on the ground, not even daring to lift his head.

"Head, dear elders, elders, deacons, what Gao Wu said is indeed..., true!"

... Then, the other people who had escaped from Pill Sword City also made their voices heard.

At this moment, the senior officials of the Purple Cang Sword Sect were silent.

They knew that the disciples of the Purple Cang Sword Sect in front of them did not dare to lie in front of them.

In other words, there really was a young boy who single-handedly defeated the entire army of the Purple Cangjian faction, and also captured Elder Ouyang! By now, these high-level members of the Purple Cangjian Sect had no choice but to believe it.

"Is there such a person in our sword world?"

"A young kid who has such a weird combat power?"

"That kid, what's the origin?"

...The high-level members of the Purple Cangjian Sect all showed doubts.

"If that kid really has this kind of combat power.

That means that his origin must be extraordinary, and there may be a powerful force behind him. "

"If this is the case, things are a bit tricky."

"That kid, no matter how strong he is, there should be a limit.

We don't need to be afraid of him.

However, once the forces behind him are disturbed, things are not easy to handle. "

...Some elders appear very cautious.

"Humph! Don't worry, everyone.

Our Purple Cang Sword Sect is a subsidiary force of the Changle Sword Sect.

The forces behind that kid, no matter how strong, would it be stronger than the Changle Sword Sect! That kid, killed so many of our Purple Cang Sword Sect and also captured Elder Ouyang. This is a huge provocation for our Purple Cang Sword Sect! This tone, our Purple Cangjian Sect, absolutely cannot swallow it.

Otherwise, from now on, we Zi Cang Sword Sect in the sword world, what face will there be! "

A supreme elder suddenly said loudly.

"Not bad.

If we can tolerate even this kind of thing, then what else will we discuss about the development and growth of the Purple Cangjian Sect in the future! In any case, look for that kid and ask for justice.

Moreover, Elder Ouyang is still in his hands and must be rescued. "

The head also said in a loud voice.

"Yes, this is the truth.

In fact, there is Changle Sword Sect to support us, and none of us need to be afraid. "

The other high-level figures nodded one after another, agreeing with the boss.

After all, this is a very embarrassing thing.

No one can stand it.

"Well, listen, send the most elite army of my Purple Cangjian Sect to Pill Sword City, find that kid to settle accounts, and destroy the Lin Family of Pill Sword City at will! I, personally lead the team! And, take Pill Sword City All the cities, tribes, villages, all large and small forces connected with the Lin family in the surrounding area of ​​Fangyuan will be wiped out! Do not keep any chickens and dogs!

The head of the Purple Cang Sword Sect's eyes became cold, and there was a taste of killing and decisiveness.


The other top executives all answered.

"This time, our Purple Cang Sword Sect suffered such a big defeat. This is a shameful shame! We must make the battle stronger, use thunderbolt-like means, and stand up, so that we can make up for this time our Zi Cang The humiliation suffered by the sword faction!"

A grand elder gritted his teeth and said.

The troops sent to Pill Sword City returned in a terrible defeat, and even Elder Ouyang was captured by a miss. For the Purple Cangjian Sect, it was indeed a big blow and humiliation.

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