Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3967: Lin Fei kills the Quartet

This old man is a master **** in the sword world, from the Ximen family! "Boy! Stop it!"

"Lin Fei, he is the hidden elder of my Ximen family. If you hurt him, our Ximen family will never die with you from now on!"

The other main gods of the sword world burst out with monstrous roars, violent sword lights, like squalls and showers, shooting towards Lin Fei.

There are also a variety of law energies, chaos level magic weapons, and they are killing Lin Fei regardless of cost.

"Go together!"

The main gods of the knife world also roared and attacked Lin Fei.

The combat power demonstrated by Lin Fei made these masters in the knife world truly scared.

They understand that if Lin Fei is not killed today, there will be endless troubles! They already had a grudge with Lin Fei, such a terrifying enemy must be eliminated.

The attacks of more than fifty main gods are very terrifying, and can be regarded as destroying the eternal age, and can destroy countless planes.

Attacks one after another, tearing time and space, aiming at Lin Fei's location and blasting.

Extremely terrifying energy destroys the world, causing countless illusions in this space and time, and the crystal walls of the space explode and crack.

"Boy Lin Fei, take your life!"

An extremely powerful sword master **** suddenly split between his eyebrows, spit out a large golden sword, and slashed at Lin Fei abruptly, containing very domineering sword energy.

This is a secret technique that combines the power of the sword and the soul, which can kill the flesh and attack the soul of the enemy, which is very strange.

"Hey, play with me, right?"

Lin Fei sneered.

Faced with the siege of more than fifty main gods, Lin Fei seemed very calm and unhurried.

"All slaves, give your soul energy!"

Lin Fei's thoughts moved, and the sound was transmitted.

Immediately, in the Heaven and Earth Valley, all of Lin Fei's slaves to the gods, after receiving Lin Fei's voice, let go of the sea.

Booming long... The mighty spirit energy was released from the sea of ​​consciousness of these gods slaves, and through special passages, it quickly gathered towards Lin Fei.

These special channels are constructed by the law runes related to the spirits, and the speed of transmitting the energy of the spirits is almost as fast as the speed of the thoughts! As a large amount of divine soul energy converged continuously, Lin Fei's divine soul body aura rose steadily, forming a circle of intense divine consciousness behind his head.

This is a vision created by the power of the soul, so powerful.

Rumble...In Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, a majestic, magnificent, pillar-like sword aura came out, and it blocked the golden sword that had been slain.

This sword aura combined the spirit energy and Lin Fei's kendo level into one.

This can be regarded as a temporary trick created by Lin Fei.

In Lin Fei's current state of strength, it is not difficult to create a certain secret technique at will.

In fact, every main **** will create his own secret technique and spread it to the world.

when! The thick sword energy collided with the golden sword, making a huge metal crash.

The golden sword was shocked and flew back on the spot.

Lin Fei moved and squeaked, and he approached the main **** of the sword world.

"Old guy, based on your ability, you still keep trying to kill me, is it possible!"

Lin Fei sneered.

Huh! The long sword in his hand suddenly slashed over.

This long sword has an extraordinary origin. It was made by smelting tens of millions of famous swords in a furnace.

The level is indescribable.

In short, it is rare and unique in the world.

Rumbling... Massive world mighty forces were drawn, blessed on the blade of the long sword, rolling surging, releasing terrifying energy pressure.

Click! The master **** of the sword world was chopped into two parts by a single sword, and the blood surged.

Ah... the main **** screamed, and the soul body appeared in the void not far away.

"Old guy, come again!"

Lin Fei moved in a shadowless manner, and instantly chased to the soul body of the master **** of the sword world, and shouted.

Huh! The long sword was cut out.

The poor sword master god, who was reorganizing his body, was not halfway through yet, and was cut again and blasted to pieces.

In the eyes of this world, Lin Fei could use the massive world mighty power here, and the combat power displayed was terrible.

Fighting against more than fifty main gods, not only was undefeated, but on the contrary, he seemed to be able to defeat enemies again and again, and gained the upper hand! "Ah! Boy, you can't die!"

The master **** of the sword world, was cut into pieces again, frightened and roared wildly.

At the same time, his soul body appeared not far away, and his breath was obviously wilted.

However, a main **** will not fall easily.

Although the main **** of the sword world was very worn out, it was not deadly enough.

call out! Lin Fei's weird figure appeared again next to his soul body.

Huh! The long sword was cut out.

puff! The main **** of the sword world, the body being reorganized, was cut to pieces again! "Ah... this kid is too cruel.

Help me! "

The master **** of the sword world was completely terrified.

In his eyes, Lin Fei was like a terrifying devil! "Boy, stop!"

The other masters of the knife world have been killed from all directions.

The infinitely large and domineering sword light, like a tide, flooded towards Lin Fei.

"Are you saved!"

Lin Fei moved his mind and displayed his heart sword.

Shoo... every sword world master god's body hit the sword at the same time.

This caused them to act slowly.

Shoo... At the same time, Lin Fei displayed the ultimate heart sword style of the origin, with a bland sword light, beheading in all directions.

Every sword light is aimed at a main god.

Shoo... At the same time, Lin Fei also displayed the secret method of puppet thread, thousands of red puppet threads, like red arrows, shot out quickly.

The secret method of the puppet thread, although it is mainly used to subdue and control slaves.

However, it is also very powerful when used to conduct divine attacks.

"This kid is too weird!"

All around, the master gods of the sword world were shocked.

Because Lin Fei's attack on them slowed down the movements of these sword master gods.

puff! Lin Fei's long sword slashed out, and once again, the main **** who was reorganizing his body was smashed to pieces and turned into a cloud of blood fog.


This made him seriously injured.

The loss is huge! You know, though, a master god, even if he is broken into pieces, can be reorganized, it's nothing.

However, with more times, the loss will always be very large! Moreover, although it is difficult for a main **** to be killed, if the damage is large enough, it is difficult to say.

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