Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4105: Authentic Tenju Valley

"No, eight ancestors were caught! Let's go up and save!"

The other gods of the face tribe were all frightened and angry, and wanted to rush forward and rescue the eight main gods.

These eight main gods are the highest-level leaders of the Face Race, and now they have been swept away by a single net. This will be a huge loss for the Face Race.

It can be said that without these eight main gods, the strength of the face race will drop sharply.

Without the qualifications, he will become a super power in this highest world.


Lin Fei waved his sleeves and swept out with a huge force.

Bang Bang Bang...All the face races around were forced by Lin Fei and flew out.

"Let's go in."

Lin Fei stepped up and walked towards the space entrance and exit portal in front of him.

Eight-stone saints, goblins, and the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan, after the shock, they quickly followed.

They looked at Lin Fei's back, and remembered the various combat powers Lin Fei had just shown. In addition to shock, they were shocked.

"In any case, our wooden puppet clan can no longer be an enemy of this person.

Not only can't be an enemy, but also we must do everything possible to make him friends! Even fawn on him, please him! "

The eight wooden puppet tribes were completely convinced by Lin Fei, and secretly talked with them.

"No, they went in!"

In the back, the people of the face tribe rushed up one by one after being shaken off.

Because Lin Fei didn't make any heavy moves on them at all, and didn't cause much damage.


Lin Fei said softly.

Chains of laws flew out of Lin Fei's body, like strips of color, entwining the face races.

Those face races who rushed in front were sealed one after another, standing on the spot, unable to move.

Then, Lin Fei walked to the front door of the space.

The door was closed.

"let me do it!"

The goblin stepped forward.

The goblin family are naturally good at the laws of space.

Moreover, in the bloodline, there are many mysterious and profound spatial supernatural powers.

Opening a space portal is not a problem for goblins.

"Drive me!"

The goblin gave a soft drink.

A powerful space law turned into a big hand and blasted towards the space portal.

Rumble...The space portal shook violently.

boom! After a while, the space portal was finally opened.

"Inside, it is Tianshou Valley.

We can finally enter the Tianshou Valley! "

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan are all very excited.

You know, in order to enter Tianshou Valley, they don't know how many large-scale wars they have waged with the Face Race.

Every time, both sides were defeated, and there was no chance to enter Tianshou Valley.

Unexpectedly, this time, if you relax, you can enter Tianshou Valley.

"This human young man, one person, can subdue a super power! He himself, a person, is a super power!"

The eight wooden puppets, while excited, admired Lin Fei even more.

"Let's go in."

Lin Fei took the lead, stepped up and walked into the space portal.

The goblins, the eight-stone saints, and the eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan all followed closely.

A huge transmission force enveloped.

next moment.

Everyone found that they had entered a huge plane.

This plane is prosperous, full of energy, and advanced in law.

Most of the creatures living in this plane are face races.

Of course, there are a small number of other races.

"Let's keep a low profile, as a last resort, don't disturb the normal order in this plane."

Lin Fei said in a loud voice.

"You eight, don't take this opportunity to deal with the face race.

Otherwise, I will stop you. "

Lin Fei's purpose was to come in and fetch that thing, not intending to deal with the face race.

"Young man, don't worry, we are measured."

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan, at this moment, had already admired Lin Fei to the extreme, and was also in awe to the extreme.

Now that Lin Fei spoke, how dare they violate Lin Fei's meaning.

"Well, you guys do it.

Your mother tree said that the eight of you are the ones who actually took the holy object.

I will do my best to assist you.

Hurry up, get the holy artifact, and we will go back early. "

Lin Fei said.


The main gods of the eight wooden puppet tribes all nodded.

As a result, the eight of them immediately unfolded their body technique and walked towards a certain place in the plane.

Although the main gods of these eight wooden puppet tribes had never had the opportunity to enter this place before, they had long understood this plane through various means.

There were eight of them, swiftly moving forward, and Lin Fei, the goblin, and the Eight Stone Sages followed closely behind.

"An enemy invaded!"

"Attention, there is a foreign enemy invading, and everyone will act and engage in foreign enemies!"

...At this time, the army of the face races outside had already chased back, shouting one by one.

Suddenly, the entire plane began to boil [Biquge].

Countless faces appeared in the void one after another, looking for traces of the enemy, forming a mess.


With a soft drink, Lin Fei released a large number of laws of reincarnation, sealing and isolating the time and space he was in.

This time, Lin Fei sealed his line of people.

Use powerful laws to seal and hide the whereabouts of these people from yourself.

Immediately, the laws of reincarnation hovered in all directions, completely concealing Lin Fei and his group.

There are many face races that pass by nearby, and they are unable to find out.

"Tsk tusk, it's amazing! Brother Lin Fei, your methods are really impressive!"

The Eight Stone Saint felt the chain of laws surrounding his body and praised him constantly.

"What a brilliant law of reincarnation!"

The eight main gods of the wooden puppet clan also secretly marveled.

After Lin Fei used the hidden magical powers, the faces of the face tribe had no choice but to find the whereabouts of Lin Fei and his group.

Countless face races, in this plane, back and forth, rushing around and chaotic.

However, nothing was gained.

It can be said that the face clan, after missing the eight main gods, in Lin Fei's eyes, there is no difference from a group of babies.

After a while.

Ahead, suddenly, a huge space abyss appeared.

The abyss, bottomless, dark, like the horrible mouth of a monster.

"Young man, the holy thing we want to take is inside.

In fact, this abyss is the true Tianshou Valley. "

A leading **** of the wooden puppet clan pointed to the abyss in front and said to Lin Fei.

"Here, is the real Tianshou Valley?"

Lin Fei looked at the bottomless and dark abyss ahead, frowning, and intuitively told Lin Fei that this abyss is not simple.

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