Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4071: Back to the boundless sea of ​​chaos

"Not the ancestor of the sword tyrant?

Lin Shaoxia, have you found anything? "

The powerhouses surrounding Lin Fei all looked at Lin Fei with questioning eyes.

Lin Fei is now the strongest person in the sword world, these strong people seem to have found the backbone.

"I suspect that it is possible that a certain strong man did it in the boundless sea of ​​chaos."

Lin Fei thought for a while and said.

Lin Fei did think of a strong man in the boundless Chaos Sea.

"The powerhouse of the Boundless Chaos Sea?

In the weak place of the boundless Chaos Sea, what strong will there be?

impossible. "

A strong man in the sword world said.

However, he immediately realized something was wrong.

Because, he suddenly remembered that Lin Fei also came from the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Could it be that Lin Fei has emerged from the boundless sea of ​​chaos, and now there is another peerless powerhouse?

That once weak lower realm, now has this kind of peerless power specially born? "

The strong men in the sword world were all surprised.

"This kind of breath is a bit familiar, is it really Dijiang hitting the door?"

Lin Fei was secretly guessing in his heart.

Those terrifying energies that entered through the door made Lin Fei feel familiar.

"I don't know how strong Dijiang is now?

With my current strength, can I deal with him? "

Lin Fei frowned slightly.

Although now Lin Fei has become very powerful.

However, I dare not underestimate Dijiang.

Because, Dijiang might be an old monster that had to be reborn and had a body of a chaotic sky swallowing beast.

Lin Fei knew that Dijiang's strength must be rapidly increasing.

"Lin Fei, don't worry.

No matter which peerless powerhouse, our sword world has the background to deal with him.

The sword world is not as weak as you imagined. "

At this moment, Lin Fei suddenly received a voice from the yellow-robed old man.


Lin Fei was taken aback when he heard this.

"The sword world is not as weak as I imagined?

Is there anything in the sword world that I don't know? "

Lin Fei was very curious.

The yellow robe old man seemed to have something in his words.

"Senior, could it be that Shenjian Mountain still has a secret that I don't know?"

Lin Fei asked.

Lin Fei suddenly felt that Shenjian Mountain must have secrets he didn't know.

In fact, until now, Lin Fei still couldn't figure out the five sword spirits.

The five of them have been guarding the top of Shenjian Mountain, never leaving half a step, what is it for?

Lin Fei once guessed that the Five Sword Spirits, possibly, were the tool spirits born from the High Sword Mountain, and they themselves belonged to a part of the Sword Mountain.

Therefore, I stayed on the Excalibur Mountain all the time.

However, Tianluo Jianzi had told Lin Fei privately that the Five Sword Spirits were not the spirits of Shenjian Mountain.

However, Tianluo Jianzi didn't know the true origin of the five sword spirits.

In this way, the five sword spirits seemed very mysterious.

"Haha, Lin Fei, don't bother about our Shenjian Mountain for now.

Anyway, don't worry, no matter what peerless power comes, as long as he threatens the roots of the sword world, in the end, he will definitely not be pleased.

Every supreme world will have its own heritage.

So you don't have to worry about the sword world. "

The old man in Huangpao replied, seemingly confident.

"OK then."

Lin Fei nodded.

That's right, how can a supreme world be simple.

It is said that every supreme world is likely to be the place where the Chaos God once practiced in retreat.

Everything that involves the Chaos God is so deep that not everyone can afford it.

This is also the reason why Lin Fei left the creatures of three thousand worlds in the Valley of Fallen God without worrying at all.

You know, Luoshen Valley is actually a place where Chaos God lives in seclusion.

Even if it is a wounded Chaos God, it is definitely not something the world's creatures can afford.

Lin Fei felt that even Dijiang wouldn't necessarily be able to provoke his statue master.

"Everyone, don't worry.

Go back first.

Even if there is a certain peerless strong man who wants to be disadvantageous to our sword world, don't be afraid.

Our sword world is a supreme world, not so easy to bully. "

Lin Fei said to those strong in the sword world.

"Well, since Lin Shaoxia speaks, let's go back."

"That's right, with Lin Shaoxia here, we in the sword world need not be afraid of anything."

"I guess, even if the ancestor of the sword tyrant comes, Lin Shaoxia will not necessarily lose to him."

... Lin Fei is now the first person in the sword world and the backbone of the entire sword world. Therefore, seeing Lin Fei's voice, those strong in the sword world left one after another.

And Lin Fei, after waiting for everyone to leave, stepped in, traversed into the depths of the void, and came to the space barrier of the sword world.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness sensed for a while, and found the weak point of the space barrier and the direction leading to the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Then, directly penetrate the space barrier.

Lin Fei's current strength was much stronger than before.

Therefore, the speed of penetrating space barriers is much faster.

In a short while, he successfully penetrated the space barrier and returned to the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"It really is Dijiang!"

As soon as Lin Fei returned to the time and space of the boundless Chaos Sea, he saw the familiar figure of Di Jiang.

The entrance and exit of the sword world leads to many different time and space at the same time.

One of them is the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

at this time.

Di Jiang was standing in front of the entrance and exit door of the sword world, hitting the two doors full of sang sang breath with one punch and one punch.

With every punch, the entrance and exit of the sword world were smashed and shaken violently.

One after another loud noises spread throughout the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Countless creatures lurked in the dark, secretly watching Dijiang's actions.

When Lin Fei discovered Dijiang, he immediately disappeared and hid in the void.

Various laws of chaos origin, especially the laws of reincarnation, cover the body and isolate it from the surroundings.

"Huh! These two ghosts are really strong."

After a while, Dijiang finally stopped.

Under his bombardment, the two gates, although they have been shaking, have not been broken.

"However, sooner or later I will smash these two doors.

Our Emperor Jiang not only rules the boundless Chaos Sea, but also rules every supreme world that borders the boundless Chaos Sea.

Haha..." Dijiang's proud voice rumblingly spread in the void of the boundless Chaos Sea.

In the entire boundless Chaos Sea, apart from Dijiang's wild laughter, there were no more creatures who dared to speak aloud.

"It seems that the boundless sea of ​​chaos has been ruled by Dijiang.

I don't know, how are those super powers now? "

Lin Fei thought secretly in his heart that the power of divine consciousness perceives it far away, wanting to see how the boundless sea of ​​chaos is now.


Just at this time.


Di Jiang's gaze suddenly looked at where Lin Fei was hiding.

It seems to have discovered.

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