Valkyrie Sovereign

Chapter 4197: Still dissatisfied

"how is this possible!"

The main **** of the Yanlong Realm was extremely frightened by such a result. You must know that he is a main god, and he can't be hit even if he stands still at such a close distance.

"The kid is weird!"

"It's possible that he has powerful laws of time and space!"

...The main gods of the Yanlong Realm were also staring at Lin Fei in disbelief.

"Boy, I don't believe it, I can't hit you!"

The Lord God roared and rushed over again, the double halberd in his hand, like two thunderbolts, bombarded Lin Fei.

Rumble... The two double halberds, constantly zooming in, are like two sacred mountains, rolling in mighty and mighty.

At this moment, the main **** of the Flame Dragon Realm was doing his best, terrifying divine power, shaking this chaotic void.

Lin Fei smiled faintly, without fear, still standing still.

You must know that at the beginning, the time and space formations laid down by the ancestors of Daoba could not even be cracked by himself.

Now, the level of his formation is only stronger than that of the Dao Tyrant ancestor. With the strength of the Lord God of the Flame Dragon Realm, how could it be possible to break it.

Boom...Two huge and incomparable war halberds passed across the sky, beating this piece of time and space into an explosion.

It's just that, in the end, the two halberds were still rubbing Lin Fei's side, and even the corner of Lin Fei's clothes didn't touch half of it.

"Ah! How could this happen! This is an illusion, this is not true!"

The main god, holding two halberds, stood there blankly, a little lost and muttered to himself.

At this moment, the other Lord Gods of the Flame Dragon Realm looked at Lin Fei, no longer contemptuously.

In exchange, it is solemn and jealous.

No matter how stupid they were, they knew that this step in front of them with only half the strength of the main **** was by no means simple.

"How about it, can't you fight?

Let's go together. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly with his hands on his back.

"Okay, let's go together.

I don't believe that this kid can escape the attacks of all of us! "

The other main gods of the Flame Dragon God yelled one by one, releasing their own spiritual power one after another, rushing to surround Lin Fei.

"With so many people, I have to arrange a few more time-space formations."

Lin Fei's heart secretly said.

So Lin Fei waved his hands.

The time and space around him kept rippling.

In the blink of an eye, one space-time array after another was constantly being laid out, surrounding Lin Fei.

At Lin Fei's current level of formation, he was able to form an array at will, and even formed a formation within a single thought. by one time and space formations, surrounded Lin Fei, protecting Lin Fei in the middle.

At this moment, Lin Fei's figure became blurred.

"It really is the law of time and space!"

At this time, the main gods of the Yanlong Realm finally felt that the rich laws of time and space rippled around Lin Fei's body.

"Go on, everyone will use their own laws of time and space together to suppress him, so that you can crack his laws of time and space."

"Yes, I don't believe it. The laws of time and space for so many of us can't deal with him alone."

"Go, let's go together!"

...The main gods of the Flame Dragon Realm yelled one by one, or took out magic weapons, or performed various lore, bombarded Lin Fei.

Rumble... Around Lin Fei's body, a large space-time array began to circulate, the profound space-time array, constantly shifting the energy of those main gods' attacks.

At the same time, these time and space formations protected Lin Fei's body in the depths of time and space.

No one attack could hit Lin Fei's body.

All the attacks were passing by Lin Fei's body.

Dozens of main gods surrounded Lin Fei's side and attacked Lin Fei desperately.

However, no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to hit Lin Fei's body.

This scene stunned all the creatures.

"Unexpectedly, Master Lin Fei's strength is terrifying."

A master **** of the sword world sighed.

"Haha, do you know now?

Otherwise, how could the ancestor of the sword tyrant hand over the rule of the sword world to Master Lin Fei. "

"Of course, Daoba Patriarch's vision is much stronger than ours."

...The main gods of the knife world are talking about.


"Don't have any reservations, please fight with all your strength!"

...The main gods of the Flame Dragon Realm attacked with all their strength, shouting to kill, which was deafening, but without any effect, their attacks were simply impossible, and Lin Fei could be touched.

Lin Fei had been standing still with his hands on his back.

It seems very leisurely.

The armies on both sides were dumbfounded.

"Master Lin Fei is mighty, Master Lin Fei is mighty..." Suddenly, the army of the knife world burst out with a violent roar, countless knife repairs, desperately shouting, excited to the extreme, proud to the extreme.

at last.

After half an hour.

The main gods of the Flame Dragon Realm stopped one by one and stopped attacking Lin Fei.

They understood that if they continued to attack, they would definitely not be able to hit Lin Fei.

"How about it, don't you fight?"

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"Since you are not fighting, then it is time to honor your promise.

Surrender to me. "

Lin Fei glanced at the sword master gods and said.

"I'm not convinced! You are just a little stronger in the cultivation of the law of time and space.

If you are capable, don't use the law of time and space, and fight with me in an open and honest fight.

Let us see your true strength.

If you can convince us with your true strength, then I can surrender you. "

A main **** of the Yanlong Realm yelled.

"Not bad.

Boy, I admit, your laws of time and space are indeed very powerful.

However, your greatest ability may be avoidance.

Your true combat power, perhaps, is not worth mentioning. "

"Boy, if you have the ability, just really fight us.

See if we convince you! "

... the other Lord Gods of the Flame Dragon Realm also yelled one after another.


Want to see my real combat power?

Well, I promise you. "

Lin Fei smiled faintly.

"Hehe, these guys really want to fight with Master Lin Fei."

The master gods of the sword world laughed one by one, showing a gloating expression.

These sword master gods knew how terrifying Lin Fei's combat power was.

"Come up, you best, come up together.

I will not hide anymore. "

Lin Fei said.

"Haha, kid, you overestimate yourself too much.

As long as you don't hide, myself, enough to defeat you! "

A main **** of the Yanlong Realm, laughing, stepped forward.

"Stop talking nonsense, do it."

Lin Fei said lightly.

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