Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3877: How fast and how fast

"In fact, except for our Changle Sword Sect, the Tianyi Sword Sect, the Ximen Family, and the Flying Immortal Sword Sect are also the same, hoping to catch that kid.

Because that kid is related to Old Man Jian.

Most of the old fellow of Old Man Jian had fallen.

Then, as the first person in the sword world since ancient times, he will definitely have treasures left behind.

Maybe, that kid entered the sword world many times just to find the treasure left by the old man.

I think everyone knows this well. "

Changle Fairy sneered.

"Not bad.

Regardless of whether it is broken, everyone knows it.

So, that kid, we must try our best to find him and catch him. "

The head of the Changle Sword School nodded and said.

"Not bad."

The other senior figures of the Changle Sword School all nodded.

To put it bluntly, the main reason why Lin Fei was so concerned by the four major forces in the sword world was that the four major forces all wanted to dig out about the old sword man from Lin Fei.

Especially the treasure left by the old man sword! Just now.


A half-step main **** walked into the hall.

"Report to ancestors! Purple Cangjian Sect, just sent a message to report to ancestors!"

This half-step main **** said loudly.

Then, with a wave of his hand, a jade slip flew out.

A video recording was released from this jade slip.

This video recording was sent by a senior figure of the Purple Cangjian School.

The main story is that a young man of unknown origin, single-handedly defeated the army of the Purple Cang Sword Sect twice, and also killed the headquarters of the Purple Sword Sect! "Impossible! This is an impossible thing! A mere junior, who was able to single-handedly defeat the entire Purple Cangjian Sect!"

"One person, defeat a second-rate sect, is there such a young man in our sword world?

How come I have no impression at all! "

"Even if there are such young people in the sword world.

However, the entire sword world knows that the Purple Cang Sword Sect is an affiliate of our Changle Sword Sect. Who dares to provoke the Purple Cang Sword Sect like this. "

...Immediately, in the hall, most of the high-level figures of the Changle Sword Sect all spoke out, expressing their disbelief.

"I think everyone ignored one person.

It's what we just talked about, the kid from the lower realm, the descendant of Tianluo Jianzi.

I think only that kid has the courage to do such a thing.

Moreover, only he is capable of doing such things. "

Suddenly, the head of the Changle Sword School said in a loud voice.

"Not bad! It must be that kid!"

Changle Fairy screamed first, very excited.

"Haha, I didn't expect it, we were looking for him, he actually showed up!"

"This is called Skynet's recovery, careless and not leaking!"

... The main gods of the Changle Sword Sect all laughed.

"Then what are we waiting for? Hurry over.

You know, that kid is extremely slippery.

We will go a little later, I'm afraid he will run away. "

Changle Fairy Boy cried.

"it is good.

We rushed over immediately. "

The head of the Changle Sword School said.

"By the way, do we want to inform the Tianyi Sword Sect, the Ximen Family, and the Feixian Sword Sect?"

One of the main gods said.

"No need.

For the time being, don't say anything.

We arrested the kid and interrogated him severely, trying to dig out the information about the old man Jian from his mouth.

There is no need to let the other three forces know. "

The head of the Changle Sword School thought for a while and said.

"Okay, that's it."

The other senior members of the Changle Sword School all nodded.


Several main gods of the Changle Sword Sect, along with a group of high-level figures, left the headquarters immediately, heading towards the headquarters of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, the Purple Cang Shenshan.

at this time.

In the Purple Cang Mountain.

The sword light was still rolling, shouting and killing.

A fierce battle, almost, fought for two hours! During these two hours, the number of times Lin Fei was injured is beyond calculation.

The whole body was scarred and shocking.

Of course, this is mainly because Lin Fei completely gave up the defense, letting all the sword light be cut to him.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for these people of the Purple Cangjian Sect to harm Lin Fei's body.

In this process, Lin Fei's body was even shattered more than a dozen times.

However, every time, it was quickly reorganized, and it was as good as ever! A big battle, almost, fought for two hours.

at last.

"I'm exhausted!"

"I am too weak!"

"I'm even worse, I feel that my kendo level seems to plummet!"

"No, my combat power is already less than one-tenth of the usual!"

...Everyone of the Purple Cangjian Sect found that their combat power had dropped a bit severely.

"No! My kendo level seems to have dropped a lot!"

Even the head of Chu Bi and the two Supreme Elders were the same. They were surprised to find that their kendo level had actually dropped a lot.

"The two elders, things seem a bit bad.

Although we have attacked for two hours, a lot of energy has been wasted.

It is normal that the combat power has declined.

However, our level of kendo shouldn't drop too! "

Chu Bi was a little panicked.

"The same is true for the two of us! Our kendo level is only six to seventy percent left at most! Don't ask, it must be the ghost of that kid!"

A Supreme Elder said.

"I have an absurd feeling that when we attack that kid, our kendo level will be absorbed by him somehow."

Another elder said.

"I also have this feeling.

I see this kid's expression and what he said, he actually seems to be using us to practice swords! "

Chu Bi said.

"Head, this kid is a terrible little demon, we don't want to fight him again.

The horse gives an order to let everyone stop attacking! "

A Supreme Elder said.

"Everyone obeys the order, immediately stop attacking and retreat collectively!"

Chu Bi immediately issued the order.

"The head has an order, immediately stop the attack, and all retreat!"

The people of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, wishing to have such an order, immediately retreated desperately one by one.

To Lin Fei, they were already extremely scared, extremely afraid.

Wow... Right now, the people of the Purple Cang Sword Sect, like a low tide, collectively retreated away from Lin Fei.


Don't fight anymore. "

Lin Fei was taken aback and said.


Since I stopped fighting.

Then I will charge a little interest. "

Lin Fei smiled.

Lin Fei stared at the gods of the Purple Cangjian Sect and licked his lips.

"No! Anyone who is in the realm of gods, run away immediately! As fast as you can, you can run away! If you run slowly, you will suffer!"

When Chu Bi saw Lin Fei's eyes gleaming, he was shocked.

Before, the Purple Cangjian Sect had more than 800 gods who fell into Lin Fei's hands and became slaves.

Chu Bi knew that this terrifying kid was staring at the remaining gods of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

These gods are the core strength of the Purple Cang Sword Sect. Losing any one is a huge loss to the Purple Cang Sword Sect!

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