Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4031: Stunning beauty girl

The terrible battle broke out in an instant.

The terrifying fighting energy released made this small world almost unbearable.

The people of the Simon family all retreated far away, hiding in the edge corners of the ancestral land, for fear of being affected.

A war of this level, for those weak creatures, as long as it is slightly affected, it must be overwhelming.

"Lin Fei, you bullied my Simon family too much!"

The patriarch of the Simon family, holding a golden sword, roared out of the sky, and golden kendo laws spurted out of his body, lining him like a golden statue.

boom! However, Lin Fei backhanded him with a backhand, driving him back, shaking his whole body flying out.

"Patriarch, I'll help you!"

Another Lord God rushed from the side, and the long sword in his hand was constantly enlarged, even larger than a sacred mountain, and smashed towards Lin Fei.

"You cannot protect yourself."

Lin Fei sneered and greeted him.

puff! After fighting with only two moves, Lin Fei raised the sword and fell, and cut off the head of the main god.

Then, with a punch, he smashed his body to pieces.

"Ah, little thief Lin Fei, I played with you!"

The main **** directly reorganized his body and reappeared not far from Lin Fei, completely mad.

"Want to work hard with me, you are not qualified."

Lin Fei looked disdainful.

boom! Lin Fei swung his sword crosswise, and the mighty power of the world, the vast ocean of kendo energy, blessed on the long sword, shocked the entire ancestral land, trembling and wailing.

puff! The main **** was chopped in two with a sword, and his internal organs were thrown into the void.

Qiang Qiang... Lin Fei used all kinds of secret techniques, including the mystery of the soul, the sword, the mystery of reincarnation, the heart sword, the ultimate heart sword style, etc., and attacked forward.

what! The main **** found that he could not resist at all, and he yelled in horror.

Boom...Lin Fei was like a world-famous demon, with murderous intent. He repeatedly threw out his fists, exploding all the remaining limbs of the Lord God, turning them into a cloud of blood mist, and causing this space to glow with blood.

Rumble...Finally, Lin Fei stretched out his big hand, zooming in continuously, and grabbed his soul body.

"Little thief Lin Fei, you are too cruel!"

The soul body of the main **** was frightened and turned into a ball of light, desperately fleeing into the distance.

However, Lin Fei's speed was much faster than him.

At this point, how could he let him go easily?

Rumble...Lin Fei's big hand passed across the sky, the world's mighty power, kendo energy, and the law of reincarnation, blessed on the five fingers, completely confined this space and time.

The main **** found that he seemed to have fallen into the mud, and his actions became difficult.

"You can't escape!"

Lin Fei's voice was indifferent, with five fingers open, the five divine rainbows flew out and turned into five divine dragons, caught up with the soul body of the main god, grabbed it, and then retracted.

A main god, just like that, was suppressed! The other seven main gods of the Simon family all gasped.

Lin Fei's speed is too fast.

The secret technique displayed was terrible.

They have no time to save each other.

"We are not his opponents! Please make an ancestral monument!"

Chief Ximen gritted his teeth and roared.

"Okay! In order to kill Lin Fei little thief, I can't care so much!"

The other six main gods all nodded.

"Dear ancestors and ancestors, today we, the Simon family, are invaded by powerful enemies, and the situation is critical.

Please ancestors take action to kill the little thief Lin Fei, protect my Simon family, and survive this disaster safely! "

Patriarch Ximen and the six main gods knelt down in the void at the same time, whispering in their mouths, and their voices rang throughout the small world.


Silently, around Lin Fei, one after another tombstones continued to appear, towering into the universe and surrounding them.

These tombstones are solemn and solemn, and at the same time they reveal a gloomy sense of terror.

Looking around, countless tombstones are densely packed and full of void.

Lin Fei was locked on all the tombstones.


Lin Fei was slightly taken aback.

"Lin Fei, the ancestors of the Ximen family are all here. You want our Ximen family to surrender to you. First ask your ancestors if you agree!"

