Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4019: Old man

After walking out of the secret room, Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to Tian Wan Di Que.

"Master, you are out!"

Tian Di Que received Lin Fei's transmission, and couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately came to Lin Fei's body.

"During this time, what is going on in the sword world?"

Lin Fei asked.

Lin Fei spent more than a year in this retreat.

"Master, for more than a year, in the sword world, it is basically calm, and nothing major has happened.

It's just that occasionally there will be some small-scale conflicts with people from the four major forces.

The development of our Tianluo Sword Sect is very smooth.

Now, in most of the interfaces of the sword world, our Tianluo Sword Sect has established a branch.

Except for the people of the four major forces, the other forces in the sword world seem to be willing to make friends with our Tianluo Sword Sect. "

Dique replied.

"Well, in the sword world, the reason is calm, that is because the four major forces have been waiting for me."

Lin Fei sneered.

"The master is right.

During the year, I discovered that many spies from the four major forces were active around Heaven and Earth Valley to monitor the whereabouts of their masters.

Master, you have to be careful, the four forces will definitely try their best to deal with you. "

Dique said.

"Do not worry about me.

I was not afraid of the four forces before, and I will not be afraid even more. "

Lin Fei smiled.

"Okay, I'm going to go back to Shenjian Mountain."

Lin Fei said.

"Master, proceed carefully!"

Tiandiqi said in unison.

"Don't worry, I will be fine."

Lin Fei nodded, then strode out of Heaven and Earth Valley.

After leaving Heaven and Earth Valley, Lin Fei headed towards Shenjian Mountain.

Lin Fei has not returned to Shenjian Mountain for a long time since he used Tiandi Valley as a base.

This time in retreat, Lin Fei's law of reincarnation has improved greatly.

This made Lin Fei's speed through the void much faster than before.

Soon after, Shenjian Mountain was already in sight.

"Hmph, the four major forces actually sent people to supervise the Shenjian Mountain."

Lin Fei paused, staring at the void around Shenjian Mountain.

Although, it seems that the void around Shenjian Mountain is empty and nothing.

However, with Lin Fei's divine consciousness, it has long been perceivable, at least, there are more than a dozen half-step master gods hidden in the void around Shenjian Mountain.

Each of these half-step master gods seemed to be very good at concealment, and should have practiced some particularly clever concealment technique.

Therefore, it is not so easy to find them even if it is an ordinary god! It's just that Lin Fei's divine consciousness is too powerful.

Has exceeded the average main god! Rumble...Lin Fei's two eyes, like two sharp long swords, cut towards the void around Shenjian Mountain.

Large tracts of time and space were instantly destroyed and turned into fly ash.

"No, it's Lin Fei!"

Those half-step main gods were scared to the sky.

They flee if they want to turn around.

However, once Lin Fei's sharp gaze came in contact, it was as if he had been hit by the holding body technique, and his whole body was sealed and could not move.

Shoo... Lin Fei directly released a large number of puppet threads and tossed them over.

After a while.

"See the master!"

Dozens of half-step main gods all saluted Lin Fei together.

Lin Fei asked for a while.

These half-step main gods, all belonging to the four major forces, were sent to Shenjian Mountain for the purpose of monitoring Lin Fei's whereabouts.

"From now on, just stay here.

If there is any special situation, please report to me directly. "

Lin Fei confessed, and then walked into Shenjian Mountain.

"Lin Fei, good job."

On the top of the mountain, Tianluo Jianzi couldn't help but praise when he saw Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, your growth rate is much faster than we thought."

The five sword spirits also appeared in front of Lin Fei immediately.

"Haha, seniors are utterly praised."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Senior Tianluo, the sword world, will return to your hands."

Lin Fei said to Tian Luo Jianzi.

"Haha, Lin Fei, thank you very much.

I know [] said, you are fighting for the dominance of the sword world to help me.

Actually, I don't really care about whether I can rule the sword world now.

Lin Fei, let's do this. From now on, the sword world will be ruled by you. "

Tian Luo Jianzi laughed.

"Senior, you used to rule the sword world.

I'm just helping you get back something that belongs to you.

I have no interest in ruling the sword world, nor can I do such a thing. "

Lin Fei said.

Lin Fei's fight for the dominance of the sword world was entirely to help Tianluo Jianzi vent his anger.

As for the real rule of the sword world, this kind of trouble, for Lin Fei, really has no interest at all.

"Well, I used to have a lot of old departments. Let me introduce them to you.

When I ruled the sword world, they followed me faithfully.

After I left the sword world, they hid and waited for me.

These old ministries of mine have been eager to support me and return to glory. I can't bear to let them down.

Part of the reason why I returned to the sword world was because of them.

These old men of mine paid a lot for me. "

Tianluo Jianzi said slowly.


Lin Fei nodded.

"Come here all."

Tian Luo Jianzi said loudly.

Not far away, a large number of creatures came out in a palace.

These creatures are numerous, hundreds of thousands.

Among them, tens of thousands are gods! There are ordinary gods as well as true gods.

Each one exudes a very powerful aura, and when you look at it, you know that they are strong men who can conquer the battle.

"See the lord!"

These creatures respectfully salute Tian Luo Jianzi.

They looked at Tianluo Jianzi's gaze, and they looked very excited, their bodies trembling slightly.

It can be seen that they are full of respect for Tian Luo Jianzi from the bottom of their hearts.

When Tianluo Jianzi ruled the sword world, they followed Tianluo Jianzi.

After Tianluo Jianzi was forced to leave the sword world, they have been hiding in the sword world, waiting for Tianluo Jianzi.

Over the years, they have always believed that Tianluo Jianzi will definitely return to the King! Now, Tianluo Jianzi finally returned to the sword world.

These old men were naturally extremely excited.

They hope that Tianluo Jianzi will lead them to glory once again! "Don't be polite."

Tian Luo Jianzi said quickly.

It can be seen that he has deep feelings for these old men.

"This is Lin Fei, I think you should all already know Lin Fei."

Tianluo Jianzi pointed at Lin Fei and said to his old men.

"In return to the lord, Young Master Lin is strong, wise and martial, and is the hottest figure in the sword world recently.

We naturally knew Young Master Lin a long time ago.

It's just that Young Master Lin doesn't know us. "

A gray-haired old man smiled.

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