Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3884: Avoid robbery

"Seniors, I was hunted down again."

Lin Fei said.

"It's normal.

May I ask you one time when you were not hunted down. "

The white-clothed old man among the five sword spirits said.

"It is."

Lin Fei nodded awkwardly.

"Boy, those main gods will not let you off easily."

The old man in gray said.

"Not bad.

It's hard for me and them to be kind.

There will always be a battle. "

Lin Fei replied.

"Seniors, I am going to retreat for a while.

However, the main gods of the sword world will find them here except in the morning. "

Lin Fei said.

"Do not worry.

In Shenjian Mountain, no one can hurt you. "

The green-robed old man said.

"Thank you seniors for your care."

Lin Fei said gratefully.

"This is not our care for you.

You have passed the test of Excalibur Mountain and are recognized by Excalibur Mountain.

You are on Divine Sword Mountain, no one can do anything to you.

Well, you go to retreat. "

The red robe old man said.


Lin Fei nodded.

Then, his body flickered and rushed into the middle of the top of the mountain, the palace left by the old man Sword.

Inside the palace.

Lin Fei sat down cross-legged and sent a half-step main **** with a thought.

Lin Fei caught a total of five and a half steps of the main god.

Four of them are the four Supreme Elders of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

There is another one from the Changle Sword School.

Among these five and a half-step master gods, one of them has become Lin Fei's slave.

There are four more, who have been beaten to death by Lin Fei and are seriously injured.

There is no resistance at all.

Only let Lin Fei play around.

Next, Lin Fei began to use the secret method of the puppet line to subdue the four and a half steps of the main god.

To subdue the half-step master **** is a little complicated, and it must be done slowly.

However, Lin Fei already had the experience of subduing the half-step main god, so it was not too difficult.


In the palace, Lin Fei gave a soft drink, and the dense red puppets continuously sprayed out from the sea of ​​consciousness, and forcibly got into the sea of ​​consciousness of the Lord God in front of him.

"Ah..., what the **** is this, get out of my sea of ​​knowledge!"

"Boy, you are so vicious to die!"

...In front of Lin Fei, a half-step Lord God was screaming screamingly.

"Don't struggle, just give it up."

Lin Fei shouted.

time flies.

in a blink.

More than ten days passed.

Shenjian Mountain, in the middle of the top of the mountain, in the palace of the old man.

"See the master."

Five and a half steps of the main gods, lined up, stood in front of Lin Fei respectfully, shouting in unison.


Lin Fei looked at the five and a half steps of the Lord God in front of him, feeling very satisfied, and nodded.

The half-step master **** level slaves were very helpful to Lin Fei.

From now on, unless you encounter the master god, many things can be entrusted to these five and a half steps master **** slaves to do.

"A lot of gods have been caught, let's conquer them together."

Lin Fei teleported five and a half steps of master **** slaves into the human body world, teleported out the other gods he caught, and began to use the puppet thread secret method to conquer.

In addition to the five and a half steps of the main god, Lin Fei also captured a large number of gods.

In the blink of an eye, another five or six days passed.

"See the master."

In the old man's palace, a group of gods saluted Lin Fei.

"Haha, most of them are masters of the original Purple Cangjian Sect."

Lin Fei glanced around and laughed blankly.

At this time, standing in front of Lin Fei, there were almost 900 slaves of gods.

Among them, most of them are gods of the Purple Cangjian School.

Including four elders.

It can be said that most of the senior figures of the Purple Cangjian Sect became Lin Fei's slaves.

This batch of **** slaves is basically the original crew of the Purple Cangjian Sect.

"If I now take these gods slaves and walk in the sword world, maybe people think that I am the head of the Purple Cangjian Sect."

Lin Fei smiled.

Just now.



! I actually have a faint feeling of breaking through.

It seems that my thunder robbery is coming.

So, next, use this opportunity to strive for breakthroughs and become the true **** of the upper gods. "

Lin Fei's heart moved, feeling that he was about to usher in thunder.

However, cultivating the true **** is not to overcome the calamity, but to avoid it.

Lin Fei got up and walked out of the palace.

"Seniors, I may have to survive the Tribulation."

Lin Fei said loudly.

Five sword spirits appeared in front of Lin Fei at the same time.

"Well, your combat power is too far away from your realm, and it doesn't match at all. You really have to strive to raise the realm faster."

The red robe old man said.

"There is no danger in avoiding the catastrophe in Shenjian Mountain."

Lin Fei was a little worried.

Lin Fei knew that the main gods in the sword world would come to Shenjian Mountain to find him sooner or later.

Because every time I entered the sword world, I would regard Shenjian Mountain as the most important place to stay.

Those main gods must have noticed a little too.

"Do not worry.

Still the same sentence, you passed the test of Shenjian Mountain and gained the acceptance of Shenjian Mountain.

In Shenjian Mountain, no one can do anything to you or hurt you.

The five of us, and the entire Shenjian Mountain, will protect you. "

The red robe old man said.

"Unless someone defeats five of us and defeats the entire Excalibur Mountain, it is also possible to do it on you.

However, in the current sword world, there should be no one who has this ability.

So, you can rest assured. "

The green-robed old man said.

"That's great.

I can break through with peace of mind.

Thank you seniors. "

Lin Fei said gratefully.

"No thanks.

You can break through with peace of mind. "

The red robe old man said.


Lin Fei nodded, found a flat place on the top of the mountain, and sat down cross-legged.

Rumble... Soon, above Lin Fei's head, dark clouds began to gather, and bright thunder-light electric snakes began to be born, wandering in the black sea of ​​clouds.

"This time the thunder robbery, it is estimated, will come very densely.

Best, ninety-nine-eighty-one thunder tribulations, concentrate on coming during this time.

In this way, I can directly break through and become a real **** of the upper level. "

Lin Fei muttered to himself, staring at the black sea of ​​clouds above his head, revealing a look of expectation.

"Start avoiding robbery!"

Lin Fei began to converge his breath and avoid disaster.

Rumble... high in the sky, electric snakes, densely packed, are constantly walking, releasing a terrifying and devastating atmosphere.

All the Thunderman Electric Snakes are faintly locked to Lin Fei's position.

It's just that Lin Fei converged with all his strength, shaped like a dead wood and stubborn stone, and his breath did not leak at all.

"Only succeed, not fail!"

Lin Fei converged his breath to the extreme.

Just now.

Around Shenjian Mountain.

More than a dozen channels exuding a frightening aura, one after another came out of the void, looking at the top of Shenjian Mountain with sword-like eyes.

All are the main gods.

"Can't be wrong.

That kid must have fled back to Divine Sword Mountain.

For him, Shenjian Mountain is the safest. "

One of the main gods said.

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