Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3949: Enter Heaven and Earth Valley again

As soon as Lin Fei entered Heaven and Earth Valley, he immediately sent a voice transmission to Tian Can.

"Master, you are finally here!"

In the depths of Heaven and Earth Valley, in a hidden void, Tian Can, who was sitting cross-legged, couldn't help being overjoyed when he received Lin Fei's transmission.

"Master, I will meet you!"

Surprised, Tian Can immediately wanted to stand up and pick up Lin Fei.

Not seeing the owner for a few months, Tian Can feels anxious.

You know, all slaves who are subdued by the thread of puppets, in the depths of their souls, have their masters as their core.

"Don't act rashly.

Otherwise, Dique will doubt you.

I came this time mainly to deal with land shortage.

We think of a way, join hands, look for opportunities, and strive to overcome the lack of land. "

Lin Fei hurriedly stopped Tiancang.

"Master, I understand."

Tian Can heard Lin Fei's order and did not move, still sitting still on the spot.

And this time.

Dique was sitting in a space not far from Tian Can.

"Thank you, what's the matter?"

Dique seemed to sense the difference between Tian Can, and immediately opened his eyes and asked.

He has been with Tian Can for a long time and knows Tian Can very well.

Moreover, he and Tian Can cultivated a set of sword formations combining two swords, and a tacit understanding had been born between them.

"Tian Can, are you hiding something from me?

During this time, I have always felt that something is wrong with you. "

Dique's sharp gaze, staring at Tian Can, slowly asked.

Tian Can couldn't help being surprised.

It seemed that Dique had some doubts about himself.

However, it is no wonder.

He has always been very cautious when he is lack of land, and he is very smart and good at calculation.


My injury has healed a lot.

It's just that when I think of Lin Fei, I hate him.

I'm in his hands, and it's too big. "

Tian Can replied quickly.

"Well, that's it.

I have to say that Lin Fei is too weird.

At a young age, he actually possesses such amazing combat power.

He is the most enchanting young man I have ever seen in my life.

Perhaps, we shouldn't provoke him in the first place. "

Dique sighed.

"Hmph, speaking of it, all this is due to the four major forces.

However, Lin Fei was arrogant and defiant, and I had long seen him unhappy.

I think we don't need to be afraid of Lin Fei at all.

As long as the two of us don't leave Heaven and Earth Valley, and the entire sword world, no one can move us.

If Lin Fei dares to come again, he must give him a taste. "

Tian Can said coldly.

Of course, he pretended to say these words.

"Not bad.

The two of us have completely fallen out with the four major forces.

And Lin Fei became enemies again.

In the future, we should not leave Heaven and Earth Valley, otherwise, they will definitely cause trouble.

But then again, as long as we don't leave Heaven and Earth Valley, there is no one in this sword world. "

Said the ground fault.

"Yes, that's the truth.

How I hope now, that kid Lin Fei became dizzy and broke into Heaven and Earth Valley again.

The two of us can join hands to kill him and solve my hatred! "

Tian Can gritted his teeth and said, deliberately expressing his hatred for Lin Fei.

Of course, this is Tiancan's acting, the purpose is to eliminate the doubt of lack of ground.

"That kid Lin Fei is very weird.

Let's not do it easily with him.

Even if he enters Heaven and Earth Valley again, we will avoid him far too much.

Unless we can once again introduce him into the abyss of chaos in the eyes of the world, we can fight with him. "

Dique thought for a while and said.

A few months ago, Lin Fei's displayed combat power had already caused deep fear in Di Que.

"Do you have to bring Lin Fei into the abyss of chaos before you can do it with him?"

Tian Can asked.

Of course, Lin Fei was actually asking.

Tian Can and Lin Fei have been secretly communicating.

"Not bad.

In the abyss of chaos, only the two of us can exert their greatest power.

As long as all other creatures enter the abyss of chaos, their combat power will inevitably be suppressed. "

Dique said.

In the distance, Lin Fei was hiding in a certain void in the Heaven and Earth Valley, and through the Heaven Canal, the dialogue between the Heaven Canal and the Earth Canal could be heard clearly.

"Oh, you have to enter that chaotic abyss, will you be willing to do it with me?"

Lin Fei said to himself.

Thinking of the weird abyss, Lin Fei was a little hairy.

Even a master of the main **** level, entering that abyss, will be greatly suppressed.

Only heaven and earth are deficient, and once you enter that weird abyss, it is like a fish in water and your combat power soars.


It seems that in order to subdue the lack of land, we have to enter the abyss again.

Otherwise, as soon as Diqian saw me, he would avoid it far, and I would never have a chance to start. "

Lin Fei felt helpless when he heard Dique's words.

However, in order to overcome the shortage of land, Lin Fei could only bite the bullet and enter the chaotic abyss again.


That being the case, let's get started.

No need to waste time. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Heavenly disabled, start to act."

Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to Tian Can.

"Understood, Master!"

Tian Can was very excited.

He is naturally very happy to be able to do things for his master.

Therefore, Lin Fei appeared directly, swaggering in the heaven and earth valley, and walked in the direction of the remnant of heaven and the lack of earth.

"Hey, the world is incomplete, you two old guys, get out of me!"

Lin Fei yelled, and his divine consciousness perceived it from afar, and directly locked the natural and terrible defects.

Rumbling... The huge sound wave, in the cosmic starry sky of Tiandigu, rolls and spreads.

"Who is it! How dare you call the two ancestors by their names!"

"The sin deserves all death, the sin deserves all death!"

"A capital crime! Kill!"

...The entire Tiandi Valley was caused by Lin Fei's loud shout.

You know, the place of Heaven and Earth Valley in the sword world is so special that it allows all the wicked, wicked, **** and debt-ridden wicked people in the world to gather here without being held accountable! It is because there is a crippled earth, these two super villains sit in the valley of heaven and earth.

It can be said that these two great evil men are the real masters in the heaven and earth valley, and their status is extremely high! Be worshiped and awed by all the wicked! Now, some people dare to blatantly rush into the valley of heaven and earth, being so rude to the two ancestors, making all the wicked people in the valley of heaven and earth become angry.

In an instant, in the cosmic starry sky of Tiandigu, many masters rushed out.

One by one, the breath is sharp, and the eyes are pressing.

"Boy, just now, you were yelling here and being rude to the two ancestors!"

Someone asked Lin Fei.

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