Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4037: Call me a courtier

"Those who block me die!"

Lin Fei showed great power and slew forward.

Bang bang bang... Lin Fei's long sword and fists were thrown out, blasting all the seven main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect in one breath.

"old man!"

Lin Fei rushed directly to the ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect, murderous.

At this time, the ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect had reorganized his body and appeared in the distance.

With his realm, his vitality is extremely tenacious, impossible, and easily killed.

To him, reorganizing the body is just a matter of thought.

However, he was seriously injured.

The physical injury was still a trivial matter, and his soul body was also injured! Boom... The long sword in Lin Fei's hand was chopped forward, and the world's mighty power and kendo energy were blessed on the blade, and it was extremely bright.

Wherever the long sword passed, the entire void was wailing, trembling, and twisting.

"Junior, you are too cruel!"

The ancestor of the Bliss Sword School shouted.

His face was pale, and his tall and burly body kept retreating, staggering.

He just ignited his own original blood and burned it, and the loss was very large. In addition, his soul body was hit by Lin Fei and his injury was not light.

He had a heart of fear for this junior in front of him! Boom! The two slender swords in his hand turned into two dazzling dragons, blocking Lin Fei.

Shoo! Three identical Lin Fei suddenly appeared.

boom! Lin Fei on the left suddenly twisted his body and turned directly into a sword fetus. He rose into the air, dazzlingly dazzling, and struck the ancestor Li.

This is the inheritance secret technique of the Tianjin people, turning one's body into a magic weapon, concentrating the whole body's energy and spirit to attack the enemy.

Lin Fei in the center and on the right is showing a strange body technique, the long sword in his hand blooms with billions of dazzling sword lights, one left and one right, attacking the ancestor.

Roar... The ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect roared, moving the universe, and the vast starry sky was cracking. He worked hard because he knew how powerful this junior was.

puff! It is a pity that after a few moves, his body was cut to pieces by three Lin Fei again, and the monstrous blood was thrown into the void.

"No, save the ancestors!"

The head of the Bliss Sword Sect and the other six main gods shouted and rushed over.

"Go together, don't waste my time!"

Lin Fei shouted loudly.

Three identical Lin Fei rushed forward at the same time.

Rumble...The long sword in Lin Fei's hand swept out across the air, and the terrifying energy and laws rippling out from the long sword.

puff! A main god, split by Lin Fei, split into two halves from head to toe, the blood of the gods splashed and dyed the stars of the universe.

boom! One of Lin Fei's body turned into a golden sword, cutting the body of a main **** into a cloud of blood.

The ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect and the seven main gods, although it seemed that there were a lot of people, and they desperately besieged the three Lin Fei, they were forced to retreat by Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei's combat power is terrible! With so many master gods of the Bliss Sword Sect, if you beat him, you can't beat him!"

In the sword world, all the creatures who paid attention to this battle were amazed at Lin Fei's strength and invincibility.

"Old man, here I am!"

Suddenly, the three Lin Fei instantly combined, turning three into one, holding a long sword, and attacking the ancestor of the Bliss Sword School.

At this moment, all kinds of secret techniques, all kinds of energy, all blessed on the long sword, the power is endless.

puff! The ancestor's body was chopped to pieces by Lin Fei once again, torn apart, and blood splashed in the sky.


The ancestor screamed.

His strength, although very strong.

However, Lin Fei is stronger than him.

Under Lin Fei's terrifying attack, he discovered that if he continued to fight like this, he might be in danger of falling! He has lived for a very long time, possessing the strength far beyond the average Lord God.

In the sword world, if Lin Fei hadn't appeared, his combat power would have been almost the most powerful.

Invincible posture! In fact, the four superpowers have a long heritage and profound background. This is by no means empty words! For example, the Bliss Sword School, relying on this ancestor alone is enough to dominate the sword world and dominate the world! The other three superpowers also have their own cards.

For example, in the Flying Fairy Sword Sect, there is also an ancestor.

In short, the four superpowers, being able to rule the sword world for so much time, are by no means a fluke, but rely on their true strength and heritage.

It's just different now.

Lin Fei appeared! "Stop! This son is invincible, we are not his opponents.

Don't die in vain. "

The ancestor of the Bliss Sword School suddenly started to drink.


The head of Bliss, and the six main gods, were all taken aback at the same time.

"Old guy, it's too late to say these things now!"

Lin Fei was able to kill, so he would stop, shout, and chase the ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect.

Rumble...The long sword is slashing, the world is pale! It's just that the ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect had lost the slightest intent to fight, so he just showed his starting method, retreated with all his strength, and avoided Lin Fei.


Seeing this, the head of Bliss and the six main gods of the faction stretched out at the same time, wanting to rush over to help.

"You are not allowed to do it anymore! If you continue to fight, the end of our Bliss Sword Sect will be unthinkable!"

The ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect shouted.

"Ancestor..." The seven main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect were all hesitant and hesitant.

"Hmph, you fight when you want to fight, stop when you want to stop, do you really think I'm so easy to pass."

Lin Fei sneered.

call out! Lin Fei rushed out of the sky, showing a weird posture, and instantly came to the front of a main god.

"Little thief Lin Fei, I'll fight you!"

The main **** turned pale with fright, but he couldn't escape. He gritted his teeth and swung a bronze giant sword, slamming at Lin Fei.

boom! The long sword in Lin Fei's hand greeted him.

when! The bronze giant sword in the hands of the Lord God was thrown away by shock.

puff! Lin Fei blasted out with a backhand punch, piercing the main god's chest, **** and terrifying, shocking people's hearts.

"Young people, our Bliss Sword Sect concedes defeat and will not compete with you for the dominance of the sword world.

Whatever you want, will you give up. "

Seeing Lin Fei's reluctance, the ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect quickly spoke.

"Haha, old guy, I've been playing for a long time. If you say stop, will I stop?

Under the world, where is such a cheap thing. "

Lin Fei's body is like a cold electric, carrying a long sword, thundering and thundering, and the momentum is earth-shaking.

puff! There was another main god, whose body was chopped by Lin Fei.

One person, facing so many main gods, pushes everything horizontally, until no one can fight back! "This is truly invincible!"

"From now on, who would dare to be respected?

Only Lin Fei! "

"Lin Fei, alone, single-handedly, crushing the entire sword world!"

...In the sword world, a series of exclamations continued to sound.

"Young man, what are you going to do to let us go to the Bliss Sword Sect.

Do you really intend to kill us all before you are willing to stop! What conditions do you want, you can mention it to me! "

The ancestor of the Bliss Sword School couldn't help feeling anxious when seeing Lin Fei still making moves.

At the same time, he finally understood why the ancestor of the Fei Xian Sword Sect was so happy, so he chose directly and bowed his head to ask for peace.

This old ancestor began to regret it.

I regretted myself, why didn't I learn from the ancestor of the Flying Immortal Sword Sect, and bowed his head to Lin Fei for peace from the beginning.

If that is the case, nothing will happen.

At this time, the seven main gods of the Bliss Sword Sect didn't dare to engage with Lin Fei anymore and chose to escape.

Seeing Lin Fei wanted to come over, he desperately escaped.

"The Bliss Sword Sect, claim to me.

From now on, follow my orders. "

Lin Fei stopped, staring at the ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect, and said slowly.

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