Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4060: Lurking ghost

"Master, we will help you!"

Tian Di Que saw that Lin Fei was fighting the sword master gods, and both rushed over.

"I'm fighting with you!"

A master **** of the sword world, with a raging fire burning all over his body, fought Tianchou Diqian.

"Be careful he jumps the wall in a hurry."

Lin Fei confessed.

"Master, don't worry, we are not vegetarian either!"

It was all yelling and majestic.

Their two swords are in harmony, and their tacit understanding is growing. The power they exert is much stronger than before.

Although the master of the sword world burned his own blood and stimulated his potential, he had no advantage at all if he had to fight against the heavens and the earth at the same time.

"Let's go too!"

The main gods of the three major forces, including the Fei Xian Sword Sect, hesitated for a while, and they also rushed forward to do their hands on the main gods of the sword world.

The sword world army has been completely defeated, and the main gods of these sword worlds can free their hands and feet.

With the addition of these sword world master gods, those sword world master gods are even more unable to resist.

In the blink of an eye, another group of soul bodies of the master of the sword world were caught by Lin Fei and sealed.

By this time, there were still more than a dozen sword master gods left, struggling to support them.

"We can't fall into the hands of that kid! Fight the danger of falling, disintegrate!"

One of the master gods of the sword world suddenly roared.

"it is good!"

The remaining master gods of the sword world nodded.

They were desperate, unable to fight and fight, and there was no escape.

"Boy, wait, we will repay today's hatred!"

The remaining sword master gods stared at Lin Fei with bitter eyes, and roared.


Puff puff... the flesh and soul bodies of a dozen sword world master gods were exploded at the same time, turning into blood mist in the sky.

Then, all the blood mist dispersed with the wind.

"Where to escape!"

Lin Fei let out a loud roar and used the supernatural powers of time and space to block this time and space.

Immediately, everything in this space and time was frozen, just like a painting.


Lin Fei was in the shape of electricity. When he came to this time and space, he found that there was nothing left.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness carefully sensed this piece of time and space, and found that the master gods of the sword world had disappeared without a trace.

With Lin Fei's insight, of course he knew that the master gods of the sword world used a very tragic disintegration method.

Explode his own flesh and blood and soul body into smashing pieces and integrate them into the great avenue of the world.

Since then, these main gods have fallen sharply in strength, suffered heavy damage, and have almost no chance to return to their peak state.

Their realm, it is also possible, will slowly fall, and their strength will gradually become weaker and weaker.

Even after a long period of exhaustion, they may actually die and disappear between the heaven and the earth because of the exhaustion of the remaining energy.

Because, after experiencing a disintegration, most of their energy was consumed.

Only a small part, blood and spirits, survived in this world.

However, they did not die either, but wandered in this world like an invisible ghost.

This is a very special state.

Even Lin Fei was very difficult to find them.


Lin Fei's face was a bit ugly.

These dozens of disintegrated sword world master gods, lurking in the sword world, are tantamount to leaving a disaster for the sword world.

I don't know when it will happen.

This big battle is finally over.

The people of the sword world won a big victory.

The army of the knife world was almost wiped out.

There are more than forty main gods in the knife world, almost, more than 20, controlled by Lin Fei.

More than a dozen of them used the Disintegration Dafa and became latent.

"The aggressor has been wiped out!"

"Our home is regained!"

...The entire sword world is full of wild cries.

"Master, you saw that the invaders in the knife world were wiped out by us! Master, your great enmity is avenged!"

"The head, those thieves in the knife world, have already succumbed to the law, head, your spirit in the sky, you can rest in peace!"

"Brother Lu! I want to tell you a good news. The knife world thief who invaded our home has finally paid the price of blood today!"

"Father, son today, killed thousands of thieves in the knife world and avenged you personally!"

...In the void, there are many crying creatures kneeling, comforting those relatives, friends and teachers who were killed by the invasion of the sword world.

"Go, go back to our home!"

"From today, rebuild the homeland!"

...The tide of sword world creatures, mighty, rushing towards the half of the territory once occupied by the sword world army.

This half of the territory was previously controlled by the sword world army, but now the sword world army has been destroyed.

The creatures who once lived in that half of the territory began to set off to return to their dream homeland and prepare to rebuild their homeland.

"Master, we finally disappeared the sword world army."

Desperate, came to Lin Fei's side and said excitedly.


Lin Fei nodded, also very satisfied with the ending.

The current sword world is the complete sword world.

"However, there are more than a dozen ghosts that linger in the sword world. You must be careful in the future and don't let them harm the sword world."

Lin Fei said.

"Master, please rest assured.

After the dozens of guys performed the Disintegration Dafa, their strength plummeted.

Moreover, they will become weaker and weaker as time goes by.

Even if they are in their peak state, we will not be afraid.

What's more, it's the state where people are not humans and ghosts are not ghosts. "

Tian Can said.

"Have you seen enough."

At this moment, suddenly, Lin Fei's gaze looked at a certain void in the distance, and said coldly.

"the host?"

They were all shocked, and their eyes followed, but they found nothing.

"Fortunately, you didn't make a move.

Otherwise, your Tianyi Sword Sect will end up just like the sword world army. "

Lin Fei's sharp gaze, like two heavenly swords, tore through the void, and said with a sneer.

"Tianyi Sword Sect!"

It's all in shock.

Three of the four superpowers in the sword world chose to bow their heads to Lin Fei and give in.

The Tianyi Sword Sect, on the other hand, evaded and disappeared.

"Master, don't the people of the Tianyi Sword Sect keep hiding there to peek?"

Dique couldn't help asking.

"Not bad.

As soon as the war began, the people of the Tianyi Sword Sect came and lurked there.

They want to act by chance and see if there is a chance to start with me.

However, they have not waited for the opportunity. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Huh! What a shameless group of people, master, you lead the swordsmen to fight against foreign enemies and regain lost ground. They actually want to take the opportunity to attack the master! Master, simply destroy the Tianyi Sword Sect!"

Tiancan was furious.

The world is crippled, and they are all angry and ready to do it.

"They are gone.

Wait, there is a chance.

Now, the foreign enemy has been eliminated.

Next, it was their turn.

The four superpowers, if something goes wrong, I will do it myself. "

Lin Fei sneered.

Before Lin Fei, the reason why the four superpowers had not been wiped out was because there was still the sword world army, the biggest enemy.

Destroying the four superpowers in the sword world will greatly damage the sword world's vitality.

It will also lower the morale of the entire sword world.

Powerless against the army of the knife world.

"Meet Lin Fei Young Hero!"

At this moment, suddenly, a large number of masters in the sword world came to Lin Fei's body and collectively saluted Lin Fei.

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