Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4190: Enter the inside of the sword


Lin Fei felt that his sword skills had reached a fairly high level.

It is estimated that any main **** in the sword world is even more powerful! "It's over, it's over.

All the energy of the knife that I have accumulated over the years was swallowed by this guy. "

At this time, in the sword world, deep in the void, the ancestor of the sword tyrant was completely desperate, muttering to himself.

He knew that he was already powerless.

Next, Lin Fei continued to devour the remaining knife shadows in the knife temple.

About half a year passed.

at last.

In the knife world, all the knife temples were swallowed by Lin Fei.

Boom... Several golden dragons hovered around Lin Fei, roaring constantly, extremely mighty.

Lin Fei turned his head, looked in the direction of the Daoba ancestor, and jokingly smiled.

Then, Lin Fei took a step and walked over.

Boom...Every time Lin Fei took a step, the time and space of the knife world trembled violently. Now, Lin Fei felt that he and the time and space of the knife world were in a high degree of fit, and the various knife laws were from Lin Fei's body. , Released, faintly, in control of everything.

"Who is he?"

"How can you have such a terrible level of sword skills!"

"How do I feel that the level of this young man's sword skills is only stronger than that of the ancestor of the sword fighter?"

... Lin Fei walked in the time and space of the knife world, attracting the attention of the knife world masters.

"and many more?

... How do I feel that this young man seems to be the leader of the sword world! Last time, he was the one who broke the sword formations of our sword world army! "

"How could it be like this, how could the leader of the sword world have such a high level of sword skills!"

"The main **** of our sword world, I am afraid that he can't be compared with him!"

... Countless masters in the knife world were amazed.

After a while.

Lin Fei came to the chaotic void where the sword was, Lin Fei walked directly into the depths of the void.

"Now, Patriarch, what else do you have to say."

Lin Fei looked at the sword and smiled faintly.


Lin Fei's divine consciousness, as well as the law of swordsmanship, were released and extended towards the sword.

Because Lin Fei's divine consciousness is accompanied by clever sword-dao laws, so this time, that sword does not reject Lin Fei's divine consciousness.

Finally, Lin Fei's divine consciousness entered the sword.

"Boy, count you cruel!"

In the battle knife, there is a chaotic void, a middle-aged man braving flames all over, looking very embarrassed, looking at Lin Fei with spiteful, frightened, but helpless eyes.

Obviously, this is the ancestor of Daoba! "Unexpectedly, a dignified chaos god, unexpectedly, fell to the situation it is today."

Lin Fei's divine consciousness, transformed into a human form, was the same as his body, standing in front of the ancestor Blademaster, staring at him coldly.

"Huh, kid, don't be proud.

I am just a chaotic god, leaving behind a mark of the soul.

If I were a clone left by the Chaos God, it would be impossible to deal with it with you. "

Dao Pa ancestor said.

"Could it be that you are the spirit of this sword?"

Lin Fei's divine consciousness entered the sword, and after feeling the whole sword for a while, suddenly he had a new discovery and asked.

"Not bad.

In fact, I am the war spirit of this sword.

Back then, my body had carved a mark of the soul on the inside of this sword, and that was me, used to control this sword.

Later, this sword was lost here. Slowly, my energy began to drain and became weaker and weaker.

Later, I thought of a way to build a large number of sword temples everywhere in this supreme world to supplement my energy. "

Dao Pa ancestor said.

"So that's the case.

The so-called ancestor of the sword tyrant is just the spirit of a sword! "

Lin Fei suddenly realized.

"So, why is your formation level so high?

You are just a mark of the soul, logically, it is impossible to master such a high level of formation. "

Lin Fei asked suddenly.

"That's because my body has previously killed a Chaos God called the ancestor of the formation.

Has been able to inherit all the formations of that Chaos God.

Later, in order to strengthen the power of this sword, my master inherited a part of the formation and engraved it into the sword. Once the battle started, it was cut out, and various formations were immediately formed.

I am the sword spirit of the sword, so I naturally master this part of the formation inheritance. "

Dao Pa ancestor said listlessly.

He knew that now, he was powerless to resist.

In terms of the level of knife skills, Lin Fei was only stronger than him.

When it comes to divine consciousness, Lin Fei is also better than him.

His strongest formation level has also been confirmed, it is useless for Lin Fei, and Lin Fei has broken the formation many times.

So, by now, he had no hole cards in front of Lin Fei.

"So, what should I do with you.

The famous Dao Ba ancestor. "

Lin Fei stared at the ancestor of the sword tyrant, and said with a sneer.

"Boy, what do you want."

Looking at Lin Fei's unkind gaze, the Dao Ba ancestor angered.

Although he was just an incomplete imprint of the soul, but no matter what, he was also left by a chaotic god, and his self-esteem was strong.

"This is a magic weapon.

Standing in front of my eyes is the spirit of this magic weapon.

My best choice seems to be to refine him and take him as a slave. Once the ancestor of the sword tyrant is conquered, in the future, this sword will belong to me! "

Lin Fei felt a little excited.

A magic weapon left by the Chaos God is simply invaluable.

Lin Fei's current level of swordsmanship is already very good. If he can get this sword, then Lin Fei believes that his combat power on the swordsmanship will definitely double! "Okay, take this Dao Pao ancestor into a slave!"

Lin Fei made up his mind, rushed to the ancestor of the sword tyrant, and smiled softly.

"Boy, don't mess around!"

The ancestor of Blademaster was a bit creepy and couldn't help shouting angrily.

However, his voice just fell.

Shoo...a bunch of red silk threads, all over the sky, from Lin Fei's sea of ​​knowledge, rushed out, smashed, and drowned towards the ancestor of the sword tyrant.

It was like a big red rainstorm came down! "Boy, dare you!"

Dao Pa ancestor roared.

Sw swah...a thick blade of light, a steady stream, slashed out of his body.

"Hey, in front of me, you are not worthy of showing off swordsmanship."

Lin Fei smiled coldly, stretched out his palm and slashed gently.

Boom boom boom...The thicker sword beams continued to kill the blade ancestors. In an instant, all the sword beams displayed by the blade ancestors were all killed, and there was nothing left!

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