Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4034: Another ancestor


What's the matter, there is actually a single person in the headquarters of the Tianyi Sword Sect, and there is no more.

Turned into an empty city? "

Soon, other creatures in the sword world also discovered that there was no one in the headquarters of the Tianyi Sword Sect.

"No, people from the Tianyi Sword Sect, Ju faction has escaped!"

"It's incredible! A super power fled without a fight! This is definitely the first time such a ridiculous thing happened in the history of our sword world!"

...Many creatures cried out in surprise.

"It seems that Lin Fei's rule of the sword world is already a certainty.

The four superpowers have gone to the third, and there is still the last Bliss Sword Sect. It cannot be Lin Fei's opponent! "

A creature shook his head and sighed.

Lin Fei stood in the headquarters of the Tianyi Sword Sect for a while, and his divine consciousness felt the entire headquarters.

After a while.

Lin Fei's gaze looked at a certain void in the altar of the headquarters.

"It turns out that I left here."

Lin Fei stepped forward and came to an ancient altar.

"Well, wait for me to see, where did you go."

Lin Fei sneered.

Lin Fei is proficient in the law of time and space, the law of cause and effect, which can be traced back to many things along the trajectory of time and space.

Lin Fei stood in front of the ancient altar, keeping seals on his hands, like a butterfly wearing a flower.

A series of mysterious time and space runes were released from the seal formed by Lin Fei, and floated towards the ancient altar in front of him.

After a while.

"This altar has a lot of background, and I can't understand it.

That's it. "

Lin Fei discovered that the ancient altar in front of him was very mysterious, with some special rules remaining.

He couldn't even pass this altar to track the whereabouts of the Tianyijian sent troops.

Finally, Lin Fei gave up, shook his head, and turned to leave.

"The last one left, Bliss Sword Sect."

After Lin Fei left the headquarters of the Tianyi Sword Sect, he walked directly towards the headquarters of the Bliss Sword Sect.

Lin Fei really planned to deal with all the four superpowers in the sword world in one go.

Because Lin Fei has this confidence.

"Look, they are heading to the headquarters of the Bliss Sword Sect."

"Too tough! In one sigh, only Lin Fei can handle the four superpowers!"

"It's really our sword world, the first person in all ages!"

......A series of shocking discussions continued to sound.

Everyone knows that Lin Fei and the four superpowers will definitely have a big decision in order to compete for the rule of the sword world.

But, unexpectedly, it will come so soon! Everyone seemed to realize that now, it was a decisive battle between Lin Fei and the four superpowers.

Moreover, there are already three super powers, which is equivalent to surrender! Lin Fei walked step by step in the void of the sword world, constantly crossing one plane after another, towards the plane of bliss.

The headquarters of the Bliss Sword School is on the plane of Bliss.


Haven't waited for Lin Fei to reach the plane of bliss.

"Junior, your death date is here."

Ahead, suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded.

Lin Fei paused, staring at the void ahead.

There, a short figure stood.

This is a child who seems to be only about three years old! It's just that his eyes are sharp and frightening, and the breath released by his body spreads hundreds of thousands of miles into the void.

This child stared at Lin Fei, murderous! "Alas?"

Lin Fei's gaze looked at the little child, and he felt a sense of deja vu.

"Fairy of Bliss!"

Suddenly, Lin Fei thought of Fairy Child of Bliss.

In the past, when Lin Fei met the Fairy Boy of Bliss, he was a five-year-old child, but he was a god.

Later, Lin Fei learned.

That's because the fairy boy of bliss has practiced a taboo secret technique, and his body remains in the state of a child for a long time.

That kind of taboo secret technique involves the mystery of human life and has a great relationship with the laws of reincarnation, cause and effect, time, and space.

This kind of secret technique was passed down from ancient times in the Bliss Sword Sect. It is said that once the practice is successful, it is infinitely powerful.

Lin Fei discovered that the three-year-old child in front of him exudes an aura that is very similar to Fairy Child of Bliss.

Obviously, the creature in front of him has also practiced the same taboo secret technique.

"It seems that you are from the Bliss Sword School."

Lin Fei sneered.

"Yes! Little thief Lin Fei, Elder Yun is my ancestor, who has been in retreat for many years. Today, in order to kill you, he left early.

Lin Fei, it is a great honor for you to die in the hands of Elder Yun! "

A sharp and piercing voice sounded, and Fairy Boy of Bliss appeared not far away, staring at Lin Fei with a gloating gaze.

He was injured many times by Lin Fei, and until now, he has not completely recovered, so he hates Lin Fei to the extreme.

"Lin Fei, if you do anything wrong, you will die.

I hope you can rein in the cliff and go back.

Otherwise, my ancestors will not let you off easily. "

The head of the Bliss Sword Sect, as well as other main gods in the Sect, also appeared one after another.

"The ancestor of the Bliss Sword School!"

"Among the Bliss Sword Sect, there is also an ancestor, it's amazing!"

"The four superpowers really have a deep foundation!"

... In the sword world, there were shocking exclamations.

No one would have thought that the Bliss Sword Sect, like the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, still has an ancestor! "So, you plan to fight with me."

Lin Fei's eyes stared at the ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect, and asked lightly, without the slightest fear.

What ancestors are not ancestors, Lin Fei only believes in strength.

"Junior, you are too public, too arrogant.

Such a character is the easiest to die.

Therefore, your path is destined to not go far. "

The ancestor's gaze was terrifying, like two heavenly swords, cutting at Lin Fei in the air.

"Old guy, on the contrary, I will live well.

Instead, your way is here.

Your secret technique, you forced to leave the level before you successfully cultivated it, you are really a confused old guy. "

Lin Fei sneered.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness keenly caught the breath of this ancestor, it seemed that it was not perfect enough and had a slight flaw.

Haven't reached that level of mellowness and ease.

This means that a certain secret technique he cultivated has not really succeeded.

"You grandsons of tortoises, this time, your ancestors have been miserable."

Lin Fei's gaze glanced at the other main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect, and he said no mercy.

"Little thief Lin Fei, you are talking nonsense!"

"Little thief, when his death is near, he dare to have sharp teeth!"

"Old ancestor, don't be merciful, take this little thief to pieces and let him be destroyed!"

... Lin Fei's words made the main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect violently furious and scolded one after another.

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