Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4128: Take refuge in

The main gods of these demon races were a bit panicked, all of them looked at Lin Fei expectantly, hoping that he could let the demon race go.

But they all knew that Lin Fei was a decisive and unkind person.

In the past in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, anyone who dared to offend Lin Fei would kill Lin Fei and would never let it go easily.

At this moment, the main gods of these demons couldn't help but feel a little sad. They did not expect them to hide from Dijiang. After so many years, they were finally found by Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's plain gaze slowly scanned the main demon gods in front of him.

Lin Fei did not speak for a while.

The atmosphere is a bit stiff.

The main gods of those demon races stood in place, daring not to move, sincerely and sincerely.

They knew that the life and death of the demons were now between Lin Fei's thoughts.

It is useless to resist.

The mighty Dijiang was also injured by Lin Fei.

Besides, there are seven of them.

The main gods of these demons estimated that the six of them were not an enemy of Lin Fei at all.

The life and death of the entire demons were now between Lin Fei's thoughts.

Lin Fei's eyes were very calm, and he couldn't see any emotions.

"You are afraid of me?"

Suddenly, Lin Fei smiled.

"Lin Shaoxia, in the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos, you are the only one who can fight and wound Dijiang.

We all know ourselves.

If we start, we are definitely not Lin Shaoxia's enemy with one move.

Therefore, even if Lin Shaoxia would act on us, we would never resist.

I have only one request.

Lin Shaoxia, can you leave us some blood for the demons.

No, destroy all our demons. "

While speaking, the main gods of the six demons all knelt down and asked Lin Fei.

I have to say that the attitude of these demons is really too low.

No way, in the face of absolute strength, they know that there is no hope of resistance.

"Who said, I want to destroy your demons.

If I really plan to destroy your demons, I won't wait until today.

Although you are hiding, if I want to find it, I can definitely find you.

Moreover, if I really want to destroy your demons, just now, as soon as I came in, I would do it.

Do you still have a chance to talk so much.

Get up all. "

Lin Fei said lightly.

"Thank you Lin Shaoxia!"

The main gods of those demon races were extremely pleasantly surprised after hearing Lin Fei's words.

They knew that what Lin Fei said was true.

With Lin Fei's current strength, there is no need to lie to them.

Since Lin Fei said that the clan would not be annihilated, he would definitely not annihilate the clan again.

"Thank you Lin Shaoxia! From now on, if Lin Fei doesn't dislike him, our demons are willing to follow Lin Shaoxia from now on! Always follow Lin Shaoxia's orders!"

Suddenly, the six demon master gods all yelled.

Still can't afford to kneel.


You demons, are willing to follow me? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but was taken aback, a little surprised.

"Not bad.

Lin Shaoxia, with your strength, it is worthy of our demons to follow.

Our demons have always respected the strong.

The strong are the idols of our demons.

Lin Shaoxia, now, you are the idol of our demons.

Following Lin Shaoxia, our entire demons are very willing.

Please also Lin Shaoxia, who can take us in, so that we have the opportunity to do things for Lin Shaoxia! "

One of the demon clan chief gods said loudly.

These six demon clan master gods knew that now, in the boundless sea of ​​chaos, if anyone else could be called Bandijiang, only Lin Fei would be.

Dijiang was too cruel and bloodthirsty. He didn't put the creatures of the Boundary Chaos Sea in his eyes. He wanted to kill him. He treated all the creatures in the Boundless Chaos Sea as his slaves.

The main gods of the Demon Race definitely didn't want to follow Dijiang.

However, they knew that with Dijiang's strength, he became stronger and stronger.

One day, the whereabouts of the demons will be found.

At that time, it was the real end of the demons.

Therefore, these six demons have all thought clearly.

The Demon Race's only hope for not being exterminated is to take refuge in Lin Fei and follow Lin Fei's side, so that the Demon Race's blood can be preserved.

They know that the three-thousand-large world is a very weak world group.

However, because of following Lin Fei, it has been preserved to the present without being ruled by Dijiang.

"If you follow me, you won't be betrayed in the future.

If you betray, your demons will have only one fate, annihilation.

Have you figured it out? "

Lin Fei said.

If the Mozu really wanted to follow, Lin Fei would certainly not reject it.

After all, the demons are also a very powerful race.

With the following of the demons, the power of Lin Fei's men can be greatly enhanced.

What's more, with Lin Fei's current strength and self-confidence, he can completely control the demons and can completely command the demons.

"Lin Shaoxia, don't worry, since we have decided to follow Lin Shaoxia, we will never retort, never betray.

Our demons, though, are not a kind race.

However, it is a race that keeps its promise! "

A demon clan main **** said in a loud voice.

"Since that is the case, that's fine, I promise you."

Lin Fei thought for a while, nodded and said.

"Thank you Lin Shaoxia for taking us in!"

Each of the six demon masters felt overjoyed.

In an instant, they felt that they had found a big backing, and they had a lot of confidence.

This is Lin Fei.

Among the boundless Chaos Sea, the only one who dares to challenge Dijiang! They believed that with Lin Fei's conservativeness, even Dijiang would not be so easy to destroy the demons! "Lin Shaoxia, please come soon.

Go to the meeting hall of our demons! "

The main gods of the six demons respectfully invited Lin Fei into a huge demons and sat down to speak.

Among the demons, leaders of all sizes came to pay homage to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei's prestige has long since shook the entire boundless sea of ​​chaos.

Therefore, these demons did not reject Ye Fei at all.

Instead, they are all very excited.

There is a feeling of finding a great backer.

You know, although the demons have been hiding in this small world for hundreds of years.

However, there is no sense of security at all.

All the demons are worried that one day, Dijiang will find here.

With Dijiang's ferocious character, at that time, the demons would have no chance of survival.

Now that I have taken refuge in Lin Fei, my sense of security has greatly improved! "By the way, how are the other super powers now?

Isn't it, like your demons, all hiding? "

Lin Fei asked.

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