Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4156: Through the absolute void

"Master, can you deduce the exact location of that place?

There is also a route to that place. It's best to help me deduct it, so that I can get there much faster.

If it goes slow, and another Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast's egg is also obtained by Dijiang, then his strength will surely soar! "

Lin Fei asked the statue master, a little expectant.

After all, this statue master is a chaos god.

Chaos God is known as omniscient and omnipotent. It shouldn't be difficult to deduce the whereabouts of a creature.

"You kid, you know it's easy. Okay, I'll help you figure it out."

The statue master agreed.

There was silence for a while in the statue.

After a while.

A message rushed out of the statue and entered Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge.

"I just deduced it roughly, but it shouldn't be far off.

If you want to go to that place, hurry up.

According to your current strength, if you encounter Dijiang, you will not be able to beat him, but it is not difficult to escape from his hands.

It's just that after he gets another Chaos Heaven-Swallowing Beast's egg, his strength will surely rise sharply. At that time, it's hard to say. "

The statue master said.

"Okay, I understand Master, I will set out now."

Lin Fei nodded, and then left the square where the statue was in one step, and walked out of Luoshen Valley.

After leaving the Valley of Fallen God, Lin Fei continued to traverse the past at the fastest speed in the direction deduced by the statue master.

At Lin Fei's current speed, after a short while, he reached the edge of the boundless Chaos Sea.

If you move forward, there will be nothing, no time, no space, no law energy, all these things.

Even if a main **** came here, he could only stop, because there was a mysterious barrier blocking his way.

But Lin Fei had been prepared long ago, and Lin Fei's strength was much stronger than that of the average Lord God.

The inability of ordinary main gods does not mean that Lin Fei has no way to pass.

Lin Fei displayed the law of reincarnation, as well as kendo energy, world power, physical power, spiritual energy, etc. In short, all the energy was displayed at this moment.

Moreover, it also cooperates with a very clever traversal secret technique! In the past, Ye Fei used this traversal secret technique to cross and enter the sword world! Towards the barrier in front, a weak spot, violently slammed into it.

Only a strong person with an amazing sense of consciousness and even a sixth sense supernatural power can pass through here.

Because this kind of crossing, but crossing out of a sea of ​​space! However, even if Lin Fei used all the energy in an instant and hit the weak point of the barrier in front of him, he still suffered a huge counterattack.

There was a terrible mysterious energy that bounced back towards Lin Fei.

But Lin Fei was not discouraged. This was Lin Fei's first attempt to cross the barrier of the space sea.

"Come again!"

Lin Fei roared, and once again displayed all the energy, and cooperated with the clever traversing secret technique.

At the same time, Lin Fei also displayed the sword of reincarnation that he had just practiced successfully not long ago.

I saw one after another terrifying sword light, slashing towards the barrier in front, there were a total of nine sword lights, one more powerful than one, full of the rich aura of reincarnation years.

This time Lin Fei received much less rebound force, but still failed to cross.

Next, Lin Fei kept trying again and again. After thousands of attempts, Lin Fei finally succeeded and passed directly through the mysterious barrier in front.

Then Lin Fei found that he was in a confused and empty space, looking at nothing.

In this way, Lin Fei kept groping forward in this confusion and void space.

There is nothing here.

Only the most primitive and simple space architecture.

Ordinary gods would never dare to come here, because nothing exists here, and the laws of time, space and energy cannot exist here.

Ordinary main gods, they might be deprived of everything when they come here, and then crushed into dust and nothingness by the terrifying environment here.

Lin Fei walked in this terrible space. The Myriad Worlds Reincarnation card on his body was constantly shining, releasing strong reincarnation energy and the law of reincarnation, just like a huge cocoon, wrapping Lin Fei in the middle for protection.

At the same time, Lin Fei found that the reincarnation pagoda on his body was also shining, helping him withstand the crushing of this terrible space.

As Lin Fei moved forward, he analyzed the message in the sea of ​​knowledge that the statue master had entered.

And follow the direction indicated by this message.

There is no time here, so Lin Fei doesn't know how long he has been away.

I just know that in this confused environment, I seem to have spent a long, long time.

Even Lin Fei vaguely discovered that his soul actually felt drowsy.

Suddenly there is a desire to sleep a lot.

Slowly, Lin Fei began to feel that his body became more and more exhausted and heavier, as if there were hundreds of millions of sacred mountains, pressing on his shoulders, making himself overwhelmed.

"This place is so terrible, even I can't resist it."

Lin Fei still kept some sobriety in his heart, and continued to move forward mechanically.

In Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, four soul treasures released a large amount of soul energy to protect Lin Fei's soul body.

In this way, Lin Fei continued to move forward while struggling, feeling that his body became more and more exhausted and tired.

"No way?

Am I going to be unable to survive? "

Lin Fei couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

At a certain moment.


"Lin Fei, don't be afraid. The space you are passing through is called the Absolute Nothing Space.

The biggest feature of absolute void space is that it does not allow everything to exist.

Including space, time, energy, laws, all tangible and intangible matter, including your soul body, consciousness, thinking, etc., everything will be deprived gradually.

At the end, everything about you, from the physical body to the soul body, will be deprived of it, and then directly annihilated and turned into nothingness.

Even if it is a main god, walking in the absolute void space, it will disappear and disappear in the end.

If you want to fight against the absolute void, you must know how to guard your heart and keep your soul sober.

I now teach you how to travel through the absolute void. "

In Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, the voice of the statue master sounded.

It turned out that this voice was included in the message that he broke into Lin Fei's knowledge of the sea, and it didn't appear until now.

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