Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4062: Pay the price

"Lin Fei, what do you want!"

A middle-aged man wearing a yellow robe and looking like a star stared at Lin Fei and asked.

He is the head of the Tianyi Sword Sect.

It was his idea that Tianyijian sent Jupai to relocate, leave the headquarters and avoid Lin Fei.

At this time, more than a dozen main gods were standing on the star, and each one was highly vigilant, afraid that Lin Fei would suddenly make a move.

At the same time, facing Lin Fei, they also felt tremendous pressure.

They knew how Lin Fei's combat power was.

"How do you think I should."

Lin Fei had his hands on his back, his face indifferent, and he couldn't see the joy or anger.

A powerful breath filled the starry sky, Lin Fei was sitting high down, looking down at the stars, above the body, there was a bright light flowing.

"Lin Fei, you have ruled the sword world now, and we, the Tianyi Sword Sect, have also lived away from the world, and no longer have to worry about the sword world. Are you going to kill them all."

An elder of the Tianyi Sword Sect yelled and asked.

"Hey, are you Tianyi Sword Sect, have you lived in escape?

Not long ago, there was a decisive battle between the armies of the two worlds. You Tianyi Sword Sect, as people in the sword world, not only ignored the situation of the battle, but lurked on the side, peeping at me and showing murderous intent.

Can you give me a reasonable explanation? "

Lin Fei smiled coldly.

Facing Lin Fei's question, for a while, the main gods of the Tianyi Sword Sect didn't know how to answer.

"Lin Shaoxia, the five of us are not from the Tianyi Sword Sect, and we have no holidays with Lin Shaoxia.

Therefore, this matter has nothing to do with us. "

Suddenly, the five main gods rose into the air, left the star, and spoke to Lin Fei together.

"I know that you are not members of the Tianyi Sword Sect, but you should not tell me that you have been mingling with the Tianyi Sword Sect during this period of time. The reason has nothing to do with me.

Moreover, in the battle between the two worlds, you, as the main gods of the sword world, should have come forward to deal with foreign enemies.

However, the five of you have bad intentions and conspired with the people of the Tianyi Sword Sect to deal with me. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Lin Fei, you..." The five main gods, unexpectedly Lin Fei knew so clearly, they were all startled and angry.

The five of them, together with the senior officials of the Tianyi Sword Sect, were indeed conspiring together to deal with Lin Fei.

When Lin Fei faced more than forty master gods in the war knife world, they had been hiding nearby, monitoring the battle.

Once Lin Fei showed signs of defeat, even as long as the two sides reached a tie, they would immediately take action and launch a surprise attack on Lin Fei.

"Lin Fei, we were indeed wrong about the previous thing.

From then on, our Tianyi Sword Sect will remain hidden from the world, and will never ask about the sword world again, and absolutely will not be against you again. "

The head of the Tianyi Sword Sect asked in a deep voice.

"Lin Shaoxia, we are the same.

From then on, he will no longer live in the world and live in seclusion. "

The five main gods also quickly said to Lin Fei.

These dozen or so main gods all understand that they are not Lin Fei's opponents.

Once started, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, they put down their attitude as much as possible, trying to make peace with Lin Fei.

"Haha..., what a seclusion, not asking about world affairs.

You showed me a murderous intent, can it be that with just such a light sentence, nothing can happen. "

Lin Fei sneered unmoved.

"Lin Fei, what do you want!"

The expressions of the dozen or so main gods changed.

"We have all bowed our heads to confess our mistakes and promised that we won't be your enemy again.

Do you really want to kill us Tianyi Sword Sect! "

The head of the Tianyi Sword Sect asked in a deep voice.

"I want you to pay the price you deserve!"

Lin Fei let out a sharp roar, his breath soared, and he made a bold move.

boom! A resplendent little sword, exuding a very dangerous energy coercion, passed across the sky, and instantly rushed in front of a main god.

This is Wanjian Dynasty Sect! Lin Fei's combat experience has been greatly improved after a battle with more than forty sword master gods, as well as the clone of the sword patriarch.

Every kind of secret technique displayed was close to a perfect state.

The power played out is much stronger than before.

"Lin Fei, I'm fighting with you!"

This main **** is a high-ranking member of the Tianyi Sword Sect. He didn't expect Lin Fei to be so decisive, so he just shot.

It's a pity that even if he tried desperately to resist, it was of no use.

puff! His body was cut to pieces on the spot, and flesh and blood flew across.

what! Not far away, the main god's body reorganized, looking at Lin Fei with horror, his heart trembled.

He discovered that he was not Lin Fei's enemy at all! "Pay the price!"

Lin Fei roared, shaking the wasteland of the universe, his clothes danced wildly, and his eyes were as cold as a knife.

Rumble...the terrifying energy pressure, centered on Lin Fei's body, rolled out in all directions.

The entire universe was shook violently by the earthquake, and countless sun, moon and stars were constantly exploding, like blooming fireworks.

Lin Fei just released his breath, making this plane almost unbearable.

This invincible power makes everyone feel palpitations! "Lin Fei, you forced us!"

The other main gods changed their faces one by one and roared one after another.

They understood that Lin Fei did not intend to bypass them easily.

There is only one battle! "We must not separate, we must attack together.

Don't give him every chance to break! "

The head of the Tianyi Sword Sect shouted.

More than a dozen main gods formed a fan-shaped battle formation, biting their heads and besieging Lin Fei.

boom! Lin Fei stepped forward, erupting the world's mighty power from all over his body, like a golden **** of war, slashing with his sword, smashing the attacks of the dozen or so main gods.

Rumble...the attacks of the two sides collided together, and the energy shock wave produced, spread like a big ocean.

As soon as the battle began, the starry sky of the universe collapsed on a large scale, and the space was severely damaged, with black space cracks everywhere.

With the power of one person, Lin Fei played against more than a dozen main gods, still gaining the upper hand, constantly shaking one main **** into the air.

boom! Lin Fei seemed to kill a god, his eyes opened and closed, and he shot with cold electricity. In a flash, he rushed to a main **** and slashed with a sword.

With a pop, the body of the main **** was chopped into a cloud of blood.

"it's your turn!"

Lin Fei's figure is like electricity, with infinite murderous intent, and with a long sword in his hand, he slashed towards another nearby main god.

"Ah! Little thief Lin Fei, I will fight you desperately!"

The main **** roared sharply, and ninety-nine and eighty-one thick sword auras spewed out of his body, sharp and gloomy, like ninety-nine and eighty-one evil dragons, rushing towards Lin Fei.

"Small bugs."

Lin Fei said lightly.

The long sword in his hand was cut out with terrifying power, and all of the ninety-nine and eighty-one thick sword auras were cut off in a single stroke.

boom! Lin Fei made up a punch, banged on his body, and beat him into a ball of flesh.

"They are from the Tianyi Sword Sect! Unexpectedly, they are hiding in that remote plane!"

As soon as the war began, countless masters in the entire sword world were aware of the powerful divine consciousness, penetrating the distant void, and perceiving it.

"The people of the Tianyi Sword Sect have been found! Lin Fei is working on them!"

Countless creatures in the sword world were shocked.

This superpower that has disappeared for a while, unexpectedly, in this way, suddenly reappeared in the world.

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