Chief Ximen smiled grimly.

This is a hole card of the Simon family.

The ancient ancestors of the Simon family, when they are dying, will use a secret technique to seal their only remaining energy and the most powerful secret technique in a tombstone, and guard them in the ancestral land for generations. Among.

Once the Simon family arrived, the real life and death juncture.

The contemporary patriarch can chant a spell to summon these tombstones and activate them all to fight against foreign enemies.

This is a terrifying force.

Even Lin Fei frowned.

The large number of tombstones in front of them exudes a strange atmosphere, which seems to be more difficult to deal with than the seven main gods of the Simon family.

"It's terrible! Unexpectedly, the Simon family has such a trump card! It really deserves to be a long-standing super family!"

In the sword world, there are many strong men who are whispering, and everyone feels that these tombstones are very scary.

"Dear ancestors, please show off your power and kill Lin Fei!"

Chief Ximen and the six main gods roared together.

Buzzing... immediately, all the tombstones began to vibrate violently.

Every tombstone began to glow, with blood-red writing on it revealing, with the smell of blood permeating, and the blood shining into the sky, like a blood sacrifice.

What is even more bizarre is that on every tombstone, a face vaguely appeared, and his eyes were fixed on Lin Fei.

Rumble...In the cosmic starry sky, blood-colored thunder and lightning are masterpieces, and sometimes the wind roars, lightning and thunder.

All the tombstones were activated at the same time, the mighty power of God, shattering for nine days.

next moment.

All the tombstones began to hit Lin Fei.

"A group of dead people, what can I do!"

Lin Fei yelled, "Do you think that these dead people can deal with me."

Lin Fei sneered.

Holding a long sword, Lin Fei stepped forward, spewing dazzling sword lights all over his body, flying various rules.

call out! Lin Feizhan's starting method, shadowless style, reincarnation secret technique, and ten thousand world reincarnation cards are also activated and cooperate with each other.

This made Lin Fei's figure unpredictable, as if he was no longer in this time and space.

Shoo! Three identical Lin Fei appeared.

Rush in three directions respectively.

The war broke out.

Boom... Lin Fei and those tombstones head-to-head, without backing down, they fought fiercely.

Each tombstone contains the energy of an ancient ancestor of the Ximen family and the most powerful secret technique.

Moreover, the biggest advantage of these tombstones is that they are numerous, and they are frantically besieging Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei's combat power was too terrifying.

boom! After the war went on for a while, the tombstone was chopped by Lin Fei with a sword.

The face on the tombstone let out a sigh, and then slowly disappeared between the sky and the earth.

This means that the last spirit and spirit left by the ancient ancestor of the Simon family, and a mark of the soul, were completely annihilated.

Boom... Lin Fei was awe-inspiring, spewing sword glow all over his body, shining brightly, and bravely invincible, shattering one tombstone after another.

These tombstones, although terrifying.

However, Lin Fei's combat power is even more terrifying! "The Simon family, but so, it's ridiculous to push these long-dead guys out of the gun!"

Lin Fei shouted coldly.

Lin Fei's words made the clan chief Ximen and the six main gods flushed, and they were speechless to answer.

Because Lin Fei was right.

Every tombstone is broken, it means that something left by an ancestor is truly destroyed and disappears forever.

Patriarch Ximen and the six main gods suddenly felt that they seemed to be unscrupulous descendants, and they had pitted these ancestors miserably.


At this moment, suddenly, deep in the ancestral land of the Ximen family, a shout came out.

This shout seemed to have a certain magical power, making all the tombstones stand still.

Then, a figure slowly walked out from the depths of the ancestral land.

"what happened?

Could it be that the Ximen family, like the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, also has an ancestor who survives the world? "

In the sword world, countless strong men were shocked, staring at the figure that came out.

"This is..." Then, all the creatures were stunned and couldn't believe what they saw.

Because the creature that slowly walked out from the depths of the ancestral land of the Ximen family turned out to be a stunningly beautiful girl!

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