Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4051: The war begins

In the distance, Jinpeng Sword King stared at Lin Fei with a bitter but frightened look, his face was gloomy and he didn't say a word.

He finally understood that the strength of this kid in front of him was stronger than him! It is ridiculous how much he despised each other before.

I thought that with my own strength, I could kill it easily.

Unexpectedly, he was cut to pieces by the opponent's sword! Such a result, for him, is a serious face slap! Simply embarrassed! "How is it possible that this kid's combat power is so terrible!"

"Jinpeng Knife King, he is not his enemy!"

...The master gods of the sword world who had just arrived in the sword world were all shocked.

All of a sudden, shocked eyes fell on Lin Fei's body.

The atmosphere was silent.

"One last warning, get out of the sword world.

Otherwise, you are at your own risk. "

In the deadly silence, Lin Fei spoke aloud, the cold voice resounding through the void.

"Get out of the sword world!"

The world is crippled, and at the same time, he shouted with luck.

"Get out of the sword world!"

The army of the Tianluo Sword Sect also followed, shouting in unison.

"Get out of the sword world!"

When the other forces in the sword world saw this, they also roared in unison, killing intent to the sky, and the entire sword world shook and shook.

"Lin Fei, the sword world is weak, and it's reasonable to be annexed by our sword world.

Do you think that with your own strength, you can reverse the decline of the sword world.

Hmph, Lin Fei, I advise you, don't let yourself be overwhelmed by your own strength.

Lin Fei, if you are willing to join our knife world, I guarantee that you will be reused and become a high-level figure in our knife world! "

A master of the sword world spoke to Lin Fei in a loud voice.

"It seems that you are not willing to get out of the sword world.

In that case, go to death. "

Lin Fei shouted coldly.

"Do it."

Lin Fei waved his hand and ordered directly.

"Master ordered, kill!"

Desperate, first roared.

kill! All the swordsmen and horses roared loudly, vast and tidal, rushing to the camp of the sword world.

"Lin Fei, you insist on fighting, at your own risk! Kill!"

In the camp of the sword world army, an old man with a red face and white beard and hair shouted loudly.

This old man has a very high status among the army of the sword world. With an order, the army of the sword world also began to charge.

kill! The armies of both sides rushed towards the opponent's camp! It was as if two torrents collided.

A fierce battle broke out.

The creatures in the sword world have long hated these invaders in the sword world.

At this moment, the hatred accumulated for a long time broke out completely.

"Kill! Kill all these **** invaders!"

"Killing one is enough, killing two will make a profit!"

"Kill! Revenge for the dead!"

... the people in the sword world burst out with amazing fighting will.

It's just that the people in the knife world are obviously stronger, and each one is carefully selected and belongs to the elite.

The war was very tragic. As soon as the two sides came into contact, there were heavy casualties.

"You hold them first."

Lin Fei spoke to the main gods in the sword world.

Then, Lin Fei suddenly showed his departure method and rushed towards the headquarters of the sword world army.

Lin Fei has more important things to do.

That is, to seize the large cross-border teleportation formation! This teleportation formation has been hidden in the headquarters of the sword world army.

"Look, Lin Fei is going to enter our headquarters and stop him!"

As soon as Lin Fei made a move, the main gods of the sword world were immediately discovered.

Immediately, there were four sword master gods who stopped Lin Fei.

"What are you waiting for, do it!"

Two people were crippled in the world, and they rushed out at the same time to kill the master gods of the sword world.

"Do it!"

The main gods of the three major forces, the Fei Xian Sword Sect, the Ximen Family, and the Bliss Sword Sect, glanced at each other, and rushed up to find the main **** of the sword world to fight.

After all, now, the entire sword world is paying attention to this decisive battle.

These main gods of the three major forces, even if they were reluctant, would not be embarrassed, and flinched.

Otherwise, the entire sword world will be blamed.

Moreover, Lin Fei would definitely trouble them.

As a result, the main gods of both sides began to fight together.

"Boy, stop, this is a great place in the knife world, outsiders are not allowed to enter!"

The two masters of the sword world grabbed them first, one left and the other right, and stopped them to Lin Fei.


Lin Fei scolded coldly.

laugh! Lin Fei displayed the Wanjian Dynasty Sect, a resplendent little sword, to kill the two sword master gods.

The sword light flickered, illuminating the sky.

"Attention! This kid is a little weird!"

The two master gods of the sword world, seeing Lin Fei make a move, couldn't help but stunned and reminded each other.

Boom! The two of them simultaneously displayed their ultimate tactics, wielding a big knife in each hand, bursting out of hob energy, and beheaded to Lin Fei.

Dangdang! Two clear metal crash sounds sounded.

Time and space are condensed.

"So strong!"

The movements of the two sword world master gods stopped, looking at Lin Fei with horrified eyes, and muttering to themselves.

Their clothes were messy, their bodies were covered with sword marks, and the big swords in their hands were all shattered. Only half of them were left in their hands, looking very embarrassed.

Two people work together and lose in one move.

Lin Fei's terrifying combat power made them feel scalp numb.

"Boy, Hugh is crazy!"

The other two sword world master gods also arrived, shouting at the same time and killing Lin Fei.

"Get away if you don't want to die!"

Lin Fei shouted coldly.

Huh! A small black sword was aimed at the head of one of the sword master gods and cut off.

This is the Excalibur.

laugh! At the same time, Lin Fei displayed the Wanjian Dynasty Sect, a dazzling small sword, slashed out in the air, and hit another sword master god.

Roar! The two main gods felt the tremendous pressure, and at the same time roared, resisting with all their strength.

call out! Lin Feizhan's starting method, his figure is like electricity, changing step by step, step by step, time and space, and instantly, rushing into the headquarters of the sword world army.


The four sword master gods who came to intercept Lin Fei glanced at each other and then chased Lin Fei together.

"Go and stop that kid! Don't let him do damage in our headquarters!"

In addition, there were five other master gods of the sword world, also chasing Lin Fei.

A total of nine sword master gods came to chase Lin Fei.

In this way, there are only more than 30 sword world master gods left, staying on the battlefield, fighting with those master gods in the sword world.

Invisibly, it relieved a lot of pressure on the master gods of the sword world.

Lin Fei broke into the headquarters of the sword world army, immediately released his divine consciousness, and felt in all directions.

A large number of formations are arranged everywhere in the headquarters of the sword world army.

Defensive, attacking, hiding, isolating, psychedelic, gathering spirit... Moreover, all of them are god-level formations, and their power is not weak.

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