Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4088: Blew

"It's okay, just a few main gods."

Lin Fei smiled.


Brother Lin Fei, in your eyes, how many masters at the master **** level can you describe? "

The Eight Stone Saints were a little surprised when they heard Lin Fei's words.

"Boy Lin Fei, don't be too big.

Your current realm is just a half-step master god.

It is a bit difficult to deal with the Lord God.

You know, the higher the level of realm, the more difficult it is to fight at a higher level.

You must not think that you can deal with masters of the master **** level. "

The goblin was beside him, also persuading.

"Go away.

Nosy! "

That face looked a little smug and scolded Lin Fei.

"I don't have so much time to waste with you."

Lin Fei shook his head.

With a wave of his hand, a powerful force of time and space was released, drowning all the faces.


Shoo...All the faces were forcibly teleported away.

Even those ordinary gods are the same. Although they struggled desperately, they were of no avail.

In the end, all the faces on this wasteland disappeared.

Lin Fei didn't want to hurt these faces.

Because Lin Fei had a good impression of that face in the boundless chaotic sea.

That face used to help Lin Fei in a crisis before.

"How could it be..." On the wasteland, only the people of the wooden puppet clan were left, one by one was stunned and couldn't believe what he saw.

"Senior, why are you helping us."

A wooden puppet stepped forward and asked Lin Fei cautiously.

This is an ordinary **** and the leader of this team of wooden puppets.

Lin Fei's exposed hand against the sky completely shook him.

"I want to know something about your wooden puppets."

Lin Fei looked at the wooden puppet and asked.

"Want to know about our wooden puppets?"

The wooden puppet was taken aback, and immediately became vigilant.

Because the wooden puppets are very mysterious.

Especially the super abnormal recovery ability and the huge vitality possessed are very precious to the creatures of other races.

There are many powerful people of other races who secretly conduct research on the wooden goups.

Want to find out the secrets of the wooden puppets.

"Sorry, I can't help you.

let's go. "

The wooden puppet became suspicious of Lin Fei, waved his hand, and brought a large group of wooden puppets, wanting to leave.

"Very strong alert."

Lin Fei shook his head and laughed.

"We can't go."

Lin Fei smiled.

"Give me!"

Lin Fei stretched out a hand, swelled against the wind, zooming in continuously, and rumbled towards the wooden puppets.

Above the big hand, various laws were released, completely blocking this piece of time and space.

Those wooden puppets were surprised to find that their bodies could not move at all.

Then, Lin Fei took a copy of the palm of his hand, like a fish, grabbed all the wooden puppets and held them in his palm.

Poor those wooden puppets, none of them escaped before Lin Fei's palm.

Lin Fei transported all these wooden puppets into a world in his body.

"so amazing!"

The Eight Stone Saints and the goblins were shocked when they saw Lin Fei's methods.

"Brother Lin Fei, if you do this, you are tantamount to offending both the face clan and the wooden puppet clan at the same time.

If the main gods of these two races come to you to settle accounts, things will be in trouble. "

The Great Sage is a little worried.

"The Lord God is here, so what?

Don't worry, it's fine with me.

I know it. "

Lin Fei smiled lightly.

"Boy, I found that you can blow more and more.

Do you think the Lord God is so easy to deal with? "

The goblin curled his lips and said.

"Go, find a remote place."

Lin Fei said.

After a while.

Somewhere in the void.

Within a small world.

"Brother Lin Fei, your methods are too incredible.

He actually opened up a small world with his own hands! "

The Eight Stone Saints, watching with his own eyes, Lin Fei opened up a small world in the chaotic void, and he was extremely surprised and constantly admired.

"Give me all out!"

All the wooden puppets were in front of Lin Fei again.

"What is this place?

Boy, clever, let us go! "

The wooden puppet clan, the few ordinary gods headed by them, were extremely frightened.

They looked at Lin Fei with great dread.

Shoo... Lin Fei didn't pay attention to them at all. With a thought, a red line of puppets sprang out in the sea of ​​consciousness, and flooded the puppets.

Lin Fei wanted to try, using the secret method of puppet thread, can you subdue these puppets.

Shoo...the red silk threads passed across the sky, continuously, attacking the sea of ​​consciousness of those wooden puppets, entwining their soul bodies and entwining them.

"Be careful!"

The wooden puppets headed by them all roared.


A wooden puppet shouted loudly.


Lin Fei found that a lot of mental strength was constantly invading his body and destroying it.

Lin Fei couldn't avoid it at all! Soon, Lin Fei felt a dull pain in his body.

A steady stream of mental energy quickly penetrated into Lin Fei's body.

Almost every wooden puppet, at this time, was using his energy to attack Lin Fei.

Fortunately, Lin Fei's strength is too strong.

Moreover, the quality of the body is even rarer in the world.

These mental attacks made Lin Fei feel pain.

However, it could not cause any harm to Lin Fei! "Mental attack is really amazing. With my strength, I can't avoid it."

Lin Fei shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Therefore, Lin Fei ignored the mental attacks of the wooden puppets, but kept urging the secret method of the puppet's thread, hoping to subdue these wooden puppets and become slaves.

The red puppet threads tightly wrapped around the soul bodies of the wooden puppets, shrinking and piercing deep.

Roar...the wooden puppets kept struggling and roared.

While desperately exerting his energy, he attacked Lin Fei.

In this way, there was a deadlock for a moment.


boom! A wooden puppet's soul body exploded on the spot, turning into strands of light blue smoke.

"All blew up!"

A wooden puppet with the power of gods roared loudly.

Bang Bang Bang... wooden puppets one after another, constantly blew themselves up.

Then, the wooden puppets that exploded their soul bodies gradually lost their brilliance, and their bodies fell weakly.

"So hard, all committed suicide?"

Lin Fei couldn't help being taken aback.

In fact, Lin Fei did not intend to kill these wooden puppets.

"Well, in that case, forget it."

Lin Fei had to give up.

Take back all the puppet threads.

"Lin Fei, these wooden puppets, although temporarily dead.

However, if it is taken back to the mother tree, it can be reborn.

Therefore, these wooden puppets cannot grow up to be truly dead.

They all have a chance to be born again. "

Said the goblin.

"No way."

Lin Fei was extremely surprised.

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