Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4166: Ready to conquer the knife world

The dozens of other master gods in the sword world, seeing such a scene, all trembled with fright, their hands and feet soft.

They found that the young man in front of him who was only half-step in the realm of the Lord God was really terrifying.

With their strength, in front of this young man, they are as small as infants.

They even had a feeling that even if the strength of the young man in front of them was comparable to that of the ancestor of the sword tyrant, it seemed to be not much worse.

Moreover, this young man's behavior seems to be as cruel and merciless as the Daoba ancestor.

"Stop now, what do you want to know! I will tell you everything, as long as you don't torture me like this again!"

Finally, the sword master god, who couldn't bear it anymore, begged Lin Fei for mercy.

That kind of pain is really uncomfortable, and he has long forgotten things like bones.

"Sorry, I just want to say it's too late now."

Lin Fei said coldly.

Then stretched out his palm, grabbed the body of the sword master god, and squeezed it hard.

Hearing a bang, the body of the master **** of the knife world burst into pieces, turning into blood and blood, splashing everywhere.

Then Lin Fei sealed the soul body of the master **** of the sword world and hid it in a human world within his body.

"Now it is your turn."

Lin Fei's gaze looked at another master **** of the sword world, and said with a sneer.

"This respectable lord, just ask what you want to know, and I will answer you everything."

The master of the sword world, facing Lin Fei's indifferent gaze, his heart trembled with fright, where would he dare to say a word?

"Okay, then tell me, what method did your sword world army use to enter our sword world this time."

Lin Fei asked aloud.

"Returning to this adult, the reason why our sword world army can enter the sword world this time is mainly because the ancestor of the sword tyrant has used a very rare secret technique to build a cross-border space-time channel.

The specific method is that in your sword world, there are six or seven main gods of our sword world, who explode their soul bodies at the same time, and use the energy they generate to locate time and space and send them back to the sword world, creating a space-time connection.

Then, the ancestor of the sword tyrant used great magical powers to construct a space-time passage from the sword world to the sword world. "

The sword master **** replied.

"Oh, is there such a thing.

In our sword world, how can there be six or seven main gods of your sword world, revealing their soul bodies?

Where did these sword master gods come from? "

Lin Fei couldn't help but feel a little strange.

"Master, you forgot.

Last time, Master, you led us to destroy a large army of swordsmen.

At that time, there were several sword world master gods who exploded their bodies, and then the soul bodies merged into the time and space of our sword world and lurked.

Until now, we have not found the main gods of the sword world. "

A **** slave came forward and said to Lin Fei.

"That's it!"

Lin Fei couldn't help but suddenly realized and remembered this incident.

"So, now, there is a space-time passage from the sword world to the sword world, right?"

Lin Fei looked at the master **** of the sword world and said.

"It is indeed the case."

The master of the sword world answered directly.

"Well, you guys will take me right away to find that space-time passage.

If you are honest, maybe I will spare you.

Otherwise, don't blame me for being impolite.

Don't think you are the main gods, I can't help you.

Even if it is the main god, I am the same, I can easily destroy you! "

Lin Fei's gaze swept across the sword master gods, and said coldly.

"My lord, please don't be angry.

We will take you to find that space-time channel right away.

In fact, we don’t want to invade other worlds everywhere.

We cannot help ourselves.

Everything is the meaning of the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

They are forcing us to fight everywhere in the knife world.

So, my lord, I hope you can let us go. "

The master gods of the sword world were very obedient one by one, and did not dare to resist Lin Fei any more.

After all, Lin Fei's strength and means, they all had insights, and they didn't dare to provoke them anymore.

"Well, take me to find that space-time passage first, let's talk about it."

Ye Fei said.

As a result, these dozen or so sword world master gods took Lin Fei and walked toward the edge of the sword world, a very remote space.

Behind, Lin Fei's **** slaves, reincarnation slaves, and various forces in the sword world followed one after another.

After a long time.

"This lord, is right ahead."

The dozen or so sword master gods stopped and pointed to the confused, dim space ahead, and said.

The space is very remote and desolate, the environment is very harsh, and it is inaccessible. Usually, no one will come.

It can be said that the ancestor of the sword tyrant is very clever to place the space-time teleportation array in this place.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness immediately felt the past in that space.

Lin Fei's divine consciousness is so powerful.

Almost instantly, I discovered that in that space, the energy fluctuations of time and space are emitting.

Don't ask, that time-space teleportation array, sure enough, is here.

Then, Lin Fei continued to perceive, soon.

A space-time teleportation array appeared in Lin Fei's perception.

Sure enough, this is a large cross-border space-time teleportation array.

"Very well, with this teleportation array, I can go to the knife world at any time.

Hehe, the account of the sword world invading the sword world should be settled with them. "

Lin Fei looked at the space-time teleportation formation and laughed.

"The order is handed down, and be prepared. Our sword world army is ready to go to the knife world and conquer the knife world!"

Lin Fei turned his head, looked at the creatures in the sword world behind him, and said loudly.

After listening to Lin Fei's words.

All people are extremely shocked.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence.

The army of the sword world has always invaded the sword world.

The power of the sword world is deeply rooted in the sword world.

In the sword world, all the creatures, never, no one, have thought that one day, the army of the sword world will conquer the sword world.

That is simply an amazing idea.

"This guy is too overbearing! He wants to lead people to conquer our knife world! It's just looking for death!"

"Great, let him go! At that time, he will know the strength of our sword world."

"It's better for him to go! After the Dao Pao Ancestor kills him, we will be saved!"

...The dozen or so master gods of the sword world, after listening to Lin Fei's words, they all communicated with each other.

"Lin Shaoxia, the overall strength of the sword world is much stronger than our sword world.

Moreover, it is said that the ancestor of the sword tyrant has terrible strength.

I'm afraid, our sword world is not an opponent of the sword world. "

The head of a certain sword world sect said to Lin Fei cautiously.


Are you sure, now, the overall strength of the sword world is really stronger than our sword world?

Could it be that there are three hundred main gods in the sword world? "

Lin Fei smiled faintly and said.

After listening to Lin Fei's words, all the creatures in the sword world reacted immediately, looking at Lin Fei's back, standing, the more than three hundred reincarnation slaves!

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