Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3875: Let me see your strength

The billowing sound was passed into the Purple Cang Divine Mountain.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence in the Purple Cang Mountain.

It can be said that since the establishment of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, it has never been tried. Someone came outside the headquarters and asked the entire Purple Cang Sword Sect, all the people, to come out to welcome it.

Even if the messenger of the Changle Sword Sect came to the Purple Cang Sword Sect, the frame was not so big, let the entire sect all come out to welcome them.

Therefore, this kind of humiliation is probably the first time in the history of the creation of the Purple Cangjian Sect! next moment.

Boom... Zi Cang Shenshan shook violently.

Endless dazzling sword aura, continuously sprayed out, soaring into the sky.

One after another fierce figures appeared constantly, appearing on the Zi Cang Shenshan.

Rageous! Every member of the Purple Cangjian Sect had their eyes cracked and bursting with anger.

"Where did the dog stuff dare to come to our Purple Cangjian Sect and bark!"

"Come to provoke our Purple Cang Sword Sect, are you impatient to live!"

...In the Purple Cang Divine Mountain, the sentiment is raging, and every sword repairer has a distorted face, roaring sharply, pointing at Lin Fei and his party, and yelling.

"Hey, the temper is pretty good."

Lin Fei shook his head and smiled.

"Lin Shaoxia, the Purple Cang Sword Sect has been supported by the Changle Sword Sect over the years, and it has developed rapidly.

Having annexed many third- and fourth-rate forces everywhere, it has developed a mentality of being superior.

Lin Shaoxia, if you insult them like this, they naturally can't stand it. "

Lin Tianhao came to Lin Fei and said.

"Indeed it is."

Lin Fei nodded.

"Boy, you chased us to our headquarters! It was a bullying here! Boy, you can't tolerate you trampling on the foundation and dignity of my Purple Cang Sword Sect! Today, our members of the Purple Sword Sect are desperate to die. Take a fight and defend our reputation!"

At this moment, Chu Bi appeared and stared at Lin Fei with an angry look.

Behind him, followed by a large number of senior members of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

"Dare to defend the reputation of our faction! Defend our faction's reputation to the death!" As soon as Chu Bi's voice fell, a majestic shout erupted from the Purple Cang Divine Mountain.

Suddenly, the entire Purple Cang Sword Sect was completely plunged into an evocative and tragic atmosphere. Every member was fiercely wary and felt like death.

"Lin Shaoxia, it seems that the members of the Purple Cang Sword School are planning to do their best.

Maybe it was Lin Shaoxia who forced them too tight. "

Lin Tianhao said.

"In this case, I will take a good blow to their morale."

Lin Fei said lightly.

The voice fell off.

Lin Fei stretched out his hand and swiped forward.

laugh! A bland sword light, if there is no such thing, cut into the Zi Cang Divine Mountain.

This sword light does not belong to any kendo secret technique, but it is a sword light that Lin Fei cuts out at any time.

You know, the sword qi in Lin Fei's body has reached a level of returning to the basics.

No longer pursue dazzling brilliance, no longer pay attention to brilliance, but plain.

This kind of dullness is a kind of introverted after brilliant to the extreme.

laugh! The sword light that Lin Fei slashed instantly entered the Purple Cang Divine Mountain and swept across.

Puff puff puff... a large number of disciples of the Purple Cangjian Sect had no chance to evade, they were directly smashed by the plain sword light, and their souls were scattered.

Many of these disciples are gods.

Even the true god.

Facing Lin Fei's attack, he didn't even have the ability to dodge! Lin Fei's sword killed thousands of disciples! The members of the Purple Cang Sword Sect have been expanding and conquering everywhere over the years. It is estimated that every disciple has blood on his hands and killed countless people.

Therefore, Lin Fei killed them without feeling guilty.

All of a sudden.

The Purple Cang Divine Mountain, which turned out to be boiling, suddenly cooled down.

The impassioned slogan just now, vowing to the death to defend the dignity of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, was all silent.

"Haha, hard bones are useless.

If only the bones are hard, but there is no corresponding strength, it is a very ridiculous thing.

Okay, next, let me see if the strength of your Purple Cangjian Sect is as hard as your bones.

Come on, attack me.

Do not disappoint me. "

Lin Fei stepped up and walked into the Purple Cang Divine Mountain, while speaking in a mocking tone.

Lin Fei violently murdered, the main purpose of course was to arouse the anger of the Purple Cangjian Sect and then attack him.

"I will enter the headquarters of your Purple Cang Sword Sect now, single-handedly, and challenge your entire Purple Cang Sword Sect.

If you are not satisfied, just show your real ability.

Let me give it a try.

Otherwise, I will send you Purple Cangjian, one by one, to kill them all.

Until here, it became a ruin filled with blood. "

Lin Fei carried his hands on his back, walked towards the Zicang Shenshan, and spoke lightly, with a very cold tone.

Lin Fei's movements seem to be slow, but in fact, they are almost to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, he has already walked into the Zi Cang Shenshan.

After hearing what Lin Fei said, there was a lonely silence in the Purple Cang Divine Mountain! then.

"Boy, you are deceiving too much! You are deceiving too much!"

"Boy, you insulted me the Purple Cang Sword Sect so much, I want you to die! Immortal endlessly!"

...The Purple Cang Sword Sect, up and down, almost everyone was so angry that they screamed.

Because Lin Fei's words and deeds insulted the Purple Cangjian faction too hard! Now, every disciple of the Purple Cang Sword Sect is extremely angry, and all of them are on the verge of collapse.

There are some great-tempered, impatient swordsmen who are already vomiting blood! "kill!"

Finally, before Chu Bi and the two Supreme Elders gave orders, the members of the Purple Cangjian Sect swept towards Lin Fei like the tide.

Every sword cultivator of the Purple Cang Sword Sect has tried his best to display the most proud and most powerful kendo secret technique in his life, and cut it to Lin Fei.

this moment.

It is truly a sword light of hundreds of millions, and at the same time it cuts towards Lin Fei.

The endless bright sword light, like a vast ocean, flooded towards where Lin Fei was standing.

"it is good!"

Lin Fei couldn't help being overjoyed as he watched the sword light attacking overwhelmingly.

The true meaning of Wudao Sword Dao immediately rushed out of his body and appeared around Lin Fei's body.

These five true meanings of swordsmanship, as well as the world of swordsmanship in the body, burst out at the same time, and the amazing suction force absorbed all the sword energy and sword intent that attacked Lin Fei! "Master, do you want us to help!"

Outside the Purple Cang Mountain, more than 800 slaves of gods all asked Lin Fei through voice transmission.

"Lin Shaoxia, do you need help?"

Lin Tianhao also asked Lin Fei.

"You can just stand still.

Don't come in, bad things for me. "

Lin Fei Chuanyin replied.

Soon, as the true meaning of Wudao Kendo and the world of kendo in his body, more and more sword energy and sword intent were absorbed, Lin Fei could feel that the world of kendo in his body began to change slowly.

Become more solid and clearer! at the same time.

On the distant Excalibur Mountain.

The five sword spirits were also watching Lin Fei's every move.

"This kid, he can't figure it out, this kind of cultivation method."

The five sword spirits all shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

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