Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 3993: Ancestral coffin

"Enter the ancestral coffin!"

The other main gods of the Simon family were all shocked.

The existence of the ancestral coffin is only known to the senior members of the family.

"Not bad.

We are not Lin Fei's opponents. If we fight again, we will win less and lose more.

It would be better to retreat all over.

Where there is life, there is hope.

To deal with Lin Fei, our Ximen family alone is not enough.

It is possible to unite with other forces, even the knife world. "

The patriarch said in a deep voice.

Not long ago, he was full of anger and rage, and he wanted to kill Lin Fei immediately.

But now, he was completely calm down.

He sees the situation clearly.

The combat power that Lin Fei showed was terrifying.

The Simon family was not Lin Fei's opponent at all.

If you continue to fight, you can only get humiliated! What he thinks now is how to protect the safety of the Simon family! "I agree with the patriarch.

Lin Fei, this little thief, is not scary anymore.

We don't have to fight for his life.

We must know how to preserve the strength of the family. "

An old hidden family nodded and said.

"Well then, just follow the patriarch's advice."

Other senior officials also nodded in agreement.

"Immediately gather the main men and horses of the clan and prepare to enter the ancestral coffin!"

The patriarch sent a sound transmission and gave an order.

"Everyone advances and retreats together! Don't give Lin Jianhui, spread the attack on us!"

The patriarch said.

The eight main gods of the Simon family are connected together to form a battle formation, taking care of each other, coping with Lin Fei's attack, and at the same time, slowly retreating.


Want to escape? "

Lin Fei sneered.

"Little thief Lin Fei, you are deceiving too much!"

One of the main gods of the Simon family roared, feeling very aggrieved.

Actually used a word escape to describe the Ximen family.

The Simon family was actually related to a escape character.

What a shame this is! "If you can bear it, you can bear it."

Chief Ximen sighed.

Every senior member of the Simon family is very aggrieved.

However, I can only bear it.

As a result, these senior members of the Simon family fought and left.

Outside, the Ximen family's army also quickly assembled, and headed towards a certain place where the chaotic mist was surging.

The eight main gods of the Simon family also retreated in that direction.


Lin Fei was a little surprised, his divine consciousness released, and he felt the past in that direction.

What shocked Lin Fei was that his divine consciousness was unable to perceive that piece of time and space.

In the fascinating chaotic fog, there are strange laws that seem to isolate all perceptions.

You know, how powerful Lin Fei's sense of consciousness is now.

It is much stronger than the average main god.

Even Lin Fei couldn't perceive it. One can imagine how weird that piece of time and space is.

At the same time, Lin Fei also felt that that strange time and space exudes a kind of palpitating fluctuations.

It seems that there is a very scary existence hidden in it.

"Could it be that there is still a terrifying expert in the Simon family?"

Lin Fei was a little jealous, looking at the time and space, thought to himself.

The Simon family is worthy of being a big family with a long heritage, in addition to the nine main gods, there is such a background.

Soon, the eight main gods of the Simon family, with the main force of the clan, retreated to that weird time and space.

Lin Fei did not pursue too much.

Although Lin Fei wanted to kill these people of the Simon family, it was very easy, and with a hand, he could kill a large area.

However, Lin Fei is not a bloodthirsty person.

"Well, I want to see if there is really a terrifying master in the Simon family."

Lin Fei has always been a master of art, brave, showing off his body, and also heading towards that strange time and space.

At this time, the senior members of the Simon family, with the main members of the family, had already retreated into that weird time and space.

"Huh, little thief Lin Fei, you are trying hard to force our Ximen family! This hatred is not shared! You wait, my Simon family will avenge this revenge!"

Chief Ximen stared at Lin Fei, gritted his teeth and said.

"I am waiting."

Lin Fei replied very domineeringly.

While speaking, Lin Fei had already caught up.

"If you want revenge, just come and have a good time."

Lin Fei sneered.

Boom... Lin Fei stepped into that weird time and space. For insurance, the mighty power of the world in his body was released tremendously, and the mighty power collapsed.

"What's more, your Simon family, even if you want to escape, it is difficult to escape!"

Lin Fei sneered.

"Haha, Lin Fei, don't think about it today, and touch our Ximen family a vellus!"

Chief Simon laughed.

Until now, he finally has confidence.

Entering this space and time, he became full of confidence! "Oh?"

Lin Fei found that the patriarch Ximen was extremely confident, could not help but secretly vigilant.

"Enter the ancestral coffin!"

Chief Ximen gave a soft drink.

All the members of the Simon family retreated at the same time.

Rumble...This strange space and time began to tremble violently, shaking.

"Where to escape!"

Lin Fei stepped forward, cutting out the long sword, billions of shining sword lights, like a peacock on the screen, shot forward.

Each of these sword lights can cut through the universe and interrupt time and space.

The people of the Simon family were so scared one by one.

Except for the eight main gods, the other clansmen did not have any resistance to Lin Fei's attack.

Seeing that Lin Fei's attack was about to kill a large number of Ximen family members.


Rumble...In the void, a huge coffin lid appeared.

On the cover of the coffin, densely engraved with mysterious lines, exuding terrifying power.

A series of mysterious runes are constantly released from them.

Dangdang... This coffin cover blocked all Lin Fei's sword light, and a series of clear metal clashes erupted.

However, what surprised Lin Fei was that after blocking all his sword light, the coffin lid had nothing to do.

"So awesome! What the **** is this."

Lin Fei was a little surprised.

"Okay, let me try again!"

Lin Fei waved the long sword in his hand and cut it suddenly.

Rumble...The terrifying world power, blessed on the long sword, made the entire long sword shining to the extreme, as if it was ignited.

The endless sword glow, like a vast ocean, flooded forward.

This piece of time and space is constantly torn.

Rumble... the coffin lid, rotating rapidly, blocked forward.

Dangdang...A series of dense metal crashes, all Lin Fei's attacks were blocked again.

At this time, all the men and horses of the Simon family had disappeared, concealed in the fascinating mist of chaos.


what is that? "

Lin Fei turned his eyesight with supernatural powers, looked at the chaotic fog ahead, and found a huge shadow.

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