Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4003: To rule the sword world

After a while.

The headquarters of the Bliss Sword Sect was completely raided! There is not one left of all valuable things.

Even, including some buildings, palaces, pavilions, pavilions, etc., because these buildings are built with extremely rare crystal ores, which can absorb the essence of heaven and earth and play a role in gathering spirits.

A large number of formations were also dismantled, and those formations, including formation flags and formations, were all emptied.

As for the other heavenly materials, magical medicines, magical medicines, magic weapons, cheats, etc., there are not even half left! In short, at a glance, the entire headquarters of the Bliss Sword School felt a little clean, but everything that had some value was gone.

"Little thief, destroy my bliss sword sect's foundation, you deserve death!"

"Little thief Lin Fei, you are too greedy!"

"No! That is our Bliss Sword Sect, generations of sages, hard work! Just like this, I was snatched away by this little thief! Heartache!"

From the altar, there were roars, howls, and shouts, which were endless.

In the distance, the creatures who came to watch were also stunned and completely speechless.

"The search is really clean."

Some creatures held back for a long time before squeezing out this sentence.

"Unexpectedly, Lin Fei is actually a member of my generation."

A thief-eyed **** said excitedly.

It turned out that this **** did not belong to any power, but was a famous thief in the sword world.

Although he is a god, he specializes in stealing things. I don't know how many families and forces he has visited.

Moreover, what is even more hateful is that this **** will steal other people's graves! "Cut, Lin Fei is now the first person in the sword world. He has suppressed the entire Bliss Sword Sect with one person, Hu San, what are you, you are just a hateful tomb thief.

You are so embarrassed to say that Lin Fei is a member of your generation, so you deliberately put gold on your face. "

Nearby, a creature sneered.

"Who are you! Nima, dare to speak out, believe it or not, I took the time to dig your ancestral grave!"

Hu San was ashamed and angry.

The ridiculous creature who spoke just now shut up immediately and did not dare to speak any more.

He knew that if he angered Hu San, he might actually dig his own ancestral tomb.

According to legend, Hu San's grave digging technique is top-notch, and there is no grave that he cannot dig! After waiting for the thousands of slaves to scavenge the headquarters of the Bliss Sword Sect, Lin Fei waved his hand and transported all these slaves into a human world in his body.

"I now officially inform you of the Bliss Sword Sect. From now on, the sword world will be ruled by the Tianluo Sword Sect.

The rule of your four great powers is over. "

Lin Fei said in a loud voice, the sound shook all directions, like the sound of a big road, rumbling.


Tianluo Sword Sect, want to rule the sword world? "

"The rule of the four powers, is it over?"

... Lin Fei's words made all the creatures startled and their hearts were shaken.

"It's nothing strange.

Since Lin Fei established the Tianluo Sword Sect, I have guessed that he must want to rule the sword world. "

"With Lin Fei's terrifying combat power, he is indeed qualified to **** the dominance of the sword world with the four major forces!"

...There are many creatures, thinking in their hearts.

In the battle just now, Lin Fei's displayed combat power was so powerful that most of the creatures in the sword world did not have the slightest opposition to Lin Fei.

"The four major forces have ruled the sword world for such a long time, they are brutal and injustice.

The world of the sword world should have been changed long ago. "

"The four powers have always been aloof and thought they were great. Finally, retribution came."

There are also many creatures who have been bullied by the four major forces, gloating.

"Lin Fei, you want to rule the sword world. Have you ever asked us if the four powers! The sword world has always been ruled by our four powers.

You are just a junior, He De, how can you also want to rule the sword world! "

The head of the Bliss Sword Sect shouted.

"Lin Fei, wanting to rule the sword world is simply wishful thinking!"

Bliss Fairy also screamed.

"It's a joke, I rule the sword world, why do you need the consent of the four major forces?

So, over the years, has the four major forces of yours ruled the sword world with the consent of Senior Tian Luo? "

Lin Fei sneered.

"If any of you dare to refuse, I will naturally beat you to the end."

Lin Fei said loudly with infinite domineering.

"Fight until you are served! Such words are too domineering!"

Lin Fei's words shocked and marveled once again the onlookers in the distance.

"Lin Fei, you are too arrogant!"

The seven main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect were so angry that they couldn't speak.

At this time, Lin Fei had already turned around, walked out of the plane of bliss, and disappeared into the boundless time and space.


What happened here in the headquarters of the Bliss Sword Sect spread throughout the sword world at an astonishing speed.

This news, like a hurricane, caused a shock in the sword world.

Lin Fei defeated the entire Bliss Sword Sect with one person, forcing all members of the Bliss Sword Sect to hide in the altar, unable to shrink! Moreover, Lin Fei announced that from then on, the Tianluo Sword Sect began to rule the sword world! The shock caused by this news was too great.

It was almost like a landslide and a tsunami, which completely caused a sensation in the entire sword world.

"There is a good show! The four powers will not easily give up the dominance of the sword world.

There is bound to be a battle between Lin Fei and the four major forces! "

"The sword world may be in chaos.

A battle for dominance is about to be staged! "

... Countless creatures are all talking and paying attention to this news.

After all, who will rule the sword world is related to the interests of many ethnic groups and forces.

In the past, the four major forces ruled the sword world for a long time, and a fixed interest pattern has long been formed in the sword world.

Now, once the ruler of the sword world changes, it means that this long-formed interest pattern will be broken, and the impact will be very far-reaching.

"Little thief Lin Fei, it's too rampant! Before the smelly smell is dry, he wants to rule the sword world!"

"Lin Fei really wants to fight for the dominance of the sword world!"

"Our four major forces are the rulers of the sword world, little thief Lin Fei, don't want to get involved!"

...The high-level figures of the four major forces were all furious, and the roaring sound shocked the entire sword world.

"We firmly support the rule of the four powers and oppose the little thief Lin Fei!"

"Little thief Lin Fei, wanting to rule the sword world is a dream! Impossible!"

...Many ethnic and sectarian forces that depend on the four major forces have also spoken out to support the four major forces.

"From now on, the sword world will be ruled by the Tianluo Sword Sect! As soon as the Tianluo Sword Sect gives orders, kill those who dare not follow!"

The people of the Tianluo Sword Sect are very high-profile, walking among the various planes of the sword world, constantly shouting.

Almost all the high-level figures of the Tianluo Sword Sect were slaves to the gods under Lin Fei.

They naturally implemented Lin Fei's orders very actively! On the contrary, the four major forces have become very low-key.

Especially the Ximen family, and the people of the Bliss Sword Sect, have not seen their faces at all.

Because the people of these two forces were all afraid of being beaten by Lin Fei! For a while, in the sword world, the Tianluo Sword Sect was so powerful that no one dared to provoke it! The name Lin Fei is pressed on the heart of every creature in the sword world!

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