Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4117: Tianjun's abnormal state

"How can this be!"

Lin Fei stood beside Tian Jun, feeling the laws of time and space emanating from Tian Jun, surprised and delighted.

Lin Fei affirmed that Tian Jun had never practiced the laws of time and space.

"Naturally, he understands the laws of time and space. This is too abnormal."

Ye Fei couldn't help but smile.

"Moreover, it has been more than two hundred years since Tianjun was born.

It stands to reason that it is over two hundred years old.

However, in his body, the years have stopped.

Whether he is physical or spiritual, he is equivalent to a child of two or three years old.

what on earth is this kind of happenings?

This is extremely abnormal! "

Lin Fei looked carefully, observing his son, puzzled.

Lin Fei didn't know whether he should be happy or worried about the abnormal phenomenon of his son.

"Qingluo, Tianjun is here."

Lin Fei sent a voice transmission to Qing Luo.

After a few breaths, Qing Luo hurried over.

call out! When Tian Jun saw Qing Luo, he wanted to escape.

However, Qing Luo's speed was much faster than him, rushed forward and grabbed Tian Jun's ears.

Snapped! Reached out his hand on Tian Jun's **** and slapped him.

Woo... Tian Jun started crying on the spot, and covered his face with a pair of fat little hands.

"Found it, Tianjun is here!"

Then, one by one gods came in a hurry.

These gods were all **** slaves under Lin Fei, and they were all true gods.

Qingluo ordered them to take care of Tianjun full-time.

There are such a group of true gods who take care of them full-time, and in the world, there is really no way to find any other child who can be treated with such a high standard.

"Okay, don't cry.

There are no tears at all, and crying more fake. "

Lin Fei appeared, hugged Tian Jun, and said with a smile.


Seeing Lin Fei, Tian Jun couldn't help being overjoyed, and immediately stopped crying and hugged Lin Fei's head.

"See the master!"

The **** slaves who rushed to see Lin Fei were surprised and happy, and all knelt down and saluted Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's current strength is too strong.

Although these **** slaves have the ability to communicate with Lin Fei, they can't find Lin Fei.

"Get up all."

Lin Fei waved his hand to let these **** slaves retreat.

Lin Fei held Tianjun and returned to the mountain peak where Qing Luo lived with Qing Luo.

Rong'er, Wan'er, and the three shark girls were naturally very happy when they heard that Lin Fei had returned. They hurried over to meet Lin Fei.

The three shark girls were already very relaxed, and took the initiative to hug Lin Fei, still boldly kissing Lin Fei's face.

Lin Fei knew that these three shark girls had decided on themselves, and Lin Fei had already accepted them.

Lin Fei's family and so on are all here to reunite.

Then, above the small mountain peak, it began to lively.

Lin Fei's relatives and friends, come one by one.

This was the scene almost every time Lin Fei came back.

Because these relatives and friends of Lin Fei are relatively weak.

There is no chance to go out alone.

For the time being, they stay in their own world.

Only Lin Fei alone has the ability to roam around outside.

"Master, I finally saw you!"

Suddenly, a beautiful shadow rushed from afar, landed on the top of the small mountain, and came to Lin Fei's body, cheering, it was Ah Zi.

"Master, I miss you so much!"

Azi's beautiful eyes looked at Lin Fei, and there was endless miss in her eyes.

Over the years, Azi has been practicing in retreat.

Lin Fei came back several times without seeing Azi.

Back then, when Lin Fei was a small clerical disciple of the Huayang School in the Yuanwu Realm, she followed Lin Fei.

Over the years, she has followed Lin Fei, rushing together, growing up together, and her relationship is beyond description.

At this moment, Azi looked at Ye Fei, some tears flashed in her beautiful eyes, and her eyes were moist.

"Hehe, Azi, what are you doing.

With so many people here, don't let people look at jokes. "

Lin Fei looked at Ah Zi, feeling warm too.

"Crying, don't be shy..., hehe!"

At this time, Tian Jun was beside him, shaved his face to Azi and laughed.

"Oh, kid, you dare to laugh at me, do you usually cry less?

See Aunt Zi don't spank you! "

A Zi stared at her beautiful eyes and said to Tianjun.

While speaking, he also scratched Tianjun's itch with his hands.

Giggle... Tianjun laughed on the spot.

"By the way, Master, how is the goblin now."

A Zi asked.

"Goblin is very good now. He is practicing hard at a very far away place, so don't worry.

You will definitely have a chance to see him in the future. "

Lin Fei replied.

"It's fine.

By the way, what kind of strength is he now? "

A Zi asked curiously.

"He is now the upper **** true god, and he is one step short of reaching the half-step master god."

Lin Fei replied.

"No way! Is he so good now! No, then I can't keep up with him!"

Azi couldn't help being surprised.

"You are not bad now, you are already a true middle god.

At this speed, you will soon be able to keep up with the current state of the goblin. "

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"You two really deserve to be the offspring of the ancient beasts. I found that your two's current cultivation speed is getting faster and faster, more and more amazing!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Yes, the speed of my cultivation over the years has indeed become faster and faster.

I feel that the power of blood in my body has begun to be fully utilized. "

Zi nodded and replied.

"Brother Fei."

Suddenly, a few more figures rushed from a distance and landed on the small mountain peak.

The leader is Monsanto.

Followed by Chang Hao and a group of people.

All of them. When Lin Fei was in the Saint Venerable Continent before, the young people he knew, including men and women, all came.

On this day, the peak of the small mountain is extremely lively.

After a day, the top of the small mountain gradually calmed down, and everyone gradually left.

In the end, only Lin Fei, Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and three shark girls stayed on the mountain to accompany Lin Fei.

"Qingluo, what's the matter with Tianjun?"

Lin Fei asked seriously.

While questioning, Lin Fei began to examine Tian Jun's body in detail.

"I know you will ask."

Qing Luo replied.

"Tian Jun is really special. Every other year, Tian Jun will fall asleep, and he sleeps for a hundred years!

In other words, although Tianjun has been born for more than two hundred years, it has only been more than three years since he was truly awake.

Moreover, Tianjun stopped growing completely during his sleepy days, as if he had fallen into a state of chaos.

What is going on, I have never understood. "

Qing Luo replied.

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