Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4040: Oath of Heaven

After being so tossed by Lin Fei, the main **** of the Bliss Sword Sect had a very serious damage to the soul body. Some of the essence in the soul body was constantly losing and turning into nothingness.


Puff puff puff... Lin Fei was surprised to find that the puppet threads that he had released in the past began to explode, one by one.

At the same time, the soul body of the main **** was also seriously damaged, and some core divine essence began to be lost.

"It seems that the line of puppets, the secret method of inheritance of the soul race, controlling the half-step main god, is already at the top, unable to exert a more powerful power, and unable to subdue the master of the main **** level.

That's right, the power that every secret method in the world can exert is not infinite, and there will be a vertex.

Any kind of secret method, after reaching a certain height, no matter how much it is cultivated, it cannot increase its power. "

Lin Fei suddenly realized this and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Lin Fei understood that he had already practiced the secret technique of Puppet Thread to the strongest level.

Controlling the half-step main **** is its strongest realm! No way, one more layer! In fact, Lin Fei also hides several master gods who were caught by Lin Fei, and Lin Fei has also used them for experiments.

Without exception, they all failed.


Lin Fei moved his mind and took the remaining puppet threads back into the sea of ​​consciousness.

At the same time, soul cleaning was also removed.

Suddenly, the main **** was relieved like a burden, the torture and pain suffered by the soul body disappeared instantly, and the whole person was in a state of weightlessness, panting heavily, staggering, almost collapsed into the void.


call out! He stretched out his figure, tried his best to move away from Lin Fei in an instant, and stared at Lin Fei with horror.

He swears that the pressure and torture that Lin Fei put on him just now was the most terrifying time he has endured in his entire life! The soul body was almost controlled by someone! This is unthinkable for any warrior.

From then on, Lin Fei planted the seeds of deep fear in his mind.

In his whole life, he didn't dare to take the initiative to become an enemy with Lin Fei.

Even in the years to come, whenever I met Lin Fei, I subconsciously wanted to avoid it, as far as possible! at this time.

"Young man, don't you believe me, don't you worry about our Bliss Sword Sect."

The ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect saw that the main **** was finally safe, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief and asked.

"Not bad.

There is no proof to speak. "

The long sword in Lin Fei's hand was pointed diagonally away, and it had not been put away.

Obviously, Lin Fei still refused to give up.

"Lin Fei, what are you going to do to let us go!"

The head of the Bliss Sword Sect asked angrily, feeling a huge humiliation.

The Bliss Sword Sect took the initiative to surrender to others, but they are still reluctant to accept it, and they are still pressing! For the Bliss Sword School, this is simply humiliation to the extreme! "Lin Fei is too powerful! Push a super power to such an extent!"

In the sword world, countless creatures are also sighing in shock.

"What do you think?"

Lin Fei glanced at the head of the Bliss Sword Sect and said lightly.

"Young man, you are cruel, decisive and never procrastinate. You really have the courage to rule a world.

How about this.

Young man, I have a vow of heaven that was widely spread in ancient times.

Once a warrior swears on the Tao of Heaven, he will engrave his mark on the various laws of the world, just like a mark.

In the future, if you violate the oath of heaven that you have issued, you will suffer backlash.

No more laws can be practiced, no more laws can be exercised.

Now, together with the seven main gods in the faction, we will make the oath of heaven. From then on, we will ensure that the Bliss Sword faction will submit to you and obey your orders.

In this way, you can trust us. "

The ancestor suddenly gritted his teeth and said to Lin Fei.


Oath of Heaven? "

Lin Fei was taken aback.

"No [] is wrong.

Young people, with your cultivation base, as long as we make this kind of heavenly oath, you will feel that what I said is true. "

The ancestor said.

"Ancestor, do we really want to swear this kind of oath?

In this way, from now on, our Bliss Sword Sect will really follow his orders! Why don't we fight him? "

Immediately, the Bliss Sword Sect had several main gods, secretly transmitting to that ancestor.

"Don't you understand the current situation.

If, there is still a chance to fight.

I need it, can I ask him for peace in a low voice.

This young man, alone, has the strength to destroy our Bliss Sword School.

Alas, it’s all to blame for our generation's poor academic skills and shame on the ancestors of the Bliss Sword Sect.

For today's plan, the most important thing is to preserve the inheritance of our Bliss Sword School.

We can't let the Bliss Sword Sect decline in our generation.

And, wait and see.

Once this young man unified the sword world.

He will face a more terrifying enemy.

That is the knife world.

At that time, he will become the top enemy of the knife world.

Hey, the sword tyrant in the knife world, but an out-and-out ruthless character.

At that time, do you think that Daoba will let this young man go.

The two tigers must compete.

Moreover, I estimate that this young man will definitely not be the opponent of Daoba.

The greatest possibility is that he will die in the hands of Daoba.

So, do you think it is worth it that we are fighting this young man now and risking being extinct?

It's better to push him out and let him face the army of the knife world. "

The ancestor of the Bliss Sword Sect sent a voice transmission to the seven main gods in the Sect and analyzed it.

The seven main gods, including the head of Bliss, carefully considered what the ancestors said.

"Yes, ancestor, you make sense.

Indeed, little thief Lin Fei, the current power is too strong.

We don't have to fight him hard! not worth it! "

The seven main gods all figured it out.

"Well, young man, look at it, we are now collectively vowing to heaven.

In this way, you will believe it. "

The ancestor said to Lin Fei.

"Try it."

Lin Fei's tone was noncommittal, but his tone was obviously relaxed.

"Let's swear together."

The ancestor of the Bliss Sword School said in a loud voice.

"In the name of heaven, I swear a heavy oath.

It is guaranteed that from now on, the Bliss Sword Sect will honour the young man Lin Fei and obey the orders of young Lin Fei. "

Under the leadership of the ancestor, the eight high-level figures of the Bliss Sword Sect vowed together.

Rumble...As they swore, the entire sword world was trembling slightly, vaguely, and endless laws were looming, seeming to have some kind of induction.

Moreover, there are a series of weird dark runes, like black flowers, emerging above the heads of the eight high-level figures of the Bliss Sword School, locking their breath.

"Well, this seems to be a deep spell.

Once an oath is taken, the oath will be engraved in time and space. Almost all laws will leave their mark. Once violated, they will be sanctioned by all the laws of the world.

No more laws can be practiced, no more laws can be used! "

Lin Fei's divine consciousness felt for a while, and he couldn't help being surprised secretly.

You know, when you reach the realm of the main god, the law is one of the most important and core combat power! It can be said that if a master **** cannot use the law, it means that most of his combat power has been lost.

Even the half-step master **** is not as good as it is!

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