Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3925: Twelve Heaven and Earth Guards

Although, in the sword world, the two evil men who belonged to the wicked name, even the main gods of the four major forces, were unwilling to provoke them.

However, Lin Fei has no scruples.

What's more, now, Lin Fei's fierce reputation in the sword world is worse than that of heaven and earth.


Is it just a real god?

The realm is so bad, actually, dare to cast a spell to lock me down! "

Suddenly, in the depths of the heaven and earth realm, the dark shadow was very surprised.

"Could it be that he is Lin Fei of the Tianluo Sword Sect?

In the recent period of time, in the sword world, that kid who has been heard about?

A kid from the lower world? "

That red shadow was also a little puzzled.

"Hehe, there is only one upper god, true god, no matter how powerful it is, it is limited.

It seems that recent legends are not very reliable.

Mostly, it was some good deeds who were far-fetched and added oil and jealousy to pass this unworthy boy so much. "

The shadow said with a sneer.

"Well, it seems that it is.

A high-ranking god, true god, a junior kid, the strength of an ant, not worth mentioning. "

The red shadow also nodded and said.

"However, this kid is quite courageous.

Even if he dared to bring people and horses into the world, he clearly didn't put us in sight.

Hey, young, I don't know what to say.

It is estimated that he was dizzy when he was praised by someone. I don't know how high the sky is, but I really think how good he is.

However, this time, since he entered the world of heaven and earth, he never had a chance to leave. "

The dark shadow smiled grimly.

"Such a kid, a small character, is indeed as weak as an ant.

It's just that there are so many half-step master gods who are willing to follow him, which is a bit strange.

Could it be that this kid has an extraordinary background? "

The red shadow suddenly guessed.

He noticed the half-step master **** slaves that Lin Fei followed behind.

"Humph, even this kid really has some extraordinary status.

But in front of the two of us, farts are useless! Even if it is the people of the four major forces, we are not afraid, and if they provoke us, we can't kill them.

Regardless of the origin of this kid, there is only one dead end if we provoke us. "

Sombra sneered.

"That's true. We are not afraid of the heavens and the earth. The four major forces have to give us some points."

The red shadow nodded, a bit proud.

"Well, let the Twelve Heaven and Earth Guards deal with this kid first.

The Twelve Heaven and Earth Guards, each of them can crush an ordinary half-step main god, and should be able to deal with it. "

Said the red shadow.


This kid is not worth our own shot. "

The shadow nodded in agreement.

At this time, Lin Fei was walking in the cosmic starry sky of the heaven and earth realm with a man and horse.

"Well, this plane is indeed full of evil spirits. Looking around, all you can see are people with disgusting faces."

Lin Fei's gaze felt a little bit, and he found that there were many fierce creatures in the distance, staring at this side maliciously.

Those creatures were all irritable, with endless hatred and murder in their eyes. It seemed that they couldn't wait to rush over and kill Lin Fei, the Celestial Sword Sect.

"Master, the world of heaven and earth is where the wicked gather, and every one of them is a fierce generation who kills and sets fire and does all bad things.

We better be careful. "

Chu Bi whispered to Lin Fei.

Chu Bi was a creature born and bred in the sword world, and he knew the evil name of the world of heaven and earth.

"Master, these wicked people in the world of heaven and earth are cruel and violent. They will attack strangers anytime and anywhere, and there is no reason to say.

We must always be on guard. "

The other half-step master **** slave also whispered to Lin Fei.

These **** slaves brought by Lin Fei increased their vigilance one by one, with their divine consciousness in all directions, perceiving them, and being on guard at all times.

"Haha, it doesn't matter, these jumping clowns are not worth mentioning in front of me.

It's okay for them not to do it.

When you do it, you are here to die.

Don't worry everyone. "

Lin Fei laughed loudly, and the laughter spread far and wide without covering up.

"Yes, we don't need to be afraid if the owner is here!"

"The master is superb, these clowns in the world of heaven and earth are naturally not worth mentioning!"

... The **** slaves under Lin Fei immediately flattered and sang praises.

These slaves under Lin Fei's thoughts and thoughts are all based on Lin Fei. Lin Fei's words are imperial decree for them, and they will never doubt.

Rumble... At this moment, the distant void began to vibrate.

A large number of people appeared, mighty, and gathered around here.

"Huh! What a big dog, he dares to break into the world.

What a crime! "

The head of the person, tall and thin, released a strong suffocation all over, and two murderous eyes looked over.

This is a half-step master god! In addition, there are eleven and a half-step master gods, standing with him, one by one, evil spirits.

"It's the twelve heaven and earth guards! These twelve adults appeared at the same time! Rare, too rare!"

"Speak down, if these twelve adults hear us talking about them, they will be dead."

...Some fearful sounds sounded in the distant starry sky.

It turns out that these twelve half-step master gods are the famous twelve heaven and earth guards in the world of heaven and earth.

They are the twelve most loyal masters who are deficient in the world.

Due to the depletion of the heavens and the earth, for many years, they are practicing in retreat and rarely show up.

Therefore, in fact, the world of heaven and earth is managed by these twelve heaven and earth guards.

Although there are many wicked people in the world of heaven and earth, all the wicked people are afraid of these twelve heaven and earth guards.

At this time, the Twelve Heaven and Earth Guards were looking at the army led by Lin Fei with great interest.

One by one, there was a playful smile on their lips.

The Tianluo Sword Sect army brought by Lin Fei, although there are many half-step masters.

However, the combat power of the Twelve Heaven and Earth Guards is very terrifying, far exceeding the same level.

The ordinary half-step master god, in front of them, can only be killed by a spike! Therefore, the Twelve Heaven and Earth Guards simply looked down upon those half-step master **** slaves standing behind Lin Fei.

"Dare to break into the world, a capital crime, you sinners, don't quickly kneel down and accept trial!"

Surprisingly, the tall and thin man in the twelve heavens and earth guards, his eyes shone brightly, his fierce glow exploded, his eyelids rolled, he screamed, releasing a terrible fierce might.

Lin Fei had his hands on his back, his face indifferent, and he didn't even look at the twelve heaven and earth guards.

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