Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3970: All ran away

"Ah! Boy, you are so cruel to die!"

This is the main **** of the sword world, his body speed is relatively slow, so Lin Fei is eyeing him.

While speaking, he stretched out his figure, turned into a blade of light, and fleeed into the distance.

"Where to escape!"

Lin Fei moved in a shadowless manner and chased up.

With the blessing of the world's mighty force, Lin Fei's body speed is very amazing.

call out! I saw that Lin Fei changed step by step, step by step, time and space, afterimages continued, and in an instant, he caught up with the sword master god.

"Boy, get out!"

The master of the sword world was frightened and shot directly, and a sharp and domineering sword light was cut out.

boom! The domineering and incomparable blade light is constantly zooming in, wherever it goes, the star is turning, and the universe is shattered, seeming to be opening up.

call out! For this, Lin Fei just stretched out his hand, and a plain sword light flew out, shattering eternity.

Amidst the plain sword light, there is a terrifying world power, which is overwhelming.

Rumble...The blade light that looked very domineering exploded in the void and turned into powder.

"Boy, are you really pressing so tight!"

The sword master god, saw Lin Fei already chasing him, his face pale in fright, and roared.

Lin Fei sneered.

Booming long...The mighty world power, blessed on the long sword in Lin Fei's hand, slashed towards the sword master god.

"Boy, you are deceiving too much, I'm fighting with you!"

The sword world master yelled and started fiercely, full of hair fluttering, brandishing a thick long knife, and killing Lin Fei.

This is a lord god, under the rage, he shot with all his strength.

The power that erupted was very frightening, and the piercing light of a broad ocean instantly drowned hundreds of thousands of miles of void.

Boom! The chaos void burst, and the long river seemed to be broken.

However, in the eyes of this world, Lin Fei's combat power was much stronger than him.

Dangdang...In a very short time, the two kept touching each other.

The long sword and the long knife made a series of clear metal crashing sounds.

Between the two, there is a breath of horror, I don't know how many chains of order are intertwined, the law of kendo, and the law of swords are entangled, and billions of beams bloom.


Not bad! "

Lin Fei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the sword world master **** in front of him, although his body speed was a bit slow, his combat power was still good, and he was a bit stronger than the other master gods.

However, after a few tricks.

Lin Fei has the upper hand.

Huh! The long sword crossed the sky, slicing the body of the master **** of the sword world, letting him explode to pieces on the spot, to pieces.

"Damn, kid, I won't let you go!"

In the next moment, this sword world master **** successfully reorganized his body and appeared not far away, looking at Lin Fei with a very bitter look.

call out! Lin Fei pressed closer and chased after him.

The master of the sword world had no fighting spirit at all, turned around and ran with all his strength.

However, Lin Fei's body speed is much faster than him.

Within a few steps, he chased behind him.

Qiang Qiang...The long sword in Lin Fei's hand is blazing with billions of sword lights, which is too dazzling.

boom! The body of the master **** of the sword world, once again, was chopped and turned into a cloud of blood.

"Ah... boy, you are too cruel!"

The sword master **** was very painful and screamed.

"Hmph, so many of you come to besie me and kill me, should I be polite to you?"

Lin Fei sneered.

Next, Lin Fei pressed hard, cutting the body of the master **** of the sword world into pieces again and again.

Moreover, he also displayed the puppet thread to attack his soul body.

"Old Piff, die!"

Lin Fei roared, the long sword in his hand, like a splendid galaxy, slashed forward.

puff! The body of the master **** of the sword world was destroyed once again.

"Ah..., kid, I swear I will never die with you!"

The master **** of the sword world, his body was destroyed many times, his soul body was constantly being attacked, his breath became more and more wilting, and even the screams became weaker.

Peng...Finally, he stopped reorganizing his body, and the soul body burned directly into a flaming fireball.

The spontaneous combustion of the soul body made his breath soar instantly.


He displayed a very strange secret technique.

boom! His soul body was actually disintegrating, torn apart, and turned into dozens of sword lights, which fleeed in different directions in all directions.

However, this sword master **** was injured too seriously.

Whether it is the physical body or the soul body, it hurts the root.

Next, he didn't know how many long years it would take to heal his injuries before he could recover.

"What a magical escape technique!"

Lin Fei couldn't help sighing.

"Lin Fei, you wait, I will repay today's hatred!"

In the distance, a voice came back.

"welcome any time!"

Lin Fei replied.

At this time, all the main gods all fled, leaving Heaven and Earth Valley.

Lin Fei did not chase.

Fight for most of the day.

Nor did he kill a main god, which made Lin Fei understand that it was too difficult to kill a main god.

The body and soul body of each main **** has undergone long years of cultivation, thousands of years of tempering, and reached a state of culmination and near immortality.

Lin Fei himself has a nearly indestructible body, so he understands why the Lord God is so difficult to kill.

"Master, you are amazing!"

"Haha, the master's shot is really extraordinary, and beat those guys to the bottom!"

Desperate, very excited to see.

"Master, after this battle, it is estimated that in the future, those guys will not dare to easily enter the valley of heaven and earth."

Dique said.


Lin Fei nodded.

In this battle, the main gods of the sword world and the sword world were frightened by Lin Fei.

Originally, in the valley of heaven and earth, there are natural disability and lack of earth, which is enough to form a powerful deterrent.

Now, add Lin Fei.

I am afraid that from now on, those masters in the sword and sword world dare not easily set foot in the valley of heaven and earth, especially the world eye! This is also the situation that Lin Fei wants.

Heaven and Earth Valley, now the headquarters of the Tianluo Sword Sect, naturally the safer, the better.

Moreover, Lin Fei had another plan. After he ruled the entire sword world, he would return to the boundless sea of ​​chaos and bring those creatures from three thousand worlds into the valley of heaven and earth.

After all, the sword world is a supreme world, and the energy and laws it possesses are much more advanced than the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and are more suitable for martial artists.

"Well, next, I will be in the eyes of the world, practicing in retreat."

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei gained a lot from this battle, with many feelings and experiences.

Need to retreat, absorb well and disappear.

"Tianluo Sword Sect, I'll leave it to you two.

Those half-step main gods are all elders in the faction. Let them assist you two to make the Tianluo Sword faction better together.

I want the Tianluo Sword Sect to develop into the most powerful sect in the sword world.

As for the specific development, you elders are all high-level figures in the faction. Let's discuss it.

Also, facing the entire sword world, recruit a group of talented young creatures as fresh blood of the Tianluo Sword Sect. "

Lin Fei ordered.

"Master, please rest assured, we will follow the master's order and do our best!"

It was broken, and they all answered loudly.

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