Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4000: Suppress the Lord God


Lin Fei roared, full of runes, full of energy and color, bright sword light, like wings covering the body, blocking all killing.

The eight main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect had a powerful attack, but with Lin Fei's combat power, they were not afraid at all and moved forward.

Rumble...The terrible fierce battle made this universe roar, and mushroom clouds of violent energy continued to rise.

puff! During the fierce battle, the long sword in Lin Fei's hand was invincible and powerful. A sword cut off the body of one of the main gods, splashing the gods' blood.



Huh! A small black sword flew out and hit the soul body of the main god.

"Ah! Save me!"

The lord **** felt the breath of death, so scared, he screamed for help, and desperately escaped.

"Succumb to death!"

Lin Fei laughed loudly, the mighty power of the world pouring out, blessing on the long sword in his hand, and chasing forward.

At the same time, the heart sword, the ultimate heart sword style of the original source, the **** of death sword, etc., can also be used to attack the main god.

Boom...under a series of terrifying attacks, the body and soul of the main **** had a terrifying explosion, and the body was blown to pieces! Even the soul body was torn apart.

what! The main **** uttered a sad scream.

He was injured too badly! The soul body broke into more than ten pieces! For a main god, physical damage is nothing.

Because the vitality of the Lord God can be said to be endless, endless, and immortal.

However, the damage of the soul body can be fatal to the main god.

Because the soul body is the core and most important part of a creature.

"Ah! Everyone, save me! This little thief is going to kill me!"

This main **** really felt the breath of death, and he was so scared.

He has been cultivating for a long time, and finally became a master god. In the sword world, he has a high status and is called an ancestor. He has unlimited scenery, but he doesn't want to just fall away like this.

The stronger you are, the more you have and the more reluctant to die! "Little thief, stop!"

The other seven main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect were all shocked.

They didn't expect Lin Fei to beat a main **** so embarrassed and injured so badly in such a short time.

If this continues, Lin Fei injured the main god, and it really might fall.

Masters of the main **** level are the most important foundation for any sect.

The fall of a main **** is a major blow to the strength of any sect, and the overall strength of the sect will drop instantly.

Therefore, the other seven main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect are desperate to save.

boom! All the mighty powers in Lin Fei's body were released without reservation.

This caused Lin Fei's breath to skyrocket to a shocking level.

kill! Lin Fei yelled, fighting against the seven main gods at the same time, adopting a head-on approach.

Boom...This is the most direct collision. Lin Fei has the advantage of energy, so he is not afraid of head-on collision. The long sword in his hand is like a huge mountain, sweeping across all directions.

what! During the fierce battle, a main **** roared, his body flew out, and a **** arrow spurted out of his body.

boom! Lin Fei took off again with his fist and long sword, blasting out at the same time, knocking the other main **** to the point of bleeding and flying out.


Lin Fei yelled, swept out the long sword in his hand, and slashed towards the Fairy Child of Bliss. The Fairy Child of Bliss was seriously injured just now, and could not withstand Lin Fei's attack at all, and his body was cut off.

The siege of the seven main gods was instantly dismantled by Lin Fei, and they were forced to retreat one by one.

"I see who else can save you!"

Lin Fei shouted loudly, killing the main **** whose soul body had been cut into more than ten pieces just now.

The mighty mighty power of the world, as vast as the sea, drowned over that main god.

At this time, the main **** had barely reorganized his body.

However, the aura was wilted to the extreme, and the realm was already unstable! "go to hell!"

Lin Fei yelled, the black Divine Sword, chopped forward with a chirp.

Click! The soul body of that main **** was cut to pieces again.

"Ah! Don't kill me!"

The main **** uttered a sad scream, but his voice was much lower.

Obviously, he was injured too badly.

"Haha, Lord God, it's nothing more than that."

Lin Fei laughed freely.

The other seven main gods of the Bliss Sword sent desperately to save, but Lin Fei was so powerful and forced to retreat again.

Boom... Lin Fei rushed up, punching and kicking the main god.

Ahhh... the main **** screamed again and again.

"Little thief Lin Fei, stop!"

The other seven main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect were constantly roaring, rushing to save people.

However, Lin Fei's combat power was so powerful that he blocked them time and time again, making it impossible for them to rush to save people.

At the same time, Lin Fei used various secret techniques to continuously bombard the main god.

Ahhh...the endless screams sounded constantly.

After a while.

The main god's aura was wilted to the extreme, and he didn't even have much strength to struggle.

However, Lin Fei found that he seemed unable to kill the main god.

Although, the soul body of this main **** was cut to pieces time and time again.

However, every time, it can be reconstituted.

It seems that there is a mysterious power that protects the soul body of this main **** and can be immortal.

Lin Fei knew that this was because every main **** had reached a very deep understanding of the laws of the world.

The soul body can be integrated with time and space, time and years.

A main **** can leave countless one's own soul imprints in different time and space, and these imprints are also part of the soul body.

Once the soul body is damaged, these soul imprints hidden in different time and space will continue to return to supplement the body.

Therefore, if you want to kill a main god, unless you can hide him in all the time and space and eradicate the imprint of the soul, all, with nothing left, it is possible to completely kill a main god.

However, this is simply an impossible thing.

Therefore, it is too difficult to kill a main god.

"Well, since killing you is not dead, the death penalty can be avoided, and the living sin cannot escape."

Lin Fei said.

Then, the big hand suddenly stretched out, continuously enlarged, turned into a huge hand, grabbed the soul body of the main god.

Rumble...Lin Fei's big hands exuded terrifying world power, releasing terrifying coercion, suppressing that main **** unable to move.

In the end, the main **** was grabbed by Lin Fei, like a chick, picked up and hung in the air.

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