Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4005: Frustration of the Flying Fairy Sword School

"Lin Fei, wait, your end is coming!"

A roar came from the altar.

"haha, really.

I'm here.

If you have the ability, come and kill me. "

Lin Fei disagrees.

Lin Fei understood that the four major forces regarded themselves as thorns in their eyes and did not know how much they wanted to kill him.

However, Lin Fei is a daring artist, so he is not afraid at all.

Lin Fei is confident that with his own strength, he can fight against the four major forces! "I came here today to officially inform the Tianyi Sword Sect.

The rule of your four great forces over the sword world is over.

From now on, the sword world will be ruled by the Tianluo Sword Sect. "

Lin Fei said, with a faint voice, the entire Tianyi plane was roaring and shaking.

"Lin Fei, don't think about it! Our four major forces are the true rulers of the sword world.

The Tianluo Sword Sect wants to fight for the dominance of the sword world, no way! "

The head of the Tianyi Sword Sect roared.

"I just let you know.

The Tianluo Sword Sect rules the sword world, relying on strength, and does not need the consent of your four major forces.

If you don't agree with the four major forces, I will naturally beat you until you do.

Or, I will annihilate your four major forces.

Believe me, I can do it when I say it. "

Lin Fei said, the tone was still very plain.

However, in the plain tone, it is infinitely domineering.

If such words were spread, it is estimated that the entire sword world and all the creatures would be shocked to the extreme.

Annihilated the four forces! In this case, it is too shocking.

The four major forces have ruled the sword world for a long time. Who does not respect and which one is not afraid?

Now, some people claim that the four powers will be eliminated! "Little thief Lin Fei! You are too arrogant!"

"Nonsense, our four great forces have a long heritage and a deep heritage. How can you be a junior kid who can be destroyed by just saying it?"

"Little thief Lin Fei, you are responsible for what you have said!"

"Lin Fei, destroy my four powers, you can't say it.

Are you capable of this! "

... Lin Fei's words, once again, the high-level officials of the Tianyi Sword Sect were inexhaustible and roared.

"Hehe, a group of tortoises with shrinking heads can only take advantage of their tongues.

I don't have any time to entangle with you. "

Lin Fei said with sarcasm.

"Little thief Lin Fei!"

"Ah! Damn! Too bad!"

... Those high-level members of the Tianyi Sword Sect were extremely angry, but they couldn't find any words to answer Lin Fei.

Because Lin Fei was right, they really did not dare to come out and fight Lin Fei.

Lin Fei ridiculed them for being a turtle, although they were angry, it seems that this is true! In this way, a dignified Tianyi Sword Sect, a super power, was furiously furious by Lin Fei, and all the high-level figures ran away collectively, but, unfortunately, there was no way! This feeling is simply awkward to the extreme! "Ah..." A roar and roar came from the altar, shaking the void for hundreds of thousands of miles.

The entire Tianyi plane is full of wind and clouds, raging winds, darkness shrouded, and light faded, as if it was the end of the world.

Such a master god, collective anger, caused this world to create a terrible vision.

"It's boring."

Lin Fei shook his head.

Lin Fei's gaze swept across the Tianyi plane slowly, and shook his head.

In the headquarters of the Tianyi Sword Sect, there was nothing valuable.

It seems that the people of the Tianyi Sword Sect must have heard that the headquarters of the Bliss Sword Sect was looted by Lin Fei, so they hid all the valuables in advance.

So that the entire headquarters is empty, there is no valuable thing.

"This is too stingy.

Unexpectedly, you Tianyi Sword Sect is so stingy. "

Lin Fei shook his head and said in a loud voice.

In the altar, the high-level figures of the Tianyi Sword Sect had been paying attention to Lin Fei's every move, and could not help being quite speechless after hearing Lin Fei's words.

This little thief is so hateful! What kind of logic is this, should it be that the Tianyi Sword Sect should have left him a large amount of valuable things to appear generous?


Lin Fei shook his head, turned and walked out.

After a few steps, he left the Tianyi Sword Sect.

"Head, little thief Lin Fei, seems to be gone!"

Lin Fei left, and it was not until a moment later that there was a surprise sound in the headquarters of the Tianyi Sword Sect.

"Yes, he left."

The head of the Tianyi Sword Sect sighed.

"Master, what should we do.

Could it be that, just like this, did the little thief Lin Fei bully our Tianyi Sword Sect? "

A voice asked unwillingly.


There is no way.

Lin Fei's combat power was terrifying.

Based on the strength of our Tianyi Sword Sect, if we fight with him, we will suffer a lot of damage.

Moreover, everyone should know what happened in the headquarters of the Ximen family and the Bliss Sword School.

The strength of our Tianyi Sword Sect is similar to that of the Ximen Family and the Bliss Sword Sect.

If you head-to-head with Lin Fei, it is estimated that the end of our Tianyi Sword Sect will be the same. "

The head of the Tianyi Sword Sect sighed.

"Unexpectedly, this little thief has grown to such a terrifying level in such a short time.

He is the most enchanting young man I have ever seen in my life.

none of them! "

A main **** sighed.

"Not bad.

Little thief Lin Fei is indeed too enchanting.

Not only the younger generation, even the older generation of us, are not his opponents anymore.

In the sword world, such an evil spirit was born suddenly. Could it be that, in the dark, really hinted that the rule of our four major forces over the sword world is about to end? "

An elderly god, sighed.

For a while, these senior figures of the Tianyi Sword Sect were silent.

Lin Fei was like an unbearable mountain, weighing heavily on their hearts.

While they felt aggrieved, they were also helpless and felt a deep sense of helplessness.

They had never thought that a super power would one day be forced to such an extent by a junior kid, and insulted to such an extent! After Lin Fei left the Tianyi plane, he kept crossing the plane.

"Well, next, let's go to the headquarters of the Fei Xian Jian Sect."

Lin Fei said to himself.

Lin Fei knew that the main obstacles for the Tianluo Sword Sect to rule the sword world were the four major forces.

If the four major forces are not dealt with, the Tianluo Sword Sect will not be able to rule the sword world smoothly.

If the four major forces are dealt with, and the Tianluo Sword Sect rules the sword world, it will be logical that there will be no more obstacles.

Lin Fei strode towards the headquarters of the Fei Xian Jian Sect.

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