Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4094: The main **** of the wooden puppets

"Catch them!"

At this time, more half-step main gods came and attacked Lin Fei.

"This human kid is weird.

I attack him with all my energy! "

The half-step master **** who was shaken by the sword by Lin Fei roared.

Because, he found that Lin Fei's combat power was too terrifying, no matter how much terror came, it was useless.

Shoo... Immediately, a series of invisible heart attacks attacked Lin Fei and the goblin.

"it hurts!"

Lin Fei had nothing, but the goblin screamed in pain immediately.

With so many wooden puppet clan masters in the same realm, attacking with effort, the power is a bit terrifying.

The goblin cracked his teeth in pain.

With Lin Fei's thoughts, a powerful breath came out, enveloping the goblin.

Immediately, the goblin felt a lot easier.

Although mind strength is invisible and silent, and cannot be sensed, Lin Fei also has high attainments in mind strength and knows the attack principle of mind strength.

Therefore, in the face of mental attacks, it seems more calm.

A normal mental attack could not hurt Lin Fei.

Because Lin Fei can use his own energy to resist.

Once he found that he had the energy to attack his body, Lin Fei immediately used his own energy to stop it.

Because it takes almost no speed to exert one's mental strength.

No matter how much effort he has, Lin Fei can deal with it calmly.

At the same time, Lin Fei released the power of divine consciousness, and also sensed the physical condition of the goblin.

Whenever he had the energy to attack the goblin's body, Lin Fei immediately used his energy to help the goblin resist.

Therefore, the goblin felt a lot more comfortable.

"Boy Lin Fei, I didn't expect that you have such deep attainments above your mental strength.

Still as perverted as before. "

The goblin could not help sighing.

"Go, let's find that mother tree!"

Lin Fei waved his hand, took the goblin, and walked towards the mother tree.

"Stop him!"

When the wooden puppets saw Lin Fei heading in the direction of the mother tree, they were shocked. the void, endless heavy weapons, like dense rainstorms, flooded towards Lin Fei.

Bang Bang Bang... all the heavy weapons were shot out before they even touched Lin Fei's body.

Shoo... countless mental strength constantly infiltrated Lin Fei and the goblin's body.

This kind of attack had a little effect on Lin Fei.

Lin Fei kept exerting his energy and resisting, as he showed the starting method, the speed was extremely fast, changing step by step.

At the same time, Lin Fei also applied the law of reincarnation, the law of time and space to the extreme, as if he had completely separated from this space and walked in another time and space.

Those wooden puppets simply couldn't figure out Lin Fei's figure.

As a result, their attacks became less accurate and began to bombard indiscriminately.

"No, this human kid is too weird.

Report those ancestors quickly and ask them to come forward to deal with this kid! "

Those half-step main gods all roared.

"Just ahead!"

After a while, the goblin suddenly pointed forward and said.

"Yes, the law of life ahead is too rich! It should be coming soon."

Lin Fei also nodded.

I saw that in the space ahead, green ribbons floating in the air, densely packed.

These green ribbons are all condensed by the laws of life.

Just now.

Boom...Eight vast green energy aura suddenly erupted, shaking this piece of void violently.

Then, eight figures appeared in the void ahead.

Eight masters of the wooden puppet clan appeared, staring at Lin Fei and the goblins with fierce eyes.

Originally, the size of the wooden puppets was very short.

However, the masters of these eight wooden puppet tribes are extremely tall, like eight green giants, towering into the depths of the void, staring at the lake-like giant eyes, which is very scary.

Eight main gods! "Boy Lin Fei, the Lord God is here!"

The goblin paled with fright.

"Also, there are eight in one, Lin Fei, can you do it?

But don't hold on to it, if you don't have confidence, we will run away immediately.

The master of the main **** level is not a joke. "

Said the goblin.

The voice of speaking also trembled a little.

No wonder.

In any world, the Lord God belongs to the Lord.

Ordinary creatures, impossible, are opponents of the Lord God.

"Don't worry, I'm there, nothing will happen.

Goblin, you have never been so timid before. "

Lin Fei laughed blankly.

"This is not timid, this is cautious!"

The goblin replied.

"Human kid, how did you find this place."

At this time, one of the main gods of the wooden puppet clan spoke aloud.

The rumbling sound shook the universe into the void, producing a rumbling echo that spread throughout the universe.

"Well, leave it alone.

I want to see your mother tree. "

Lin Fei said.

"Presumptuous, the mother tree, has the supreme status, and is extremely holy. Is it a foreigner that you can see if you want to see it?

Young man, you go. "

A main **** said.

"Sorry, I must see your mother tree.

I will not go without seeing the mother tree. "

Lin Fei shook his head.

"Bold! Boy, you are looking for death!"

A main **** was furious.

The main **** was angry, and the entire universe was shocked. In the void, all the laws and energy of [Eighth District] were instantly still.


Boom...a terrifying green energy, like a frenzy, flooded towards Lin Fei mightily.

The coercion of the main **** level is terrifying, and this emptiness is constantly annihilated.

This level of energy coercion, if a half-step master **** level master is here, it is estimated that it will be crushed to death in an instant.

"The Lord God is really terrible. Just the breath can easily suppress me."

The goblin looked pale and sighed.

"It's just that."

Lin Fei smiled faintly, and with a wave of his sleeves, a world of mighty power poured out and rushed forward.

Puff...immediately, the terrifying green energy ahead, just like ice and snow under the sun, immediately melted away and disappeared.

The goblin felt immediately, and his body relaxed.

"how is this possible?

! "

The hands-on wooden puppet clan chief **** was stunned and couldn't believe it.

"This human kid is really weird, no wonder he dared to break into the ancestral land of our wooden puppet clan."

The other seven or eight gods also paid attention to it, and looked at Lin Fei up and down.

Originally, it was amazing enough that such a young creature could have the realm of a half-step Lord God.

Now, facing the attack of the Lord God, it was resolved with a wave of hands and understatement.

It's incredible!

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