Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3923: Crippled

"Master is really amazing!"

"With the master, everything will be successful!"

...The **** slaves under Lin Fei praised one by one and flattered.

"Master, there are several other sub-strongholds that have been destroyed. Do we still need to go and see."

Chu Bi asked.

"no need.

I already have a clue, now I go straight to track down the whereabouts of the murderer. "

Lin Fei said.


After speaking, Lin Fei waved his hand and left the ruined Tianluo City with his troops.

In the stars of the universe.

Lin Fei stood in the void, his eyes closed tightly, his hands were like butterflies piercing through flowers, and he kept forming one after another.

Lin Fei had already captured the spirit aura of that dark shadow, and now he was casting a spell, deducing the whereabouts of that dark shadow.

The two Tianluo cities, that dark shadow, had stayed there, leaving traces.

Lin Fei made deductions based on the traces of the black shadow left behind, looking for the whereabouts of the black shadow.

This requires very clever deduction.

The deduction technique used by Lin Fei is still the kind taught by the Sky-tuning Dog, which is a very clever secret technique.

With this secret technique, Lin Fei was vaguely able to capture the location of that dark shadow.

Lin Fei led the troops, deduced all the way, marched all the way, swaggering.

at this time.

In the sword world, there is a very sinister location.

There are two figures sitting cross-legged deep in the void.

A black shadow, a red shadow.



Someone seemed to lock me in the dark. "

The dark shadow suddenly moved in his heart.

"Last time, I had this familiar feeling when I slaughtered two Tianluo cities.

Who on earth is it?

Have been spying on me in secret. "

This dark shadow, with a fierce light in his eyes, said coldly.

"Hmph, no matter who you are, dare to provoke me to the destiny, it's simply a long life.

In the sword world, even the main gods of the four major forces respected me.

Other people, no matter who they are, as long as they provoke me to be disabled, hehe, there is absolutely no good end! "

The black shadow's laughter was harsh, like a bat screaming.


God, is anyone spying on you? "

The red shadow asked curiously.

"Not bad.

It should be someone who is using the secret deduction technique to lock me down, looking for my whereabouts. "

Sombra replied.

"Let him find it.

The world is crippled, the sword world is double fierce, our reputation is not for nothing.

We are crippled, and we have never been afraid of things. "

Hong Ying sneered.

at the same time.

The headquarters of the Changle Sword School, in the Changle world.

In a huge sword-shaped palace.

Several main gods of the Changle Sword Sect were sitting in the palace.

"It's crippled, it's already shot.

In the past few days, the Tianluo Sword Sect had already destroyed several branches. "

A main **** said.

"The one who made the shot was a natural disaster.

Dique did not make a move.

The strength of Tiancang really cannot be underestimated.

He has practiced many ferocious taboo swordsmanship, although my strength is definitely better than him.

However, he was unwilling to provoke him.

It is estimated that the combat power lacked by the ground is similar to that of the Tianchou. "

The other main **** said.

"It is said that the world is incomplete, and what is really powerful is the combination of two swords.

The two of them, once the two swords are combined, can arouse a large amount of world power, and the combat power is very terrible.

Even if we are the main gods, we don't want to be incompetent with the heavens and earth, and there will be any festivals.

Hey, this time, the four major forces of ours have given such a big reward. Please make a move to deal with the Tianluo Sword Sect. The real purpose is to make Lin Fei and Tianmaiku enmembrance.

I believe that with Lin Fei's character, he will not easily let go of the deprivation.

But the heavens and the earth are incomplete, this pair of fierce stars is not afraid of the heavens and the earth, nor will they be afraid of Lin Fei.

At that time, it will be lively. "

Another main **** said.

"Haha, this trick is very useful.

Lin Fei, and Heavenly Deprivation, are fierce and difficult generations.

It is also the heartache of our four major forces.

This time, let them both bite the evil dog and beat you to death.

Our four major forces only need to stand aside and watch the show.

Wonderful! Wonderful! "

In the palace, Changle Fairy Boy was also there and burst into laughter.

"Not bad.

Our four major forces, this time, the reason why, at any cost, is willing to pay the blood, please utterly fail to face the Tianluo Sword Sect, is to make them and Lin Fei to enmity, and then fight you to death.

The best is that Lin Fei and Heavenly Deprivation, both of them will lose.

At that time, the four major forces of ours will take action again to clean up the mess, and wipe out Lin Fei and the crippled earth.

In this way, our four major forces can eliminate the two major disasters without any effort, and achieve two goals with one stone. "

At this moment, the head of the Changle Sword Sect also slowly said.

"The head, it is said that Heaven and Earth Valley is the place where the world eye of our sword world lies.

Heaven and Earth Valley is filled with a lot of world power.

If the warrior can absorb the world's mighty power in the Refining Heaven and Earth Valley, he can make the combat power advance by leaps and bounds and greatly increase.

Is this legend true? "

Changle Fairy asked suddenly.

The other main gods also looked towards the head.

The head of Changle, the Changle Sword Sect, has been in charge of the Changle Sword School for a very long time, and has mastered many secrets in the sword world that others don't know.

"This legend is indeed true.

In Heaven and Earth Valley, indeed, there are a lot of world powers.

It's just that the environment in Heaven and Earth Valley is very harsh.

It is an ignorant world in which yin and yang are out of balance, rules are misplaced, and time and space are reversed.

Tiandi Valley is a very special place.

Inside, the world has not been opened up, the chaos has not been opened, the yin and yang have not been adjusted, everything is in the most primitive and chaotic state.

Therefore, the mighty world that exists inside, although very primitive, is very chaotic.

Basically, it cannot be absorbed and refined.

Not to mention ordinary sword cultivation, even if we are the main gods, we dare not absorb refining.

Otherwise, it will be harmful and useless! If this were not the case, we, the main gods, would have swarmed into the valley of heaven and earth and absorbed the mighty power of the world in refining. "

The head of the Changle Sword School sighed.

"it is as expected."

The other main gods of the Changle Sword Sect felt very sorry when they heard this.

These legends, in fact, they have long heard.

However, now listening to the head of the head personally confirm that they know that those legends are indeed true.

"However, headmaster, I heard that the reason why Tianma Diqian has been hiding in the Heaven and Earth Valley is because they have the methods that can refine the chaotic world power in the Heaven and Earth Valley.

Sect leader, when the time comes, when Tian Mai and Lin Fei are both wounded, we will suddenly shoot to take Tian Mai and Zi, and then force them to ask their methods.

At that time, we will have the opportunity to enter the valley of heaven and earth and absorb the mighty power of the world in refining.

For our Changle Sword Sect, this is an unforgettable development opportunity! "

A main **** said suddenly.

"Hehe, do you think that only our Changle Sword Sect is thinking of this?

The other three powers, too, have this mindset. "

The head of the Changle Sword School smiled.

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