Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4125: Continue to practice

Thinking of Lin Fei, Di Jiang's heart was full of killing intent.

However, thinking of Lin Fei's mental attack, Di Jiang felt a little helpless in his heart.

Mental power attack is one of the most difficult to defend against in the world, and even the Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast cannot resist.

"By the way, I am not strong enough. If I am strong enough, I can eat that kid Lin Fei in one bite.

Where can I be afraid of his attack? "

Di Jiang muttered to himself.

"So, the most important thing for me now is to seize the time to let the Chaos Swallow the Sky Beast and speed up its growth.

As long as I have the body of an adult Chaos Sky-Swallowing Beast, that kid Lin Fei doesn't need to put it in my eyes. "

Di Jiang said to himself.

"Listen to my order, from now on, all the races, all the forces, and the amount of cultivation resources in the boundless Chaos Sea will double again.

Those who dare to disobey will be killed directly! "

Di Jiang passed this order on.

Soon, among all the races of the Boundless Chaos Sea, among all the forces, the figure of Di Jiang appeared on the memorial tablet of Di Jiang, chanting this command loudly.


Double it again! This simply prevents us from living! "

Upon hearing Di Jiang's order, all races and all forces were very sad and angry.

The training resources that these races and forces paid tribute to Dijiang were already an astronomical figure, and they had been overwhelmed and very hard.

Unexpectedly, now Dijiang actually wants to increase the number of cultivation resources they pay tribute. This is simply pushing every race and every force on the road to death.

"My Lord Dijiang, please be considerate. Our Shanyue clan is already exhausted, and we really can't pay more training resources.

I also hope that Lord Dijiang will show mercy and stop increasing the amount of cultivation resources that our race has paid.

My Shanyue clan, as a whole, will surely be grateful and loyal, and will always follow Lord Dijiang. "

In the boundless sea of ​​chaos, the patriarch of the Shanyue clan knelt down towards Dijiang's position and pleaded.

"Shanyue Clan, dare to ignore my orders, there is no need to continue to exist."

Dijiang's indifferent voice sounded, and it rumblingly spread throughout the boundless sea of ​​chaos, as if the sky fell overwhelmingly.

"Master Dijiang calm down, we dare not! My Shanyue clan is willing to obey Master Dijiang's order and pay the training resources in full and on time!"

The patriarch of the Shanyue clan, hearing Dijiang's words, was so scared that he was frightened on the spot, crawling on the ground and shouting.

He knew that Di Jiang had already moved to kill.

At this time, he regretted what he said just now.

"It's too late."

Dijiang's indifferent voice came.

Then, a terrifying big mouth with blood basin suddenly appeared in the world group where the Shanyue Clan was located, and swallowed the whole world group in one mouthful.

This big mouth of the blood basin issued a terrifying suction force, sucking every member of the Mountain Moon Clan into the mouth.

Including the patriarch, no member of the Shanyue clan could escape, and all were eaten by that big mouth.

A prosperous clan was completely wiped out in this way, and there was not a single hair left.

The Mountain Moon World Group, where the Mountain Moon Clan was located, all disappeared, leaving only a black and empty absolute vacuum.

this moment.

All the races and all the forces in the entire boundless Chaos Sea were terrified. They were only promise, no one would dare to speak out against Dijiang's order.

Over the years, Dijiang relied on this **** high-pressure rule to firmly control the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

"Follow the orders of Lord Dijiang!"

In the boundless chaotic sea, after a moment of silence, the voices of obedience continued to sound.

Beyond the distant time and space, above that huge star, Di Jiang showed a satisfied expression.

at this time.

Falling into the Valley of God, in the small world of Lin Fei's retreat and practice.

Lin Fei sat cross-legged, motionless, as if an old monk had entered concentration, with the piece of wood suspended in front of him, falling into a state of enlightenment.

In Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, the message that the statue master had punched in also emerged.

Lin Fei quietly comprehended the mystery of mental strength, which I had forgotten.

Time passed slowly, and year after year passed.

In a blink of an eye, a hundred years passed.

"Mind strength is indeed one of the most mysterious and difficult energy in the world.

That's because the nature of mental power is the thoughts in the minds of beings.

You should know that the thoughts that appear in every living being, every minute and every second, are countless, tens of thousands, and extremely complicated.

The thoughts that appear at each moment, if they are practiced and used, they form mental strength.

The essence of mental power is so profound, so complicated, so unpredictable.

So if you want to resist the attack of your mind, there is simply no way to do it. "

A hundred years later, Lin Fei had a deeper understanding of the mystery of the mind, and felt a great sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Unconsciously, another hundred years have passed.

Lin Fei still sat in the small world, motionless, quietly comprehending.

In this way, Lin Fei has been in this small world for more than 600 years.

Four hundred years later.

"That's it, I have fully understood the mystery of the mental strength contained in this piece of wood!"

One day, Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes and laughed loudly.

Lin Fei has successfully practiced all the laws of mental strength contained in that piece of wood.

Now, Lin Fei's mental strength is at least tens of thousands of times higher than before! Let's put it this way, even if he is a master of the main **** level, Lin Fei can completely kill him with a move of his mind! In other words, Lin Fei now has the strength to kill the Lord God! "I don't know what the strength of Dijiang is now.

At my current level of mental strength, if I fight Dijiang, I shouldn't be as embarrassed as before, I can only run away blindly. "

Lin Fei stood up, muttered to herself, a kind of self-confidence was revealed in the words.

Then, Lin Fei walked out of this small world that had been closed for more than 600 years.

"First, go see my wife and son."

Within a few steps, Lin Fei came to the small world where Cangyan Holy Land was.

Walk into this small world.

Lin Fei's spiritual consciousness was released, looking for his son.

Soon, I saw a little boy about five or six years old, holding a few bottles of Shendan in his hand, wandering around, throwing grains of Shendan into his mouth like eating candy.

Don't ask, this little boy must be Lin Fei's son Tianjun.

"This guy, seems to be living at ease."

Lin Fei couldn't help laughing.

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