Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3889: Terrible big array

There are a total of five battlefields on Divine Sword Mountain, all of which are very intense.

Basically, three or four main gods besieged a sword spirit.

Originally, these main gods of the sword world thought that it would be easy to deal with if the five sword spirits were scattered so that they could not form a sword formation.

However, now, they found that they were wrong.

The five sword spirits, their individual combat power is much stronger than they thought! One enemy to three, one enemy to four, there is no problem at all! As time goes by, this battle has been fought for several days! The entire sword world was attracted by the violent movement of Shenjian Mountain.

After countless days.

"Things are a bit bad. It seems that we underestimated the combat power of these sword spirits!"

"Shenjian Mountain is indeed the core of the sword world. The combat power of these sword spirits is shocking!"

...... More than a dozen main gods are communicating in secret.

"Fortunately, we were well prepared.

Okay, let's not cover up.

Just play the hole cards! "

An elderly main **** said in a loud voice.

"it is good.

Play the trump card.

As of now, we have no retreat.

Only let it go.

We have turned five sword spirits completely.

In any case, these five sword spirits must be controlled, or killed directly.

Otherwise, I am afraid that we will not even have the qualifications to climb Divine Sword Mountain in the future. "

The other main **** said.

"Okay! Don't wait."

The other main gods all expressed their opinions.

next moment.

A sword formation the size of a fist burst out of the body of every main god.

More than a dozen sword formations, rising in the wind, continue to enlarge.

Shoo...Every sword formation spit out dense white silk threads, like a piece of white ocean.

There are more than a dozen sword formations, and the number of white silk threads released by each sword formation is very large, reaching billions! These white silk threads were all thrown out towards the outside of Shenjian Mountain.

Beyond the Excalibur Mountain.

An astonishing number of people have already gathered.

It can be said that among the four major forces, almost all the elite men and horses have come.

"Everyone listens to the order, everyone is connected with a white thread! No one should refuse, otherwise, they will be dealt with as apostasy!"

The masters of the four major forces, as soon as they saw the monstrous white silk thread thrown out in the Shenjian Mountain, they all gave orders immediately.

As a result, the four major forces, each member, immediately let go of the sea of ​​consciousness, allowing a white silk thread to penetrate into the sea of ​​consciousness and connect to the soul body.

In the Excalibur Mountain.

"Activate the formation!"

More than a dozen main gods activated the formation at the same time.

Suddenly, more than a dozen formations burst out with bright light.

Every white silk thread also begins to shine, dazzling.

"Form a big array!"

One of the main gods roared.

Boom... More than a dozen formations quickly moved closer, gathered together, and finally formed a huge formation, suppressed in the sky above Shenjian Mountain.

Boom...a large formation releasing terror and pressure, suspended in the sky above Shenjian Mountain, connected to hundreds of millions of white silk threads, looks very intimidating, but also a bit strange.

The five sword spirits looked up at the large formation above, all showing solemn expressions.

They could see that this big formation was very powerful.

"Haha, five old guys, today, you must look good!"

"I don't see it, you five old guys, you really have some skills.

However, today, you only have two choices. First, tie your hands obediently, and second, die! "

...A dozen of the main gods all laughed wildly.

They have great confidence in this big formation.

This big formation is one of the four great forces, among the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, cherished.

In the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, endless years have been passed down.

This formation is composed of more than a dozen small formations.

These dozens of small formations are equivalent to the base of a large formation.

The most terrifying function of this big array is to absorb energy.

Once activated, it can actively absorb energy and use it to strengthen the formation.

Moreover, this large formation specifically absorbs kendo energy.

Those white silk threads in an astonishing amount are straws! Through these white silk threads, the Great Array can absorb all the swordsmanship energy, sword aura, sword intent, and even the life potential of swordsmanship, soul thinking and so on in the sword world! All of this will be forcibly absorbed by the big formation, deprived, and refined into the big formation.

At the same time, in the sword world, the sword energy, sword intent, kendo energy, kendo civilization, kendo belief, kendo law, kendo civilization, and so on can be absorbed and refined by those white silk threads. Into the big array.

The more energy the big array absorbs, the stronger it will be! Rumble...The sky above the Excalibur Mountain, the big formation, roared.

Huhu...Every white silk thread connected by the big array burst out with amazing suction.


Beyond the Excalibur Mountain.

The men and horses of the four major forces all began to discover that the energy in the body began to quickly drain, sword energy, sword intent, kendo level, and everything related to kendo were extracted, along those white silk threads, towards Shenjian Mountain. The big formation above, transport it in.

Even around the Shenjian Mountain.

All the free kendo energy in the void is also continuously absorbed.

All members of the four major forces, everything related to kendo in their bodies, are constantly losing, and even their life potential has been drawn away, and they can't be controlled at all! "Ah! Why is this happening! The energy in my body is quickly being taken away! My strength is constantly declining!"

"No, my vitality, why is it getting weaker and weaker, I'm getting old!"

"My kendo level! Why did it fall in a straight line!"

......The four major forces were all panicked and screamed.

The energy gained through hard work is losing rapidly, and his strength is declining. No sword repairman can calm down.

"Everyone! Don't worry, everyone.

Do not be afraid.

I have something to say! "

At this time, every member of the faction received a voice from the main **** of their own sect.

The members of the four major forces quickly quieted down as soon as they heard the voice of the main **** of the school.

These voices appear solemn, sacred, great, high above, and subdued.

You must know that in normal times, each of these main gods is aloof and invisible.

It is too difficult for ordinary members of the school to see the main **** of the school.

In fact, many members of the four major forces, after joining the school, have never seen the main **** of the school! So, now, when I suddenly heard the voice of the main **** of the faction, most of the members were extremely excited.

The previous panic, panic and anxiety were swept away.

One by one, there was blood boiled, like a chicken blood.

"Everyone, don't panic.

You have to believe in martial art.

You, each one, are very important to the school, and the school is proud of you.

Now, the martial art needs your help.

For the time being, donate the energy in your body and everything related to kendo to deal with powerful enemies.

To put it bluntly, that is, to concentrate everyone's strength, the entire sect's strength, unite, and unite against the enemy! Don't worry, everyone, after defeating the powerful enemy, everything you contributed will be returned to you intact.

Well, for the victory of the sect, for the honor of the sect, contribute your energy and everything related to kendo.

It is your glory to fight for the martial art! "

The main gods of the four major forces all said something similar to the members of their own sect.

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