Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4047: Wanjian Dynasty

"Yes! That cross-border teleportation formation is already under the control of the sword world army!"

The main gods of the Flying Fairy Sword Sect, the Ximen Family, and the Bliss Family all nodded.

At the same time, they also felt blushing.

Because, what Lin Fei said, colluding with foreign enemies to build the inner ghost of the cross-border teleportation formation, these three forces all participated.

Unexpectedly, later, this cross-border teleportation formation fell into the hands of the sword world army, becoming a bridge for the sword world army to invade the sword world! This allusion is known to all masters of the master **** level in the sword world.

Lin Fei learned about it from Tianluo Jianzi.

It can be said that it is precisely because of the large cross-border teleportation formation that the army of the sword world has the opportunity to invade the sword world on a large scale, and in the end, occupy half of the territory of the sword world.

You know, every supreme world has very strong space barriers and is indestructible.

Even the main **** cannot penetrate the space barriers of the highest world! Therefore, if you want to enter and exit a supreme world, you must pass through the entrance and exit portal of this supreme world.

Otherwise, no way! However, the portals of the highest world are all tightly defended, and they are blessed by the mighty power of this highest world, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

Therefore, it is too difficult to invade a supreme world.

Moreover, more importantly, the entrance and exit of the sword world, for some reason, has been automatically closed! The creatures in the sword world cannot go out.

People from the outside world can't come in either! When Lin Fei entered the sword world back then, he entered the sword world by forcibly crossing the space barriers of the sword world.

It can be said that now, in the sword world, the only thing that can still communicate with the outside world is the large cross-border teleportation formation.

It's just that the large cross-border teleportation formation is in the hands of the sword world army! Now, Lin Fei intends to take this cross-border teleportation formation back from the hands of the sword world army.

As long as this great formation is taken back, it will be very difficult for the people in the sword world to enter the sword world in the future.

"Young Master Lin, it would be great if the cross-border teleportation formation could be taken back from the hands of the sword world army! This is something to be proud of for everyone in the sword world! "

Qu Zhong said to Lin Fei excitedly.

"Yes, if we can take back that large cross-border teleportation formation, from now on, our sword world will no longer be subject to the sword world."

The Fei Xian Sword Sect, the Ximen Family and the Bliss Sword Sect, the main gods of the three forces also nodded one after another.

The invasion of the sword world army made every creature in the sword world feel humiliated.

Every creature in the sword world hopes to drive the sword world army out of the sword world.

"I hope that everyone can participate, join forces to deal with the sword world army, and take back that cross-border teleportation formation."

Lin Fei looked at the main **** of the three major forces, looking over.

"it is good.

I agree. "

The ancestor of the Bliss Sword School nodded first.

The senior figures of the Bliss Sword Sect had all vowed to obey Lin Fei's orders. Therefore, the Bliss Sword Sect had no choice, and there was no need to consider it.

The main gods of the Fei Xian Sword Sect and the Ximen Clan are a bit hesitant. You look at me, I look at me, and talk to each other through voice transmission.

at last.

"we agree."

The main gods of the Fei Xian Sword Sect and the Ximen Family also nodded one after another.

After all, it is the willingness of every creature in the sword world to drive out the sword world invaders.

These main gods all understand that the great cross-border teleportation formation is of great significance to the sword world.

If it can be taken back, the sword world will become much safer in the future.

Moreover, these main gods were all afraid of being beaten by Lin Fei.

They knew that if they didn't agree, they would definitely be remembered by Lin Fei, and in the future, they didn't know how to deal with them.

"Well, since everyone agrees, then, three days later, we will do it."

Lin Fei said.


The main gods of the three major forces nodded and then disappeared.

Lin Fei took Tian Diqian and Qu Zhong back to Heaven and Earth Valley.

"Master, aren't you afraid that the main gods of these three forces will collude with the sword world army in private?

Especially the Ximen family and the Flying Fairy Sword Sect.

Back then, it was these big forces that colluded with foreign enemies and led wolves into the house, which eventually led to our sword world being invaded. "

As soon as he returned to the Heaven and Earth Valley, Qu Zhong asked Lin Fei.

Qu Zhong had experienced these things personally back then, so he always kept it in his heart and was a little worried.

"do not be afraid.

If they want to hack into the army of the knife world, just go.

It just gave me a chance to destroy all their power.

Don't worry, if I do this, I have my intentions. "

Lin Fei sneered, and sharp killing intent flashed in his eyes.

Qu Zhong heard Lin Fei say this, and he dared not ask any more.

The next three days.

Lin Fei practiced in retreat.

Lin Fei opened up a secret room in the eyes of the world as a retreat.

In the secret room.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged.

A jade slip suspended in front of Lin Fei.

This jade slip was given to Lin Fei by Tian Luo Jianzi not long ago.

In the jade slip, the kendo inheritance of the old man sword is recorded.

Lin Fei is going to take time to comprehend.

Although, Lin Fei's current kendo has reached a very high level.

In the entire sword world, there is almost no master god's kendo level that can be compared with Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei did not think that his level of kendo was comparable to the old man of swordsman.

The old man of sword, belongs to the first person in the sword world through the ages! Recognized as the strongest in Kendo! The kendo inheritance he left behind is of course not trivial.

Lin Fei released the power of divine consciousness and extended into the jade slip suspended in front of him.

Suddenly, an ancient, desolate, great, and vast kendo civilization rushed forward.

The principles of the sword, the civilization of the sword, and the inheritance of the sword, as vast as the sea of ​​Yuanhai, flooded into Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"What a wonderful and vast realm, it turns out that the world of kendo can still be like this, colorful!"

Lin Fei was extremely pleasantly surprised, and at the same time began to feel deeply.

Shoo...Every pore on Lin Fei's body was spitting out billowing sword lights, like a burst of golden light, the scorching sun is masculine, and the ghosts and spirits will not invade! Lin Fei felt that his kendo level began to improve.

The sword light sprayed from Lin Fei's body was so brilliant that it could not be described in words.

Every sword light can easily cut off all things and kill the gods and Buddhas! "Alas?

In the sword old man’s kendo inheritance, there is a kendo secret technique called Wanjian Chaozong, which seems to be very powerful. "

Lin Fei said suddenly, very surprised.

Wanjian Dynasty Sect is a very mysterious kendo secret technique that combines the spirit, spirit energy, kendo energy, and sword intent of a body into a sharp sword.

The mighty power is the most powerful kendo secret technique that Lin Fei has ever come into contact with! "Okay, practice!"

Lin Fei immediately decided to practice Wanjian Dynasty.

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