Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4120: The Law of Mental Power

Because they understood what Qing Luo meant in an instant.

"Hahaha..." Lin Fei laughed on the spot.

"You laughed cheaply, and sold well!"

Wan'er glanced at Lin Fei fiercely, and said Jiao.

"Oh, what's the bargain for me, Wan'er, come and listen."

Lin Fei asked with a smile.

"You..., hooligan, I won't tell you anymore."

Wan'er stamped her feet with anger.

"Okay, okay, don't say anything, don't even think about leaving one tonight.

Stay all.

I tell you, all hens who lay eggs can't escape! "

Qing Luo said, turning around to close the door.

Rong'er, Wan'er, and the three shark girls, all flushed, shy, and dare not lift their heads.

In this way, Lin Fei, Qingluo and others gathered together on this small mountain for more than ten days.

Do everything possible to love! After Qing Luo figured out Tian Jun's physical condition, he also completely let go of his mind, and relaxed his control over Tian Jun.

Let him be at ease, in this small world, wandering around, from time to time annoyed by jokes, the world is in chaos.

Neither Lin Fei nor Qing Luo had any experience or plans on how to cultivate the ultimate fetus.

I can only follow what the statue master said, let it go and let it go.

More than ten days later.

One day, suddenly.

Rumbling... A huge roar came from the outside into the Valley of Fallen God.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness was released, perceiving it into the boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"It's Di Jiang again, he's attacking a portal to the highest world again!"

Lin Fei was a bit speechless.

"Dijiang's strength has improved a lot, and his combat effectiveness is at least several times that of before!"

Lin Fei was shocked and screamed softly.

"No, if this continues, I will never be able to beat Dijiang.

I must hurry up to practice. "

Lin Fei felt the tremendous pressure.

So Lin Fei bid farewell to his wife and children.

Because Lin Fei's time is very tight, the current situation is not optimistic.

"Tianjun, listen to your mother, or wait for Dad to come back and spank you."

Before leaving, Lin Fei picked up his son, kissed on the forehead, and said in a loud voice.

"Dad, Tianjun is sensible."

Tian Jun nodded, since he said a complete sentence.

"That's good."

Lin Fei smiled and kissed Tian Jun again.

Then, Lin Fei hugged and said goodbye to Qingluo, Rong'er, Wan'er, and the three shark girls one by one.

The girls were reluctant to part with tears in their eyes.

Lin Fei turned and strode away.


Behind, Tian Jun yelled.

"When the world is peaceful and the situation is stable, I must accompany my son and wife well and can't run around like this anymore.

I am not a qualified husband at all, nor a qualified father. "

Lin Fei suddenly felt sour.

After leaving the small world, Lin Fei opened up another small world in the Falling God Valley, and then began to practice in retreat.

Lin Fei's main purpose of retreating this time is to continue to comprehend that piece of wood.

In the small world, Lin Fei sat cross-legged.

The piece of wood is suspended in the space in front of him.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness penetrated into the piece of wood, slowly realized and analyzed carefully.

At the same time, all the laws that have been practiced are released and wrapped around the piece of wood.

Time passed slowly.

Unconsciously, in a flash.

Fifty years have passed.


Suddenly in the small world, I thought of Lin Fei's surprise voice.

"There is something very special in this piece of wood, which is illusory and difficult to capture, but it does exist.

This kind of thing, flickering and appearing, even with divine consciousness, it is difficult to perceive.

Like a kind of energy, but also like a kind of law.

......" Lin Fei murmured to herself.

"It seems to have a familiar feeling..." Lin Fei's face showed a surprised expression.

This piece of wood, Lin Fei, has been comprehending for more than two hundred years, and finally found a little eyebrow, how could he not be surprised.

"But what's in this piece of wood is too illusory and too difficult to capture.

I have to continue to comprehend and see if I can finally understand it. "

Lin Fei muttered to herself.

In the next time, Lin Fei continued to comprehend.

It was like an old monk who had entered concentration, motionless.

Like dead wood, like rocks, without any breath, not even breathing, all the vitality has converged.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye.

A hundred years have passed.

"I see, this is mental power! The law of mental power.

One of the most esoteric, rarest, most mysterious, and most difficult laws in the world! "

One day, Lin Fei suddenly yelled in surprise.

It turns out that this piece of wood actually contains the law of mental strength.

And the level is very high.

"Hahaha, finally the hard work pays off, and I finally came into contact with the mystery of the mind!"

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing wildly.

"No wonder, it took me hundreds of years to finally realize what is contained in this piece of wood.

After all, mental strength is indeed the most mysterious, most invisible, and most difficult to capture in the world.

Even the Lord God had no choice but to face the attack of the heart.

From this alone, we can know how difficult it is to capture mental strength. "

Lin Fei was very excited.

"Okay! Next, thoroughly understand the laws of mind and power contained in this piece of wood, and then practice.

Once the cultivation is successful, I believe that I'm sorry Dijiang, he will definitely not be as constrained as before. "

Lin Fei said confidently.

Next, Lin Fei continued to comprehend that piece of wood.

Before I knew it, another hundred years passed.

"Hahaha..., my mental strength has soared in a straight line.

The Heart Sword I am currently displaying is at least several thousand times more powerful than before! But this is not the limit.

Mental strength is too difficult to practice.

Until now, the principles of mental power contained in this piece of wood have only been successful in one-third of my cultivation.

Moreover, my current level of mental strength seems to have reached a bottleneck. If I continue to sit and practice in this small world, it seems that the effect is not great.

It seems that I should go out and walk around.

Find inspiration.

After all, mental strength is too difficult to practice, and too vague, and it must not be forced to practice. "

So Lin Fei stood up and walked out of this small world.

"Lin Fei, you are out! How did you get from this retreat."

The zodiac signs immediately surrounded him, feeling very curious.

"Achieve a lot."

Lin Fei said with a smile.

"is it?

Then show your hands and take a look. "

Black Bull is very interested.

call out! As soon as his voice fell, a very dangerous breath appeared in his body.

"What a terrible effort! Alright, well, Lin Fei, you can relax a little, I am afraid of you!"

Hei Niu was startled, and said quickly.

"Seniors, I plan to go out and walk around."

Lin Fei smiled, then turned and walked out of Luoshen Valley.

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