Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3920: No interest at all

The two main gods of the knife world tried their best to show kindness to Lin Fei, and their tone was as sincere as possible.

It can be seen that they did come with great sincerity to solicit Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, the so-called person who knows affairs is Junjie.

Our knife world will definitely grow stronger in the future and rule all the highest worlds.

You join our knife world, the future is unlimited.

Needless to say, you should understand the trade-offs. "

The two main gods of the knife world seemed to believe that Lin Fei would agree, and smiles appeared on their faces.


Unexpectedly, your knife world would have such a big ambition.

Actually want to rule all the highest world.

It's just a pity that I've always been indifferent to fame and fortune, and I'm lazy.

Conquering so many high worlds must be a tiring task, and I have no interest at all.

Therefore, your kindness, I had no choice but to refuse. "

Lin Fei showed a playful smile on his face.

Upon hearing the words, the two master gods of the knife world couldn't help but shrink their eyes, and their expressions became cold on the spot.

"So, Lin Fei, do you refuse to join our knife world?"

One of the main gods said coldly.

"According to the principles of our knife world, Lin Fei, if you refuse to join our knife world, then from now on, you can only be the enemy of our knife world.

Join us in the knife world, from the future unlimited.

Or, from now on, become the enemy of our knife world, and be chased by our knife world.

Which one of these two choices to choose, Lin Fei, you have to figure it out. "

A main **** spoke to Lin Fei word by word in a warning tone.

"What I mean is already very clear. I am not interested in joining your knife world at all.

As for whether the enemy is not the enemy, you can figure it out.

My Lin Fei principle of life is that people don't provoke me, and I don't provoke people.

If you dare to provoke me, don't blame me for being rude. "

Lin Fei stood with his hand in his hand and said lightly, seemingly indifferent.

"Lin Fei, you!"

The two main gods of the knife world were furious with Lin Fei's indifferent attitude.

Following the furious anger of the two main gods, a series of domineering sword lights burst out of their bodies, stirring the situation in all directions, opening and closing, and cutting the surrounding void into continuous collapse.

"Hey, do you want to do it?"

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Lin Fei dared to fight single-handedly against a dozen master gods in the sword world.

The two main gods of the knife world really couldn't scare Lin Fei.


The expressions of these two main gods in the knife world were extremely gloomy.

However, they thought of Lin Fei's terrible combat power.

To be honest, they are not necessarily, they are confident that they can beat Lin Fei.

In the end, the two main gods of the knife world still forcibly suppressed their anger and did not make a move.

"Lin Fei, you are fine.

We remembered.

Hope, you don't regret it. "

A main **** spoke word by word in a cold tone.

Then, the two main gods of the knife world turned around, displayed the law of time and space, traveled into the depths of the void, and prepared to leave.

"And one more thing.

You guys in the sword world, it is best to take the initiative to leave the sword world.

Otherwise, after I unify the sword world, I will do it myself.

At that time, I won't be as easy to talk as I am now. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

When the two master gods of the knife world heard the words, their figures halted at the same time, raging to the sky.


Then, the two main gods snorted coldly and disappeared directly into the void.

"Don't believe me, do you?

At that time, you will know. "

Lin Fei smiled coldly as he watched the disappearance of the two sword master gods.


Lin Fei returned to the Purple Cang Realm.

Ten days later.

"Master, everything in the headquarters of our Tianluo Sword Sect has been running normally.

The ten church entrances are respectively in charge of ten elders, and they are neatly organized.

Master, how do we act next. "

Chu Bi came to Lin Fei with more than 30 half-step master gods.

Lin Fei delegated all the affairs of the Tianluo Sword Sect to these thirty-and-a-half-step master gods, and he acted as a shopkeeper.

This is Lin Fei's consistent approach.

Lin Fei is really not interested in managing a sect.

Fortunately, each of these half-step master **** slaves under Lin Fei was a high-level figure in the sect before, and had very rich experience in managing and operating a sect.

Therefore, during this period of time, the Tianluo Sword Sect was running very smoothly.

Zi Cang Realm was completely transformed into the headquarters of the Heavenly Luo Sword Sect.

"According to the original plan, the next step is to open a number of sub-bases across the sword world.

Also, for the entire sword world, recruit a group of qualified disciples to expand the scale of our Tianluo Sword Sect.

Note that the recruited disciples, regardless of their origin, only talk about their qualifications and aspirations. "

Lin Fei said.

"Master, we understand."

Thirty and a half-step masters and slaves agreed at the same time, and then they did it separately.

after one day.

In many planes of the sword world, people from the Tianluo Sword Sect appeared.

The people of the Luojian Sect in these days are looking for suitable locations everywhere, and then they have done a lot of construction and construction, and established each branch.

Lin Fei is rich and powerful.

Moreover, Lin Fei incorporated all the five affiliated forces of the Changle Sword Sect into his own subordinates.

Naturally, all the assets of the five affiliated forces were all deployed by Lin Fei.

Therefore, although the Tianluo Sword Sect has just been established, there is no shortage of money.

Soon, many branches of the Tianluo Sword Sect were established.

The entire sword world, all forces, and all creatures knew that the Tianluo Sword Sect was established by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei was already a fierce name in the sword world.

One person, single-handedly, fight a dozen main gods! Such a character, just ask, who would dare to provoke?

Most of the forces, and the creatures, are afraid to avoid the name Lin Fei! Therefore, these branches of the Tianluo Sword Sect were established very smoothly.

Fundamentally, there is no obstruction.

Even, there are many forces and creatures who, as soon as they heard that it was the Tianluo Sword Sect, they fled far away and took the initiative to give up their territory.

During this period of time, the most eye-catching thing in the sword world was the continuous expansion of the Tianluo Sword Sect and the establishment of a large number of sub-bases on various planes.

Moreover, the Tianluo Sword Sect also recruited troops and openly recruited a large number of people.

Apart from this, there was no other movement in the sword world.

It looks calm.

"Hey, I don't believe it, how long can the four forces endure."

Lin Fei sneered after receiving the report.

Lin Fei's real goal is the four forces.

Because the four major forces are the real rulers of the sword world now.

Lin Fei understood that the four major forces would never allow themselves to develop gradually.

A war between himself and the four major forces is bound to happen.

"Perhaps, at this time, the four major forces are planning how to deal with me.

However, soldiers came to block, water came and soil flooded, I waited. "

Lin Fei is very confident.

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